New Rumor/Leak - D2 Remaster

Well Diablo 2 currently doesn’t have real modding support, but modders figured it out anyway.

Blizzard can’t really stop people making mods for the offline mode of the game. That’s not going to go anywhere.

It looks like the D2 rumor is solid so we are about to find out. In any case many players would still pre-order despite the WC3 chaos.

People should probably learn not to preorder no matter if they want D2 Remaster or not.

Has the hype train started?

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I am not a big D2 fanboy, but for other folks it’s very good news.

Hmm, D2 doesn’t need a whole lot of work. A little bit of skill tuning, shared stash, increased drop frequency of high end runes, and of course graphics. I think that’s basically it.

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They already increased the drop rate of high runes. I think they just need to get rid of bots and make it so a player may find one or a few sojs (increase the drop rate of sojs, I’ve probably found less than 8 sojs and I’ve played this game a ton. As it is now, I wouldn’t ever expect to end up with more than an soj or two in a season and that’s if I got lucky) per season so that spawning the dclone is reasonable in a world with no bots.

Skill tuning sounds a bit precarious to mess with, but I will concede some skills are absolute garbage such as acrtic blast, etc. I would be totally ok if they didn’t touch skill tuning at all. If some skills are buffed I would be very selective about which skills to buff and only do a few. I.E. Inferno and trail of fire for the sorc are garbage, arctic blast is garbage, Inferno sentry is weak, that’s about all that comes to mind for me.

I just can’t wait to see Diablo II remasted, my favourite best game ever made! :smile:Hope they doesn’t change a lot of things so the game wouldn’t be recognized.

Try to make the game deeper, just see how Square Enix did to Final Fantasy 7 remasted. A big success! But still recognize as the original game.

With gaming technology today, about anything is possible.

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I heard it from Rhykker I do believe though that there will be those that will be very cautious about buying a D2 remaster since the fiasco of Warcraft 3 Reforged. How is Blizz gonna wind up screwing the pooch on this one is what you will have players thinking.

this would be my idea of a good change.

Rumours and hype going on around a Diablo 2 remaster? Is it that time of year again?

I’ll believe it when someone with a more direct source can dispense more than just rumours and hear-say.

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Yeah sure, Blizzard does not want to make great games, because they publish other games… \ironyoff Usually people can afford more than 2 games…

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right. wc3 was a big joke. so many angry players.
even modders do it billion times better. what the hell is wrong with this devs?

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One word: Activision.


not sure if serious…
they can only change resolution. expect few hours of work. if you think i am kidding check wc3 reforged.
but!.. there are already very good mods for d2. many have already high resolution images. and they have new items, features, big inventory and tons of other interesting stuff.
…so whats the point to buy this crappy version?

There is nothing more to say.

Yes. they only make money. money at all costs. that kills everything.
games create new world. and artistic approach is very important.
but if it’s all about money … it can only be bad.

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:money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: YES!!! WELCOME BACK TO THE GOLDEN AGE OF DIABLO. I’m excited about the potential of the next year or two for Diablo although I kind of expect D4 to be D3 2.0 featuring new itemization kaching.

Iiiii just wanna celebrate /dance

At least there will always be Overwatch and D2 Remastered when things go badly with D4. :fireworks: :fireworks: :fireworks:

There is a chance for D4 since Jay isn’t on the team, if the Diablo 4 team thinks David Brevik is an “expletive loser” then I don’t think Diablo 4 will be a game I like. It Lurks Below was cool and Diablo is a great. He needs to be appreciated by the Diablo team, not chastised by someone who hasn’t accomplished anything yet. Appreciate and develop the ideas, don’t get rid of everything cause you’re an idiot who thinks Brevik is an “explitive loser”. Sorry he fairly criticized your game Jay, I know which side I’m on in this one Mr. I know what’s good for you all vs the guy who created Diablo and named it after a mountain in his town. Give me the guy with passion and vision that created Diablo with love, not the hired gun who came in and WoWed the game and put in new concepts of “simplifying things”.

IIRC, Jay wasn’t even much of a D2 fan. How is someone like that supposed to be successful at creating a Diablo game? Just seems like a cash grab from Blizzard to even hire the guy as the LEAD GAME DIRECTOR.

Wow, I wonder why Diablo 3 didn’t please your Diablo 2 fans lol. Well, it’s crazy but I may not actually buy Diablo 4. If it’s like 3 I may just save my $60 this time. You all grabbed the cash and fooled your hyped up D2 fans last time but it will be more tenuous this time.

The problem is activisionblizzard had nothing to do with the development of the project and assumed that some random southeast asian company could do all the work for them while they continue to try and figure out how to get into the mobile market without angering their fanbase.

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I should not have been that sarcastic, but what the hell, man, where is the overlap between D2 remaster and other blizzard games?