Just want to put my piece in and ensure there is 2 sides to the argument.
In regards to Enigma/Teleport with no cooldown.
Enigma/teleport defines diablo 2.
Enigma/teleport separates diablo 2 from any other RPG.
Enigma/teleport allows any character to “Magic find”, Help other playes through acts and host Chaos / Baal runs for level’ing - All in a timely manner.
Enigma/teleport gives balance and extreme enjoyment to the PvP aspect of the game. D2 is notorious for PvP, no other game has been able to compete. Diablo 2’s PvP is second to none, and this is soley because of enigma/teleport.
There is plenty more reasons, i will leave for others that love enigma/teleport to comment.
Agree. Removing teleport is the opposite of quality of life. Enigma is a fun thing to strive for and no longer be bound to being a snail. Diablo 2 should have no nerfs what so ever. They can have some buffs to underpowered things if they want like a barbarian battle cry. But dont ruin peoples builds.
When did you guys start playing D2 out of curiosity? Yes Enigma has become a staple trademark to the game for every class, but it also pigeon-holed every character into ‘cookie-cutter’ builds with far less diversity than prior to their inclusion, in order to compete.
I was still pretty young when Enigma was first introduced, and of course at that time I was not concerned with balance or anything like that. It just became the necessary best-in-slot item to have and obviously the most interesting because it was such a vital skill that started to expand upon the possibilities in diablo- allowing for more ‘cross-class-mixing’.
While I wouldn’t advocate to remove enigma, I do believe there should be balance adjustments that allow class-feature skills to remain unique to that class. Why play a particular class, when any other can harness their strengths just as well with no other drawbacks? I like the idea of anyone being able to teleport, but not as well as the sorceress. Likewise, I would LOVE to see new runewords/items added to the game in the spirit of enigma that encourage more cross-build variations that harness the skills of other characters- just not as well as the class that features the ability.
Enigma is the sword of the 1000 truths of diablo 2
sadly this item is really in the game compare wow is not , also everyone have this armor making diablo 2 1.14 having worst balance of diablo 3 set item in term of balance , diablo 2 , 1.14 player base are not much different from d3 player base
Got to agree with point 1. As a HC player D2 did not have PvP…ever. Except maybe the low level duels where level 10 players kill each other with only the gear they found getting to lvl 10.
Wow it’s been a YEARS since I’ve done this for hours upon hours starting new chars in a full room until lvl 10 then everyone slaughtering each other till the last char standing
Agreed. Enigma was a big part of D2 for me. Brings back memories of farming for it and farming with it. Getting rid of or changing this would be stupid. It really does define D2. A big reason for me wanting to play D2R is the Enigma.
Enigma ruin this game
Enigma is just a broken op bot armor for bad player and gold seller and lazy player the game already have waypoint but player need to skip the game and also go afk to baal room leeching exp sure any bad player will enjoy playing with the sword of 1000 truths thx lord blizzard never put this weapon in the game
Enigma does not define D2. But yes, the teleport should not get nerfed.
On the other side, one would expect some kind of tradeoff on such an item, but it’s overall strong. So i would nerf other enigma stats, so you either have teleport or high end armor.
But yeay, will not happen, and tbh, i don’t care much about it
Edit: but one thing for sure: If they decide to ever rebalance enigma, they have to do it now, not in a future patch, otherwise the 1.14 enigma’s value would skyrocket (anyone remember this 1.08 unique armor in 1.09?)
yes i remeber , 1.08 Valkyrie WingVampire GazeArkaine’s Valor and more ,
all get nerf in 1.09 a lot of item in diablo 2 history get nerf , and these item use to be a lot less powerfull vs enigma’s
Give it a rest people who disagree with you are not lazy or bots or bad players your broken english insults are tiring. I played when light sabre was actual valuable and instead of runes everyone wanted sojs it was a much more boring time if you like walking then walk, let the people who want to do farming runs without being a sorc do it. Only end game duels will use engima and if you cant beat it then it makes you bad at the game not the person using it.
this game already have a lot of waypoint so avoiding running for 1 minute and skipping the game are lazy to me , any insults there , first i dont walk but i run and i play the game the way the game is design from is core , you dont have to be a sorc to farm , this just show me your lack of knowlege about the game, the top mf too farm are not only sorc
other class farm very well
you can not ask everything to be perfect playing 1 class what is this logic ???
every class are good to do something
(no insults there, because everthing he are disagree look to be a insults for you )
engima pvp become a teleport spam breaking all the balance i already explain in my video ,95% of the build are base around teleport , very obvious you are not a pvp player you are a little bit wrong there , folloing this logic i hope you enjoy other game and have a Enigma to all your character like this all your character will teleport and give you the impression they are farming the same , this is what i call class identity peace , oh world of warcraft soon all class will teleport like this they will farm the same speed , i guess this make logic
Vicarious Visions said they are using 1.14 version of Diablo 2. It’s wrong If they removed something many people loved to wear in the game. Don’t change anything in the runeword that is original.
Waypoints dont teleport you to the diablo seals or to baal. If you like mindless running around trying to find deeper levels thats fine, but theres a reason people dont do that anymore. Its boring. Also if your such a big diablo fan you should know rusing is a big part of rolling characters, no teleport is MUCH MUCH MUCH slower thats the fact
They farm much slower then a sorc without teleport. Thus not as viable. If you can get to the throne room in 30 secs with a sorc vs 3 mins with other character quite a difference bro. Engima isnt even the only item that gives you teleport.
I am a pvp player as you said pvp player use teleport
In pvp with no engima sorc still gonna teleport, and if your good at running away and shift attacking you win. Boringggggg.
But your entitled to your opinion.
first this is not the original rune mix go look to The Arreat Summit what are the original rune mix this are fact http ://classic.battle.net/diablo2exp/items/runewords.shtml
and next do you really know what patch 1.14 really are ? is a patch from 2016 with a lot of change already
1- mindless running are a part of every game you play and a part of your real life so life is boring lol
2- 100% agree sorc move faster , this is why he have class, some class do stuff better of other , and this class is design and build for this vs other class are not , do this justify all other game need to have engima ? to farm the same speed ? and breaking some balance and core mechanics because game are not only about farming btw barb maybe farm slower but carry a lot more mf
3- anyone can be a pvp player a good one idk , yes sorc will still teleport like i say before the class is design for this she have no melee attack and have other draw back , sadly other class not , saying character are boring because they run let me say a lot of game are boring for you lol , the way i see this every class have a rock paper scissors gameplay sorc teleport the amazon shoot arrow , paladin battle hammer and foh , Assassins trap and Mind Blast , i guess you prove my point about to be lazy and loving spaming you teleport button
I don’t understand why people conflate the state of diablo at one particular instance of its life, with the entirety of diablo’s history. It’s a game like any other that went through several patches and changes in attempt to balance certain aspects. The core design philosophy of D2 is unrivaled. Does that mean there aren’t imperfections or room for improvement? No! I see nothing wrong with entertaining changes that encourage greater build diversity. Enigma was introduced solely to make PVP viable for classes outside of a tele spamming sorceress or bowazons, but it also homogenized the rest of the game.
I played diablo from 1.07 forward- and I see nothing wrong with tweaking certain behaviors- Why not buff the intrinsic mobility of other characters- druid feral run, barb leaps, paladin charges etc so that there are other options outside of enigma as well?