New set for each class announced: DH set speculation

I started thinking about this last night and came to the same conclusion as OP: the new set should probably focus on stealth and traps. To that end, I thought about what I would want from it and came up with the following:

  • 2p: Smoke Screen gains the effect of the Displacement rune and lasts until you deal or take damage.
  • 4p: Preparation gains the effect of the Punishment rune and detonates your deployed Spike Traps. You gain 60% damage reduction for 30 seconds after using Preparation.
  • 6p: Spike Traps deal 20000% more damage and reduce the cooldown on Preparation by 3 seconds when detonated.

Additionally, the following legendary items are changed:

  • Demon’s Demise: Your Spike Traps deal 300-400% increased damage and damage enemies again 1 second later.
  • Chanon Bolter: Your Spike Traps lure enemies and deal 300-400% increased damage. Enemies can be taunted every 12-16 seconds.
  • Trag’Oul Coils: Your Spike Traps deal 200-300% more damage, gain the Impaling Spines rune, and deploy twice as fast.

This combines to give Spike Traps roughly equivalent damage to Heaven’s Fury using Crusader’s Valor set build. The playstyle would be very different from anything else in the game though.

  • use Smoke Screen to turn invis
  • lay out Spike Traps while invis
  • retreat, Spike Traps lure enemies close
  • mark areas around traps with Marked for Death: Valley of Death
  • drop Caltrops: Bait the Trap
  • activate Preparation to recover discipline and hatred and detonate your Spike Traps

Additionally, I wanted to try and add some new legendary effects to enable zdps support DH builds:

  • Odyssey’s End: Enemies hit by Entangling Shot take 25-50% increased damage from all sources for 6 seconds. This effect’s duration refreshes for all targets whenever you hit with Entangling Shot.
  • Enimei’s Duffel: Bolas explode instantly and drop Caltrops on hit
  • Leonine Bow of Hashir: Bolas pull in all enemies within 24 yards.
  • New Ring: All allies within 50 yards gain the benefit of Shadow Power while it is active.
  • New Amulet: When you hit an enemy you grant all allies within 50 yards a protective shield equal to 80-100% your Life on Hit that lasts 4 seconds. This shielding effect stacks up to a total of 100% your maximum Life. Each time this effect stacks the duration is refreshed.

This is just some random thoughts from someone with very little experience with DH, I hope they spark some ideas in others.

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Hello, that is not close to Aegis if Valor.

AoV has these multipliers:

AoV 2pc: 8x
AoV 6pc: 201x
Fate of the Fell: 6x (and 2 rays)
Shield of Fury: 7x
Braver of Fury: 5x

And Freebies like Ivory Tower, Furnace, Eberli Charo, the ability to go Pig Sticker fast APS or 2h hard hits.

What you suggested is too weak:

Set 6pc: 201x
Demon Demise: 10x
Chanon Bolter: 5x
Trag Coils: 4x

We need to be able to spam skills too. Not sure if those trap cooldown delays choke the system.

Secondly, if this is close ranged play, 60% DR isn’t enough. The set needs 80% DR because the bracer/armor cube is occupied by Trag bracer. The defensive gear config would be similar to S6 Impale which falls short in GR125+ solo. Yes, S4 offers perma 35%, but it also gives insane recovery.

I recommend a stacking mechanic for our next build, our class doesn’t have this other than basic M6 and Wojhanni. We need a blessed shield feeling odometer that influences our damage so it the play feels interesting.

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Yeah, I was not doing it based on multiplier equivalency because spike trap is a 1930% + 6700% (lightning rod rune) skill vs heaven’s fury’s 960%.

Math I used:
Heaven’s Fury: 960 * 8 * 201 * 7 * 6 * 5 = 324,172,800
Spike Trap: (1930 + 6700) * 201 * 10 * 5 * 4 = 346,926,000

As to the DR needed, I expect that it can be less than what is fully required since the set gives you basically at-will invisibility and effective cc through the lure effect. That said, when I built it using the planner it seemed to have plenty of DR given that you could easily use the elusive ring for an extra 60% DR and I left the armor cube slot empty. (so you could use aquilla cuirass or something) The planner showed 84% DR already (60% from ring, 50% from vengeance, 20% from captain crimson) and didn’t account for the proposed 60% in the set. (I used blank rares to placeholder for the new set) That should result in roughly 93.6% DR on its own. 80% DR would bring this to roughly 96.8% DR which is higher than nearly any other class build in the game.

This seems a bit overpowered:

  1. Your pets can deal damage while you sip coffee in your invincibility bubble.
  2. For HC characters, if you’re about to die in ANY situation, just smokescreen and logout (too easy). Combined with Awareness, no one would ever die with this build except for disconnects.
  3. You could trivialize certain bounties (e.g. free the prisoners).
  4. You could farm chests and things that don’t require any combat in T16 right from the start once you have the 2pc set bonus.
  5. You could be powerleveled/carried in any GR without any concern of dying or avoiding damage.
  6. I know no one PVPs anymore but LOL would this be rude in PVP.

These are just a few thoughts but you see that the list could go on.

Invisibility != Invincibility. You would still have to avoid ground effects and stray projectiles.

  1. Enemies would still attack your pets so you would have to actively avoid damage, but I suppose that is possible. You could make it break if pets deal damage too if you want to address this.
  2. This is completely not true. If you Smoke Screen while standing on a poison well it ends immediately and you still die. If you are only thinking about a situation where a HC character is surrounded by a gang of melee mobs then maybe… but so what? Think of it like a build specific active death mitigation tool for that one situation that no real HC player should ever find themselves in.
  3. I had not thought of this one, but you could make those interactions break invisibility to address it.
  4. I don’t see how this one matters much. If someone did this it would accomplish what exactly? They gear up to doing T16 in 1 hour instead of 2? It doesn’t help you get to 70 faster than anyone else because you can’t use the set until 70. If you run chests for loot and never fight, you aren’t gaining paragon or making progress on season’s journey. Honestly, I’m not even sure this would be a net win over just gearing up normally.
  5. Really? This is what you are worried about? You can already do this with literally no gear on at all. It’s called stand at the entrance while someone clears the rift, then teleport to them when they change floors.
  6. PVP? Funny. But even then, literally any AoE attack breaks it. And how many builds exist without one of those? 3? Yeah bad for them I guess.

IMO, unless you fix how spike traps work currently, no set and amount of damage is going to make it a playable build.

Spike traps in it’s current iteration is very clunky, the AoE is terrible, the legendary bracers don’t apply to all aspects of the skill (most likely an oversight or a bug), and it’s mechanics do not mesh well with how the game is currently played. The skill needs a new design or revert back to older designs before attempting to build on it or else we’ll end up with M6 cluster all over again.

Smokescreen has always provided invincibility, even from ground effects. Some damage over time effects however linger and will damage the DH, but ONLY after smokescreen ends. This is why smokescreen has a cooldown that doesn’t start until after smokescreen ends; and also why Lianna’s Wings adds a cooldown to shadow power. It was possible before to make a 100% invincible DH with enough CDR and RCR.

Originally, smokescreen used to provide both invincibility and invisibility; however, as of 2014, smokescreen no longer provides invisibility. This was most easily tested in PVP against other players (DH would become invisible during smokescreen). You can test this by removing all followers/pets/etc and going near enemies and noting that they track/attack you even while smokescreened.

Perhaps as a suggestion, the developers could reintroduce the invisibility aspect, extend the duration, and only provide damage immunity for the first second or something.


However the set works I’ll give it a shot. But I really want the 4pc damage reduction to not be clunky. Something clike the mundos set for we where you vault once and for 30s have dr. Would work great with an dennettas rework/rebalance.

Hi Xyianth – i wasn’t counting on the smoke screen spam, Spike Trap isn’t really ranged damage when spammed. Purely talking from a DR standpoint, 93.6% is nothing special, low paragon players need 98%+ and a lot of recovery to survive in melee range, it won’t be fun taking the equivalent of UE6 CC3 into density at GR130+ – you can try it now and see how quickly your health goes down.

Compare DR to various builds we have:

UE6 CC3 Multishot - (60% UE4, 67% CC3, 50% Dark Heart) 93.38% DR
S6 Aughild Impale - (35% Shadow Power, 15% Aughild, 50% Dark Heart, 50% Aquilas, 25% Numbing Traps) 89.64% (excludes Bladed Armor)
S6 Pure Impale - (35% Shadow Power, 60% Elusive, 50% Dark Heart, 50% Aquilas, 25% Numbing Traps) 97.38% (excludes Bladed Armor)
LoD Rapid Fire - (52% LoD, 35% Shadow Power, 60% Elusive, 50% Dark Heart, 50% Aquilas, 50% Unity, 25% Numbing Traps) 98.83% (can do Stone Gaunts too)

If you want that glass cannon, in-bang-and-out feel – you have to crank of the damage of the 6 piece bonus to make up for all of the lost attacks from vaulting/kiting. Which would be like 250,000% damage mod to stand a chance against AoV with those legendary mods. Clearly, suggesting higher legendary damage mods for Chanon Bolter, Demon Demise, and Trag bracers would make the 6-pc bonus prettier.


I would like to see a new mele set that uses Fan of Knives as the main damage dealer. And one of the pieces or support items could be a new off-hand type… a scabbard. I could see a set bonus or legendary affix that reduces the time of maximum DPS to 10 seconds instead of 30, or even less.

A fok build would be great if it can give more constant damage.the issue is with Lord greenstone your skills are limited to those without xbow needs. Although I guess it could always be in cube.

Even though, i would like to see Spike Trap working…with the team in the past and the current one, their items and their current mechanic, i would step away from my wish… Way too much work i guess and i think, i won’t trust them for that skill…it would get worse.

At least for me, there is only ONE possible Skill they could make a set for.


No other skill can be implemented so easily into a set. My guess is a whirlwind like set.

A rune/tiny mechanic in the 2pc
A dumb 60% DR in the 4pc
A high damage multiplier in the 6pc, maybe a dmg-scaling mechanic for FOK inside.

Throw some stupid damage multipliers on each of the 1-hand xbows and call it done.

We have UE6 and we have M6 and Natalya is open for anything.
FOK can be used with N6 or LoN/D. Rapid Fire has their sets and Impale too.
EA+Chakram can be easily used as generator with their items aswell.
EVERYTHING has it’s set already. (Strafe too, basically)

I would bet like 100 dollars, that they will never touch Spike Trap again. That work wouldn’t make sense, if they aren’t even able to put the potion to the Cube UI. xD

I wouldn’t like a FOK set. That garbage of a weapon, 15-30sec playstyle with LGF, is absolute nonsense. They would have to change this item aswell.
We shouldn’t forget, Natalya already has a high multiplier and LoD is open for everything aswell.
That means, regardless of which skill gets supported, the multiplier will definitely be higher than the N6 one.

A fluid-movement set for Strafe would make sense i guess.
They will make it so hard-hitting with their respective items, that DH can compete in GR group play, for speeds at least.



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Strafe is just going to end up as another grenade build. It is my last choice for a dedicated set, but easily corrected with extreme weapon mods and some DR upgrade to Wraps of Clarity.

The same with FoK, double the damage mod on LGF and redo the Sash of Knives belt with a legendary effect that gives 100% damage mod for FoK and free FoK procs when you cast Chakram, kind of like Iron Rose. The belt procs would not erase LGF stacks or proc AD. The build is made for LoD or S2. On my S2/CC3/A3 I saw hits for 100T in lightning cycle, I think peak procs of 300-500T would be fair. We could manual cast FoK for a big AD proc at the end of lightning cycle.

Now this is an interesting idea. A Strafe build that procs FoKs and still allows for a big FoK on a 10 second cooldown would be nice. Constant damage with a huge burst damage, that’s a good idea. The meat grinder build.


Just having hits from Strafe add Greenstone stacks would hugely benefit a set like this.

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I was thinking more of along the lines of Chakram build for S2/LoD, but i suppose you could tie FoK to any skill with the Sash of Knives concept like Strafe or RoV.

True unless a new set makes it so the other runes are viable. Maybe by adding a ricochet mechanic or some splash effect like how Frenzy w/ Bastion’s Revered or Rend with Bloodbath rune works.

As an aside, I am sick of grenades, rockets, or knives dominating all the builds. Can we have some arrow builds too? Some ideas to consolidate some of the sets:

Natalya’s buffs all arrow damage (incl. Strafe and Rapid Fire)
Shadow buffs all knives damage (incl. Chakram and Fan of Knives)
Marauder buffs all grenade and pet damage + Cluster Arrow
Unhallowed Essence buffs all rocket damage + Multishot

The new set could then be dedicated to traps or something else. Also, the fact that some skills have runes in other categories (e.g. Strafe has a knives rune, Cluster Arrow has a couple rockets runes), some skill cross play is enabled.

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If COVID-19 does not delay things when we can expect PTR preview? Did anyone calculate it?

Edit: So, if season is going to last 90 days we should hear about PTR at the end of month.

2nd week in may most likely. Season start was 3/13. So if they do mid may 2 week ptr season end mid June and s20 start last week in June?

I personally want the old M6 playstyle back (though maybe with a twist to make Spiked Traps useful)… they’ve butchered the M6 set so much that they probably need to create a new set to make that playstyle plausible. Ideally, the existing sets can take care of the skills that aren’t being utilised:

  • strafe: the two 1h xbows need a damage buff. Can use this with Nats or LON/LOD
  • Chakram: they really should add this to S6 (as well as the grenades and bolas skills). Maybe buff the 2pc to 20,000% damage so that a melee S4 build would be feasible and we can use a few other legendaries in the build for some variety.
  • EA: put this on UE and buff Augustines. I’d also put Rapid Fire and CA on UE for further gearing choices.

But knowing Blizzard, they’ll likely just buff one skill for damage in the new set. As such, I’m hoping that they can at least structure the set in a way that supporting multiple skills would be plausible. Something like:

  • 2pc: Caltrops gains all runes and you automatically deploy a caltrop every 2 seconds. When an enemy is affected by caltrops you return 2% of your life and 5% of your resources per second.
  • 4pc: Chakram gains the Shuriken Cloud rune. When Shuriken Cloud is active, gain 75% damage reduction.
  • 6pc: Caltrops, Chakram, Rapid Fire, Elemental Arrow and Strafe gains 20,000% increased damage

Such a set would satisfy most of the skills most players want supported. Chakram and EA legendaries would need a serious buff to compensate for the grenade strafe and rapid fire builds. But the 2pc would add a level of utility that would be useful when gearing up and sustaining GR pushing.

The caltrops belt could do with a damage multiplier and also increase the number of caltrops one can have active… would be interesting to use caltrops as a main damage dealer with Danettas for a speed farming build, especially since Danettas with UE MS is pretty well obsolete these days now that Yangs, DML and Crims is so effective.