… except they explicitly said it would be in a sticky…
i don’t blame the messenger but someone at blizzard screwed up.
and yesd he did EDIT the post after… but “changing the number” doesn’t really fix anything if u
can’t see the IP
… except they explicitly said it would be in a sticky…
i don’t blame the messenger but someone at blizzard screwed up.
and yesd he did EDIT the post after… but “changing the number” doesn’t really fix anything if u
can’t see the IP
You know what I meant, moving forward past launch… I know they already said its staying the same, but we know thats not realistic without IP ganging. So I am with you on your gripe, but I just have a feeling its not going to be left as they have said.
Would it help if they reduced the number to something around 10 - 20, so people would have to risk 1 soj at most and hope they were in the right game? If they miss this one, hopefully they get the next one.
How does that sound? I’ll admit I don’t have a fraction of the experience you have dealing with this, I’m just curious, I’d find it acceptable for it to be a rare but not too rare chance to fight him.
Just ask yourself if you will be selling that legitimately found SoJ just so you can have a small chance D-Clone will spawn in your game. How many SoJ’s would you need to find before you start dumping them to a vendor instead of selling them to other players?
I think the write up in the OP was great and every dev working on D2R should make sure they know how this actually worked.
What stuck out to me was mentioned in a diff thread. Torches will be more common than Ani if this mechanic stays the same. The only other option is they aren’t going to fix duping and we can easily just dupe up enough to flood sell SoJ’s and make the Clone spawn constantly.
changes are they would have next to no impact.
to get a walk together we usually had between 5-15 people donate the duped NL sojs,
we gave them all to one person and he made a nl game.
he then told everyone the IP and we would all search for ladder games on that ip, ( this normally took between 30-1:30 min for all runners to land on the correct ip… then we usally made the ip “public” to the rest of the community for those did who didnt donate the sojs (this helps grow the community ) and they got usally between ahalf hour to an hour to hopefully land on that ip… after that time is up… we walked it.
now if its say 10-20 sojs.
it would make it easier to get them, but the people dontaing them still have no better chance at getting the anni ( or fight) than any random public player.
soo why would anyone donate THEIR legit soj? when it gets them absolutely nothing.
unless a player can GET something for the soj… they arn’t going to give it… and they cant be guaranteed ANYTHING unless they know what IP is going to walk, and have a way to land on that that ip.
THAT’S what we dont have.
but even haved 120 dupsed sojs wont do anything unless thier so badly duped you can buy them ALL yourself. and just do a solo walk.
which WAS done on rare occasions, but generally it was done by the IRC admins ( the who who we gave the sojs to who did the selling) because the irc had “leftover” sojs because it rolled like 80-90 sojs the last few times in a row and we just had enough saved up for a full walk full walk after X many runs having leftovers
Well that does sound like a s**t show. How many IPs are there? I think I read over 100? So are you saying someone that sells a SoJ has something like a 1 in 100 chance to be in the correct game?
Leonidas guy: This is madness
it depended on the realm… US west and east ans asia all had different amount… and they shut some down.
i think it was around 20-50 per realm, idk off the top of my head and i dont have the list anymore,
sometimes servers were turned on and off it wasn’t always a constant number.
whats its going to be on d2:R? i have no idea we have no idea how the the IP will be set up… all we know is becuase how bnet 2.0 is set up… we cant use… err command prompt >.>… to see which one we land on.
“no third party program to check ip here… we all definitely used command promt method…” totally…
So basically you’re upset now because you can’t see which ip it is, and therefore can’t hog all the Dclones?
If soj are being sold in your game you know you are on the ip. Selling a soj would indeed help the Dclone spawn so I’m not sure I understand unless again you just want to be able to get as many Dclones as you can in an unfair advantage to the players who actualy play the game the way it was designed.
I would much rather nobody knew when a Dclone will spawn unless you saw the soj being sold in your hell game, and then you could choose to sell your soj to help the count or sit there and hope other people sell theirs. People do want annis even if you don’t and I bet people will be willing to sell their soj for a chance at Dclone.
Ok I understand now why people used tools to find the IP address (it sounded a lot like an exploit to me before but now it’s more understandable), so 75 - 125 definitely sounds crazy.
But only until we find out information on how many “IPs” uber Diablo will spawn into.
What if it was something like 1 in 5 games get the spawn? Do you think its unfair if someone sells a SoJ and has to scour public hell games for the screen shake? I think it could be fun if people started frantically trying to find the right spawn games and seeing 8 player Uber Diablo fights.
I think maybe the 2021 version of Uber Diablo might be meant more as a public fight rather than what players in the last 10 years (with low server population) were used to. I don’t know if its possible to see 1 v 1’s anymore. I think it will end up being sell your soj, if you don’t get the spawn, go find a public game that did.
What are your thoughts?
each IP has its own soj count
this was shared between ladder and non-ladder game…
when an ip had ( i guess its now 75 and not 80?) -120 sojs.
dclone walked in ALL hell games in that IP, ladder, nonladder, hardcore ladder softcore ladder, ALL open games on hell difficulty on ip walked.
( technically in 1.10 he also walked on norm and nm but didnt drop anni in those, but that was patched out relatively quickly)
as for how we landed on the ip? we just made games… over and over… we made a game… we checked the ip… then we made another… however due to botting protection we could only makes games so fast without getting realm down so trying to land on the correct one was very time consuming. we had no way to control which ip we landed on.
as for how many IP’s bnet 2.0 will have?? unless it just “happens” to be the “one” senario. or blizzard just flat out tells us, i don’t think we will ever know…
as we can only ping the external server now, which always show us the same ip, ( this is a MUCH more secure networking practice, so its highly unlikely blizzard would allow the old incredibly insecure method (relatively speaking) which allowed us to see the ip’s of individual game servers)
I know you like the fight, but I want my Dclone to have a 100% drop rate when he does spawn.
That is 100% non-negotiable for me to enjoy it as much as oldschool D2. Fighting Dclone is fun and exciting only for one reason, and that reason is that Anni is going to drop when you drop him.
i mean i fial to see how it happens if the excitement is is when he pops into the game or when he drops or the annis but to each thier own.
there is a crazy amount of excitement when a HR or something like a tyreals drop , and your sitting there scared to ID it in fear u might get a templar’s
im not debating here how often annis should be spawnable… i trying to make it so dclone can be spawned in the first place
He can and will spawn in the same manner as he did before.
what is… WHAT exactly??
please inform me how you think he spawned… who do YOU think is selling these “sojs”?
As i told you in may other threads, world event is supposed to be a rare event, you wont be able to do it 8 times a day unless the game is broken again. You will have to live with doing it a couple times per ladder.
Annihilus is one of the mos op items and it must be expensive and rare. Keeping the old mechanic to make annihilus really hard to get and worthy is the best path they could take.
Me, you, everyone?
I’m more worried if it’s global, maybe he will spawn TOO MUCH. Will it spawn in every hell game? how many games if not?
We just don’t know, I’m not ready to get upset about this yet.
dont change the game go play diablo 3 or pd2
i this rondel explained this pretty well
I agree with most of these points. I wish they’d put the SP method of 1SoJ per Dclone into Bnet.
That being said, I think RNG will sort itself out, there will be many thousands of SoJs sold during the first ladder season, they just need to have a good spawn rate.