@ Nevalistis in regards to barb proposal

You should do some research on what’s been happening in the last few months. A blizzard post was made directly to barbs. Many well known youtubers/streamers went over and personally sent the proposal to developers.
This also isn’t anything new. Barbs have been advocating for buffs for years now. The proposal is one of the best forms of feedback I’ve ever seen that was formed as a response to a direct blizzard employee post.


Can you imagine being a developer for one of the best selling games of all time in a huge game corporation while simultaneously being unwilling and unable to engage with your own community of fans who are passionate about your product?

I can’t. shrugging girl emoji


Many players have asked for changes to break the zDPS meta in greater rifts without any changes. The good thing for barbs and monks is that they are ALWAYS part of the four man meta from season 4-17. As of now, they will also be a part of the 4 man meta in season 18.


Indeed he does have it right.


Miss Cheetah is not the bad guy here. Neither is Nev. All MissC is saying is what Nev said: Don’t call Blizzard because you can’t speak to a dev and it could be considered harassment.

I agree with this 100%. We should voice our concern here–politely, but firmly.

Do not call Blizzard.

Do not call your Congressperson. About this. Call him or her about stuff.

Do not call your teachers or bosses unless it is school or work related. Do not call the cat. The cat doesn’t have a phone and anyway what number did you even dial?

Just keep the criticism and ideas coming on the forums, Barbs. And let’s not pick fruitless fights with each other. There are enough trolls running wild in our threads right now, folks who don’t really understand our concerns or think we’re inflating the issue. Focus on educating them, on reinforcing our claims, and let’s see what happens.


Blizzard PLEASE give the brabs some new toys, so we can move on already.
Or better yet, keep working on D4 so we can all have something new.:cold_face:


We know Nevalistis shares info with the devs, she specifically mentioned that she had sent the Barb proposal over.

Our problem is not with Nev, it’s with the process that ignores feedback without explanation.

If they straight up came out and said any of the following:

  1. Look guys we have great ideas for Barbs but we are sticking to a release timeline we decided on a long time ago, Barb changes are coming at a later patch


  1. Look guys we appreciate the feedback but we think there’s more to be discovered about Barbs that will put them at a better place and want players to explore that potential


  1. Look guys we recognize your feedback but have settled on a design philosophy where Barbs have wall charge builds for solo and only zdps for groups

Whatever. Any communication is appreciated. But right now it’s nothing, not even cheap excuses.

And yes, this has been going on for years. 3 years at the minimum if you count Wastes tickrate adjustments as “Barb content” and 4-5 years if you don’t. 2019 is almost over, and this new upcoming patch is what it is. That puts us at 2020 with no changes.


Yeah, I too find that strange, and I have a few thoughts about that.

The first is that, in the wake of recent gamer communities going bonkers and making death threats, the current devs would rather maintain privacy and anonymity. I don’t blame them one bit for that.

The other thought is that they have so much work on their plate that they simply can’t spare the time to get caught up in forum discourse. If the CG team is, in fact, miniscule, they very well could be overwhelmed.

It could also be that there’s so much corporate red tape that navigating what they can and can’t say is a literal headache that would take more time and energy to solve than there is time and energy in a day or week. And with the way Acti-Blizz has been handling corporate maneuvers lately, well, there’s probably a lot of people who just want to go to work, keep their head down, and do whatever they’re told so as not to get fired the next time the company makes record profits.

Agreed. I’m hoping Nev’s blog post can shed some light on this. But of course, even if the devs want to say something direct, they may be prohibited.


You are absolutely right of course.

One thing though, these are also future Diablo 4 consumers, keep them happy and the sell of that game will go just fine. At least that is what I think.

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I want to ask you a direct question. If the Blizzard developers contacted you and said that they would change barbs so that they could solo greater rift 136; however in exchange they were making a huge nerf to mob rule. Would you say make it so or would want the current status quo? These are your only two options. You could not negotiate for any other alternatives.


In addition, this kind of proposal take maybe more time to do than the time required for a dev to buff a random build of the barb at an acceptable place.

Buff Frenzy barb for allowing barb players to play casually with friend without the feeling of being the one who get carried. You tweak 2 Numbers, test it and done.

That’s true. I think this connects to Arch’s point above: If we have some kind of feedback, we wouldn’t be so upset. Something like, “Guys, we read your work and we dig it. We’re considering some of it and some other options, and we’re hoping in the next patch or two to present you with some news.”

Maybe the devs could even funnel that through Nev. They have, in a way, but they’ve been very cagey about timetables and specific points, and that only makes us more ticked off.


Omg did some calling themselves “Roidraged” really just try to lecture the CM on how to do her job? Get real please and gain a sense of how inappropriate that was. Your a customer with a questionable battletag and attitude, not a qualified and highly-paid business guru. Seriously wtf…


Questionable battletag… from a guy called noodles… lol wut? Is this real life?
Who am I lecturing? I think you should reread what I said, because I was talking about accountability and responses. I never said anything about job duties or what to do on a day to day basis.
Troll harder please.


So…your not trying to tell her that accountability needs to be a part of her job? Yeah right…

I wrote a strongly worded letter to a Blizzard janitor about barb proposals.


You’ve done it twice now. it’s You’re as in you are. Accountability needs to be part of everyone’s job as well as in everyone’s life. If you don’t think people need to be accountable and responsible in their job setting as well as in their lives, that’s a big problem

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Sounds like someone is bringing their personal hang-ups to the forum. If there is someone you want to talk about accountability and responsibility with, talk to that actual person, don’t project it onto the CM and the rest of the dev team.


Guys nicks mean nothing. please do not let this topic also go on a sidetour like so many other Barb posts.

Btw I do not think Nevalistis can do much more than she already does right now. she just sometimes has a great job when there is news to share. Or sometimes a terrible job when all we do is complain and she has to tell devs about it :confused:
I do not envy her.


Yes, everyone should be accountable for doing their actual job. Do not blame them though for things outside their job description. Your thread tried to blame Nev for the fact that Devs have not implemented barb things you want, nor have the Devs issued any communications about it.

Nev is NOT at fault for the Devs not taking care of Barbs yet. Pretty much everyone else has pointed that out.

Free continues to be right, keep the feedback focused on what changes you want, what improvements, if any, the current patch gives, etc.

Infighting just takes things off track.