Non-seasonal leaderboards 2020-1 era not working for me

EN NonSeason leaderboards 2020-1:

Did a 115 with Barb on Feb 3, which registered.
Did a 125 with Barbfrenzy(10:55), on Feb 4 which DIDN’T register

brasil is bug hahaha

Asia server has problem too.
Sometimes ok, sometimes not, even in same game session.

So, all three regions have problems.

Yes all 3 regions are having problems, it is difficult to establish a standard for the error.

Just ran a GR75 with HC DH on Europe, it registered OK.

Did a 108 with the new barb set, and it didn’t save it. Only kept the 106 that I did. hmmm.

Also, the new barb set needs buffed on defense and on damage imo.

In addition to my first post here, i made 2 testruns with my Condemn Crusader:

Run 1: Made a quick GR 70 in 3 mins: worked fine, registered.
Run 2: Made a GR 100 in ca. 10 mins. Neither registered in Leaderboard, nor the Clan Leaderboard.

So: AFAIK you can claim a first PB, but you can’t improve upon it right now. Faster or higher attempts seem to be ignored currently.


Correction: A faster time within the same GR level DID get registered with by WW Barb.

Further addition: Leaderboard recognized an improvement from 118 to 119 with my WW Barb on my 2nd try . Reaction of leaderboard seems highly erratic.


My DH’s very first run was a GR115, didn’t register. First PB
My Necro’s very first run was a GR100, didn’t register. First PB
My Barb’s first run was a GR120, registered successfully. First PB
My Barb’s second run was a GR125, registered successfully. Second PB
My first 2-man run was a GR94, registered successfully. First PB
My second 2-man run was a GR99, registered successfully. Second PB
My third 2-man run was a GR104, didn’t register. Third PB
My fourth 2-man run was GR109, didn’t register. Fourth PB

I did my first gr70 on hc and i did not register in EU. Hopefully the problem can be solved retroactivley.

Same here did a 123 4 times and no record of it on leader boards or personal record

same here. have had at least ten runs that didn’t update the record. about 1 out of 3 worked properly. very frustrating.

EU Server: Monk Solo GR130, no listing.

That’s what I’ve noticed as well. The good news is the other triggers for completion still seem to work. After clearing GR75 with my Crusader in HC I can now join public games at T16 but it shows my highest completion in the leaderboard at GR72 that I got last night.
Addendum: Ran a GR76 and it registered but that’s after failing to register another GR75 right before it. So it’s consistently inconsistent. :frowning:

So, it’s now 14:00 PST and no response from Blizzard to any of the threads about the leaderboards being broken? Disappointing…

They could say they’ve seen the problem and are working on it.

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Rank 3 hardcore demon hunter clear didn’t save.

realm: EU
all 4 chars (monk, barb, cruz, wd) played last saison + ptr - registered successfully
other chars dont play since 6 month - didn’t register

2 player grift - lvl 99 registered successfully , higher grift didn’t register

Did a solo GR115 on my DH and it got posted to leaderboards (rank 76).
Did a solo GR110 on my Crusader and it didn’t get posted (would have been 346).

Hey all,

Thanks for the reports. We have, indeed, verified this as an active issue and are now undergoing investigation to resolve it as quickly as possible.

As soon as I have an update, I’ll provide more information. Thanks for your patience and your diligence in letting us know!


Thanks Nev!
I too cleared a GR110 solo with the new barb set and did not receive the placement on the current 2020 era board.
This was working yesterday FYI.

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