Exactly thats why his story is untrue as its not possible that he did 90 grs while only reaching paragon 250.
It is entirely possible though, you need to run over 500 grift 14 to reach paragon 250.
Read his story. Tell me its possible xD if u cant see the flaws in the story then gl~
I didn’t say anything like that. This is what I actually said:
So u not farming keys? XD ok good one. Next
And as ppl stated before u claim to do every gr to reach gr12. Im starting to doubt that u even played the game
Where do I say that I don’t farm keys?
And is there some kind of law forbidding people from doing all GR levels if they feel like it?
The excuses u have are so terrible rly. Think about the story u made up and u realize how things doesnt add up at all. Well unless u dont play d3 and cant see the flaw in the argument.
U rly got caught up in your own lies.
I already did. Don’t confuse possible with probable.
Terrible why? You think everyone that plays D3 is in a rush to GR90?
Read his story first. U only see gr → paragon 250. U missing the rest.
Because your story doesnt add up. Out of curiousity how many hours u play each week/day on avrg? And are u playing console?
Also just because u dont play from gr1 it doesnt mean u rush the game. I would love to see your acc. Could u link it?
This was your argument:
which is it. Whether it’s probable is another thing altogether.
So u not reading it. Like always~ cant say im surprised consider its u xD back to mute.
I am, but clearly math is not your friend.
One t1 rift gives about 120 million xp. Getting to Paragon 250 is just over 50 billion. There’s zero issues farming 100 keys, run 100 grifts and not reach paragon 250.
Really? Where exactly does my story not add up?
Because clearly it’s possible to do 90 GRs and be only 250 paragon.
And that routine I posted earlier? It’s not even complete. Not only do I do a round of bounties on each torment, I kill all bosses and collect infernal machines.
Whenever I get a bounty to kill a monster in a dungeon, I always fully clear both levels when they have them.
Normal rifts to get GR keys? I don’t exit them right after killing the boss, I fully clear the map too.
You have no idea how much experience you get at low levels.
To quote yourself.
So Kargon likes to get really technical in his discussions, and he is right to say it is possible, but also he said probable and possible are 2 different things. What you have described is not taking it slow, it is like deliberately going out of your way to avoid any progress, you need to not do any season journey, avoid all legendaries that buff your power or not use that power, avoid the cube etc etc to keep playing on that low level for so long. From your post history it does seem you do know your way around in the game, so for me it doesnt seem probable that you went out of your way to avoid any progress, so like your own quote i think you lie to exaggerate.
Its technically possible to do. But according to your story its not. U obv changed your story trying to tell ppl u start gr1. And then u claim u reach gr90 last season which didnt even have sanct items. The story doesnt add up. As u even try to convince ppl u not even make progress but rather going backwards. U clear t1 and doing bounties there and then start at gr1? Cut the crap.
And that is even before taking things u said in other threads into account.
Ofc its not as u make up things when u figure out ppl found out that u lied.
Are u aware how many rifts u would need to do to reach paragon 250? U would need to do way more rifts than 90 to get to paragon 250. According to your story though that doesnt add up~
Oh, explain why I would need to avoid any of these things:
Is it that hard for you to accept that some people play differently?
Where did I change my story?
Not at all but u shouldnt lie. Anyways ignored keep the lies flowing~
If you have played 90 grifts and rifts for keys you would have gotten some gear, if you follow season journey you would have gotten some sets, if you do bounties you would have gotten some gear and you would have used the cube. It is possible that you avoided all this and used all yellow gear, but considering your post history i find that improbable. Probably you tried to make a point by exaggerating and not willing to back down on it by saying it is possible.