@ Nevalistis in regards to barb proposal

So this is just more outcrying over the fact that Barb players did not get to dictate to Blizzard what the next patch notes should be. I thought so…some people really seem to think that when they buy a company’s product, they then own that company.
I don’t even know how to explain how illogical that is.

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The current D3 dev team should be praised for their efforts to add new items and mechanics with the recent patch.

They’re willing to put in the energy to add in complex stuff like an amulet that doubles
pylon duration and an amulet that boosts damage as long as you haven’t taken damage.

They’re even adding new cubeable items with new mechanics. The dev team clearly is putting in effort.

Now look at the Barb proposal and some of the simpler changes in there.

Now you tell me, NOODLES (lol)— is the disconnect with the dev team’s ability to make game changes or their philosophy and the info they’re recieving?


Tell me who the actual person is? I’m not projecting anything. I’m trying to communicate with the only person I’m able to. I really don’t understand the point you’re trying to get across. You came here attacking me and acting like I’m attacking Nev, when I’m just trying to get a response about a discussion that’s been going on for years. Are you not aware of what’s going on or something? If so, I can link you discussions.


No one is crying. People complain and they got the right to do so. If not, don’t make a forum.
All you have done is sitting in several posts, trash talking others for airing out their opinions and the right to do so.
Considered you are the one with the problem here? Cause you are.


The disconnect is believing that you, as a customer, get to decide how a company is run and what it does. You don’t get to decide that, you only get to decide whether to be a customer or not.


Of course we don’t get to decide. And since we don’t get to decide we have every right to voice dissent and disagreement with those who do have the power to decide.

Which is what you’re criticizing people here for doing.

So thanks for proving our point.


Folks, don’t engage trolls. You know who they are. Just ignore and carry on with productive discussion.


We don’t write to decide. We write cause there is an unfairness.

They can’t update every class and leave out Barbarians. And yes, we funded this game, being top 3 best selling game. They even told us to use this forum to write feedback on… And that is what people are doing. You might need to research a bit.


I didn’t say anything about blame. You’re the one putting those words out there. There seems to be a few people here that are misconstruing my words. I never said this is anybody’s fault.
I pointed out facts, said someone in blizzard needs to take some accountability for why the situation of balancing barbs has been handled improperly as well as giving a response on the subject.
The patch came out five days ago and a response has yet to be made. A few posts about keeping the forums on track and nobody’s feedback is better than another persons feedback, but no legitimate response.


Actually i was only critisizing the OP for lecturing the CM and the devs about how they should do their jobs. Voicing an opinion is fine, but getting personal and telling people how to their jobs because you didn’t get exactly what you wanted, is not ok.


I saw it. They said "in the future. " They instead went with an update that shows creativity and targets underlying game dynamics.

I love barbs. But their issues stem from their skills attacking in a small area or line, while also not specializing in single target dps. They are neither Condemn nor Impale. Those fixes will take longer.

The changes we got in 2.6.6 are broader, and show deeper interest in our game. Take it as a good sign instead of raging.

Quote me on where I told people how to do their jobs. Put it in a quote.


Yes!!! You win this round, /thread.

Please go to this post and read Free’s response. 2.6.6 and Barbs: A Measured Response

From that statement, I get the feeling you don’t know barb very well.


You see, this is the problem. There is nothing unfair about the devs reading some feedback and doing things differently. Your feedback is not representative of the entire player base, it is only representative of a small segment. And so they read all feedback and make changes according to what is good for everyone, not just a few people directing specific feedback to them. Barbs were not ignored with this latest patch, they were included, you just didn’t get enough of what you were hoping for.
People are sometimes right when they say that there are too many people these days with an overblown sense of self-entitlement.

Fundamental question:

In the context of a retail product (in this case a computer game), how much influence on the evolution of said product (if any) is expected based on customer feed back?

If the manufacture and consumer have different expectations, a frustrating disconnect is bound to occur…

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When you create a game and do “seasonal stuff” you send a message to your customers. You said the content in here will change with time, you can wait for some better things.

Players has proved many times this game is unbalanced. If blizzard dont care of this game at the point they can ignore problems for years they just have to say it.

It’s the minimum of respect for a playerbase who support their company for decades now.


Noodles; the fact of the matter is that the Barbarian class is broken. I’ll debate this point with any D3 dev that wants to talk about it. Not MissC or people who post on forums but have no game knowledge.

The class has been overlooked in solo due to their clears being faslely inflated due to wall charging. Literally, the entire top end of solo barb clears statistically is about 90% raekor wall charge spam combined with low ping to make stacks faster. Awesome gameplay.

The class has been overlooked due to their happenstance presence in 4player because of two skills… harpoon and ignore pain.

So yeah, you can think what you want about Free’s proposal but this problem has been kicked down the road for years. MissCheetah thinks I am exagerating but that claim only reveals her total cluelessness about the state of Barbs.

In 2020, Barb will have gone 5 years without relevant modifications.

As I mentioned before entire games are developed in that time frame.

Who is to blame? The CM? No. Any individual dev? Probably not. But the problem lies somewhere at Blizzard whether it’s a busted process or a dev team who stopped caring about quality long ago.


I will bite one last time.

Go read Free’s post. Every class except for Barbarians have gotten much more the recent 3 years. Implementing ONE outdated item, that does nothing is not “giving us something”. At all.

Never do you see anyone or can quote anyone saying “we want all on that list or else…”

So everyone at your workplace gets a raise. Gets to have vacation more often.
You don’t.

You proceed to complain, but the others just tells you that you “whine and cry”.
All you got was to get a sandwich once a month for free.

Would you like being told you cry and whine and “you got something at least, so shut it”?

Thought so. Adios.


what is most amazing to me is how dedicated, courteous and persistent Free, et. al. have been considering the lack of meaningful communication or positive results.

usually consumer just vote with their feet (walk away).

it’s truely amazing how dedicated to the Barb class some die-hard players are.

seems like that’s the type of loyalty a company should be going out of their way to foster and reward…?