"Nothing gets nerfed, only buffs since release"

Technically there is a cap, but since you aren’t reaching it it might aswell not be there. It’s not that hard of a concept to grasp. It was never there to serve as a wall, but it is now, for groups, 16 seasons later. Because they haven’t bother to work around the technical limitations of the current system.

Which is why focusing on this cap is stupid.

I can imagine they felt the same accomplishment as anyone that placed 1st on the leaderboards in any given season/era. If they felt anything extra beyond that it’s because they’re delusional as their achievement is not greater than any other rank 1 clear.

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Exactly, it is now.

How so? As mentioned, we’re hitting higher and higher GR lvls solo. Before it was unobtainable, but now, we’re fairly close.

I don’t know man, I give them props for doing it and many have gone on to emulate what they’ve done to hit the cap.

I’m also not the only one here. I’ve seen many in 4 player grps seeking to hit that 150 cap if they haven’t done so already.

And why do you fear seeing solo builds hitting GR 150?


Earth to your brain. The wall is for groups, not for solo. The REASONS behind the wall being there are important. Wake up.

Nerfs are inc soon in the next patch, brace yourself for some tears.
I mean the game is like 5 years old? If you played this game from the start with GR 150 in mind then wtf? If you didn’t and only just recently started playing because we’re getting closer then it’s even more crazy.

There is no difference to the gameplay (to progression rather) for 99% of the playerbase if the cap is 150, 190 or 30000. It is merely there due to technical limititations. You choosing to be obtuse and call it the max difficulty is your problem. But it has never served as a max difficulty for solo players in the 5 years this game has existed, and only recently it does for groups. To call it a cap from a design perspective is disingenuous. It’s like calling paragonlevels capped because it used to be 10k, but as soon as someone got fairly close it got raised, as such, there is a technical cap (I think currently 20k?), but in practise there is none.

I don’t fear a cap. I’d like it if 150, or 100, or whatever number was set as a bar and then they tried to balance around it. I’m just not blind to the original design behind GRs.

Earth to your brain. That cap didn’t even use to be for groups either. INFINITE scaling means infinite, for both solo and groups. I’m also going to go out on a limb here and say if we had this discussion 2 years ago, you would argue the same for groups. That it would be stupid for even a grp player to aim for GR 150.

As I said, it would be nice to hit GR 150. No one is going to cry over a game. If nerfs happen and it no longer becomes fun, it’s time to do something else.

Am I right?

Technical limitations or not, there is currently a cap. GR and most gem levels are capped at 150.

You seem pretty scared from all the debating and name calling go around here.

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Well if only I could explain it in my native language, then maybe it would be easier to communicate. Then you wouldn’t reply with

Yes technically there is a cap. No it hasn’t really served as an actual cap up until very recently for a select few group of players. To call it “max” difficulty and have it as a goal, as the solo players you seem to be, seems very weird to me. I guess we just disagree on this one.

Since I have pointed out how little I actually care about being close to a cap, or which GR number I clear, this makes little sense. Or maybe this is one of those amazing “hurr if you didn’t care you wouldn’t reply” type of arguements.

Common sense would be allowing all classes to eventually hit GR 150 with at least META builds, so they could FINALY balance all sets and legendaries. Right now we have a huge :poop:storm with one class leaving the rest behind and of course people too blind too see that nerfs won’t change anything and just make things worse can’t wait for them

Even if devs destroy the Archon, chantodo build, cause this is how nerfs work when devs try to balance a set by nerfing it won’t change anything. Blizz will make some other Wizard set or other class OP and than you’ll whine to nerf this build too. I guess current history with all the nerfs too Wizard didn’t teach you (all who ask for nerfs) anything.

Instead of taking some time to get all the rest of underperforming sets and legendaries to be at least at 5 GR levels range you just want devs to destroy the already 3rd “OP” Wizard build, because you say so and it’s faster or easier and takes less time

Nerfing won’t fix anything, just create more problems, but yeah keep telling yourself it will

If you want more legit players to stop playing D3 than sure nerf everything to the ground.

I guess that’s not a bad idea, since less players means less server overload or any other explanation that suits you

Oh and of course less players means highier chance of getting on the leaderboards too :roll_eyes:

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many like and play this great arcade blaster.
-as many don’t care how good they are compared to others.

only the first line is from Gasnick.

only the first line is from Alecta.

he isn’t begging, just stating a fact.

for me, giving the endgame T10 back is enough.

powercreep is the way to keep many players hooked.
-competition is more important than difficulty or immersion fun.

i stay at T13 or T15, but i level my gems to 86-90 with my only character that can do it.
-that’s even why i can reach T13 or T15 with some other characters.

i agree

the current powercreep method has reached it’s limit, that’s all; will be solved

speedrunning is the bane of teamplay, except for some dedicated Leaderboard Occupants.

English is also not my first language but I find you pretty articulate in it. However, it’s the name calling and belittling that gets in away of a good a discussion.

I’ve been saying this a number of times. I don’t see a right or wrong answer to this. We each have our goal and how you decide to enjoy/play the game is up to you. I’m pretty sure that if either one of us stop enjoying the game, we simply move on to something else.

And yes, D3 is not my only game. I tend to play games like Counter Strike and Heroes of the Storm for PvP since the playing field is more fair than say the D3 “leaderboards”.

I just came back to D3 when they released primals. I prefer to have end game goals when it comes to RPG type games and primals made it difficult, yet possible to actually gear out a character with end game stats. Again, this may not be a goal of yours and I’m cool with that. Just different perspectives again.

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When your game is in maintenance mode and you want to sacrifice your dedicated players to prolong the play of the more casual, power creep is an easy way to achieve this for some limited time - until the casuals realize the absurdity of power creep or you finally hit the technical cap.

Power creep is bad in all other situations when your developer team knows what it’s doing and cares for the game it’s doing it.

It’s good you finally understood this. Took 170 posts for that.

although what scares me about the blog post that mentioned a potential to new sets/legendaries. is that they are going to have to be super buffed to be in line with something like vyr’s todo’s cold build. (btw archon is my favorite builds in the game. I really loved it when manald lightning was OP, and the current version is also super fun for me to solo farm with)

but a new set coming in that will have to have the potential in power to do 140+ solo in the hands of top tier playerbase. scares me a little bit.

but maybe we can finally get a nerf to star pack because 150’s are speed ran by top NS clans and there is no way to compete anywhere near that with any other group build in the game. I wouldn’t mind seeing a season where top pushing groups didn’t use a wizard for a little bit. or a necro for that matter.

This is literally the first I’ve ever become aware of this. I don’t think I will remember it tomorrow.

I understood this from the beginning. I did say there is no right or wrong answer to this. It was just my personal meaning for GR 150 and I stated that from the get go. And I don’t think it took 170 posts to get there, remember, I jumped into the middle of this conversation. :slight_smile:

Perhaps, but I’m sure many who were here around the time inferno was released will remember. Pretty big deal back then.

Same with Alkaizer and his runs. Think he just had major paragon levels for his time.


The dude is in the wiki.

And Kripp is reference on wikipedia

" Kripparrian is notable for completing the *[Diablo III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo_III)* video game at "Inferno" difficulty (the highest in the game at that time) with his friend Krippi, just over a month after it was launched. The achievement was done before patch 1.0.3, which made the game easier, and both players used "Hardcore" characters in the feat, which are lost forever when the characters are killed in the game.[[3]]"

and some article on him on the achievement


Albeit I know it could have just been him who posted it on wikipedia /shrug

I wouldn’t call it big, since Kripp group started way later than others and managed to get first, so the competition was pretty bad. That WoW guy, Athene or whatever, and his group couldn’t beat some A4 boss (with some shadow minions, going invisible) and hang there much time while I soloed this same boss with a mechanic they totally missed.

My point is there wasn’t much competition then although it still remains an achievement, but nothing close to some notable top rank clears in D3 in terms of skill.

Again, my opinion. Started way later than others? Wasn’t he one of the first to play Diablo 3? If you are correct, and he actually started playing later and achieve what no one else was able to do before him, doesn’t it make it even that much bigger? Basically, him and his buddy did it faster for something that no one was even able to do?

As far as notable top rank D3? Again, my opinion and I would disagree again. Most GR top clears are botted or and done with the help of add on like TurboHud and or macros. I feel bad for people who did it legit but most top clears are going to be associated with botting.

When Kripp did it, there was no paragon levels though I admit, there was the auction house and trading. But even then, it would take skill for someone to reach Diablo in HC mode and still bring him down.

If you google this guy and D3 you’ll see several articles/mentions of him. Compare that to the notable top rank clears on your mind.

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He did not start way later than others, he started way before.

He explained after beating it that he and his friends had been renting time in the beta (before the open beta
) with D2JSP forum gold, and they used that time to study how the game worked, and to practice killing the skeleton king with little or no items to simulate harder content.

Not on HC. If I remember correctly he first started SC and 6-7 days later went HC.

It would, if the competition was proper, however it was not. Progression was gated by gear and they simply “catch up” those ahead who were low skill big family 24/7 players.

Yes, but far less skill than some notable D3 clears from players like wudijo and Blatty for example. I am not saying Kripp wouldn’t have reached their level of play if he had decided to do so (we don’t know that), just that first Diablo HC kill didn’t required that much skill since Diablo as a boss has lame mechanics.

No that is not correct. They played both game modes simultaneously using SC mode as a test environment for their progress in HC, however his ultimate goal, if we can believe what he has said himself, was beating Inferno Diablo in HC mode. Piddling around in SC mode being a part of that
and that goal began months before the game was even released, when him and his buddies were practicing in beta from huge disadvantages, and writing down all the information about the unreleased game as they could calculate beforehand.

He did not just roll over after 6 days and say “well
I guess I’ll try and be the first person on earth to finish this game

I’m not sure any competition in D3 can be considered as proper given so much RNG. But still not understanding your argument about how it was not proper given that he started late.

In my opinion, progression was gated by gear and skill back in inferno. Not sure what this means,

You saying they were playing catch up to low skill players who played 24/7? So no one had skill until he came along?

I’ve stated he had access to trading and the AH just as everyone in game had. And you saying there was lack of competition, what lack of? I would argue, competition was at its peak because the game sold millions right? Even if he had played late, inferno was not nerfed so him and his buddy still achieved what no one else had, even if he had come in late.

It’s like if you played seasons for 3 months and struggled and grinded and hit GR 120. Then someone comes in during the last week and hits GR 121.

Isn’t even more impressive for someone to come in late and still be able to beat those who have been playing it much longer?

Nothing to really debate here. I’m still more impressed by the knowledge and skill by a player who beat D3 Vanilla inferno difficulty than a higher clear in GR, because after all, GR is just a number right?

But I respect your opinion and you are more impressed by GR runners. Nothing wrong with that.

I’m not sure if Wudijo and Blatty did it on HC but man in HC there is no room for mistakes and inferno Vanilla was no joke. In softcore GR runs, you can fish and fish and just post up your best runs. Again, not saying that’s what wudijo and Blatty did, since I don’t follow them.

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HC with trading is not that hardcore when your group has the support of fans and you can easily re-roll a char.

No one from that WoW group, yes. They simply were 24/7 online.

No, it’s like everyone receives a billion main stat at last week. Starting mid Season then won’t make your achievement bigger.

Ok, good for you, but phishing for thousands of GRs and then clearing the one that’s possible the way players like wudijo did in the past involves a lot more skill than Kripp group beating Inferno on HC.

It was an easy fight:

If beating Diablo on inferno was sooo easy than why didn’t everyone do it? :roll_eyes: