it has been confirmed by blizzard that sing single player u can spawn dclone by selling 1 soj.
while not ideal… thats fine i guess.
the issues arises that you simply ported over the existing 80-120 per sever. to spawn him on realm.
now i went over all the issues with this in this thread here
but now thats its confirmed thats it unchanged… let go over the BIGGEST issues.
the original system was put in place to removed duped SOJ’s from the economy, in terms of fulfilling that propose it was a great design… it DID get rid all the duped sojs.
the issue arose that… once they were all gone… it PROMOTED duping. -
if the servers keep the same type of setup as the original game… and you are thrown on a random one… it would take a group of people get a walk together.
back before duped sojs ran out around 2010 this was done on dclone irc (internet relay chat) think of it similar to a “discord” text chat but without pictures or voice.
runs were done by getting a group of people together and them all buying some SOJ’s (on jsp) on nonladder, we would then give them all to one person, who would make a non-ladder game. the ip he landed on (which he could check would be told to the people who donated the sojs, and once everyone landed on it with as many CD keys as they had, we made the IP public in the IRC so everyone else had a chance to get in, and an hour after it was made public… we walked the server)
now if the server still work this way… then we have 2 issues.
the first is… we cant see the ip… anymore…
even if we manged to get 120 sojs as a group… no one would be able to ensure we all landed on the same ip… we would never be able to ensure we even got an anni for the sojs.
it would be impossible to get a walk together without a way to view what IP we are on
and 2nd the reason the dclone irc died around 2010-2011? was because after all the duped sojs were sold and the common duping methods patched… the price of sojs went up.
eventually the price of the amount of NL sojs you needed to buy was more than an the anni you would get… this means unless u had 2 cd keys you could not participate unless u wanted a “net loss” of in-game currency. now for a while we are able to just get more people to donate… but eventually it just because too much.
and people who did not own multiple cd keys could not afford to take place.
as the duped sojs dwindled even lower… those with 2 cd keys could not afford.
meanwhile because less and less walks are happening and people cant participate anymore people leave the server… this made it even harder and harder to find people… and because they are already so expensive we needed a larger and larger group of people to get a walk going… meanwhile we have less and less people.
eventually the place just became a ghost town… and no more walks were doable.
all the walks in the past 10 or 20 years? they are all done by botters and sell sites… and on very rare occations at the start of new ladders… rich jsp users.
the community itself… it died.
why? because the duped sojs were gone because the event succeeded in its purpose to remove them.
and on top of that… out of all the items to dupe? sojs was near worthless so those who could still dupe them chose to do other items… like hr’s which could be easily made perm simply by making a RW with them
and now… with a fresh game… ZERO sojs… the system is unchanged
how the hell is he going to spawn?
you cant see the ip… you cant get a group together… even if you DID becuase no one can afford 80-120 REAL sojs,
and since botting should HOPEFULLY be addressed.
its going to be completely impossible for him to ever spawn…
so whats the the other option
- if the server are all the same… then yes he WILL spawn… it means you can get a group together and becuase you will always be on the same ip its even easier to get this group…
this would make it fairly easy to spawn him… so great whats the issue?
well the issue here isnt with the game… its with the network.
if you all have the same ip… then whenever he walks … he walks in EVERY hell game in existence.
which poses two VERY bad problems
thew first of which is…
what happens when people see sojs starting to sell and they are in a public game?
well if its was me… i would leave that game… get ona hell character… and make a new private game… so can get my anni… this is because he now spawns in EVERY game.
so… you just told EVERY SINGLE PLAYER ONLINE to “leave thier game…” and “make a new game”
i shouldnt need to tell you servers arnt designed to handle this… but if i do need to tell you… then here:
for the same reason the telephone system gets overloaded during an emergency because everyone wants to call thier loved ones… the server will getb overloaded.
because any any one time… very few people are actively making new games, and the game creation servers only need to be able to handle a fraction of the people at any one time.
if u tell EVERYONE to make a game all at once…
then u effectively DDOS the servers. you get a "midnight launch day senario, except it’s every time a single soj is sold.
and you need those up ALL THE TIME.
becuase what else did u just do?
you told EVERY PLAYER that " at any time any hell game im in can walk"
so EVERY PLAYER is going just open up a hell game and just afk in there when they arn’t playing… just so they get an anni when it happens to walk…
this means blizzard now has to pay for servers and electricity to keep nearly EVERY PLAYER online 24/7.
which is a HUGE expense, WAY more than it would otherwise be.
so regardless of how the servers are set up, it it works the old way, if u can see the ip or not. or if they are all the same server. NOT CHANGING DCLONE BREAKS THE GAME.
either because he cant be spawned at all, or because blizzard is going to spend 5x as much money paying for the servers because people are doing to make all their games at once and keep thier games open 24/7.
the solution is OBVOIUS…
CHANGE how he spawns…
blizzard made bosses to farm for both keys and essences… and they did both of those in a PATCH… I’m sure the have the resources to do that when they are doing a REMASTER.
and its doesn’t need to be complex…
personally i would liek ti to be a fight u can do frequently becuase i love doing the fight…
we dont “need” him to drop the anni every time.
and yeah i hear you people like the “theme” of sojs…
ok well make we can gather peices of a faux (fake) soj and cube them together and sell that.
or better yet… lets make it interesting… lets smash that at the hellforge
there are tons of ways u can do this to make it interesting and thats what the original thread i made was about
i do care about anni’s, because i think they resists are important.
but what i really love is the fight… and i was so happy when they announced you could do it i single player… i was absolute devastated when u revealed you are trying to port this broken system to d2:R this NEEDS to be fixed.