No Petrified Screams in non-season. Bug? Bad luck?

You know it’s entirely possible to run low content in high gear? Personally I don’t see the appeal, but if someone else does, go nuts. He never said he was unable to run higher, he said he preferred to go step by step.

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Sure you can go in full set and full support items able to do gr level 90 but choose to do gr level 1. It is possible, but i still suspect a reverse fishermans tale.

Perhaps, but there’s nothing in his statements that can’t be done, so overall seems like a very pointless argument.

you would make an excellent advocate, sure it is possibble he just found that knife drenched in blood of the deceased at 2.00 in the night in a city 200km from his home town because he went sightseeing and got lost, but it isnt very probable tho.

And whether he actually did or not is irrelevant as his argument on a factual basis is correct. You will never be able to prove that he is lying, so what’s the friggin point?

Well also what is the frigging point on defending the guy. To put it simple he was called out on his reverse fishermans tale, got stuck in it and you are defending the possibility of it.

Nothing he said contradicts anything else he said. You’re arguing that he’s lying because reasons. The math backs him up.

I don’t defend him, I’ve argued against the erroneous statements that what he said was impossible, which it’s clearly not.

Well as you know im not saying it is impossible, just improbable because reasons.

And he’ll never be able to convince us he’s telling the truth because people tend to work on probabilities, not possibilities. If I sat you in an aeroplane, handed you a parachute, opened the door, and told you that there was a 99.99% chance that the parachute I just handed you would not open, and asked you to jump out of the plane, would you do so?

The answer’s no because whilst you know it’s technically possible that you got the 0.01% working parachute, it’s probable that you would die due to getting the 99.99% of non-functioning parachutes.

His story’s possible, but it’s not probable, which is why people aren’t believing it.

As I said that’s irrelevant. The base argument is still factually correct.

That’s not the same thing at all though.

Again, does it matter? The base argument is correct whether he actually did it or not.

Where did I lie though? You keep claiming that I changed my story without providing examples, and worse, you keep putting words in my mouth that I never said.

None of this contradicts what I said.

The statement “I might survive jumping out of a plane from 10,000 feet” is also factually correct. The context is impacted by whether you have a working parachute or not.

It’s exactly the same thing.
It shows the difference between possible and probable.

Only if he wants us to believe his story.

No, it’s not. The same would have been “take this parachute and jump out, it’s 99% chance you are fine, I’ve made 10 000 jumps myself”. The latter part is irrelevant for me actually using the parachute given that the initial statement is factually correct, which it is in this case.

The story doesn’t matter, the facts does, and they do support him.

The only reason people don’t consider the story probable is because they can’t even fathom someone not rushing to T16 and GR90 at season start.

I’ve been playing this way since the first time I started doing seasons.

9,999/10,000 players don’t play the way he’s claiming he does.
That’s why, whilst it’s possible he does, it’s not probable he does.

The reason I consider it improbably is that, in many years of playing and posting, you’re literally the only poster I’ve ever seen claiming they play this way, i.e. at such a low level, by choice. You absolutely could be telling the truth. I just don’t believe it.

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There’s no way for me to prove anything.

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I’m aware, I was the one that brought up “probable” in this thread. I’m saying it doesn’t matter whether he did or not, the facts are the facts regardless. It CAN be done, whether he did or not is beside the point for the sake of the argument.

In-game, view Profile > Seasons > Season 27 > Summary

The Nephalem Rifts Completed figure is actually the total of the Nephalem Rifts and Greater Rifts you’ve run in the season. You could post a link to a screenshot of that. As an example, here’s mine after I finished Guardian last night…

I thought people were saying it was unlikely to be done, not that it couldn’t be done.

More than one post in this thread said it couldn’t be done, that aside you took that statement out of the context of my post.

WoW. The fun never ends with you guys :laughing:

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