you say (I don’t understand why people conflate the state of diablo at one particular instance of its life) ask your self the same question about classic world of warcraft , is because with all update the game lost is true core and identity too give life improvement and content more easy to casual player and trying to get and please a bigger audience mean more sell $$$ sadly this dont always work and sometime back fire , like bfa retail wow , and the same with diablo 3 , so blizzard comeback to vanilla version and classic game , sadly diablo 2 come back with a retail version of d2 , not is vanilla or classic version, i hope this answer your question
You should read my comment again lol, because I was arguing in favor for certain enigma nerfs, or buffs to other class mobilities that would encourage greater build diversity. I agree with you, but I think we also need to accept that modern audiences (even those post expansion vs classic days) have grown accustomed to the typical power creeps vs slower paced vanilla play styles, and D2R would likely need to lean into that tendency in order to keep D2 relevant and enjoyable in today’s modern age. I don’t mind how Enigma has changed the pace of the game (it’s still a relatively difficult piece of equipment to obtain), but I think it needs to be balanced so it’s not the only option.
It would be bad but i think players might want to still play it. Just will be more chargadins etc instead.
D2 can do without Teleport.
If you nerf enigma you empower sorc/barb/zon heavily as it was in 09. Synergies may buff other characters since 09 but definitely will hurt some of the other classes if engima is tampered with at all. Its the best skill in the game and should be available to all classes.
not agree , in 1.10 sorc/barb/zon are heavily nerf because they dont have Synergies on they main attack Whirlwind Multiple Shot Guided Arrow Nova have 0 Synergies , and the paladin already op get buff , enigma have nothing to do with this , all not true that why you stay quite about the paladin
okay, you’re dead wrong because in 09 you could KITE every other class. This still is very possible in 1.10 without enigma.
Paladins - Charge didn’t even work properly or as it did now - basically smiter or nothing. Arguably not kitable due to charge working properly.
Necros - kited, only summoners were ‘viable’ - kitable mostly without tele still. Very kitable and anything with teleport or some form of escape(whirlwind) will nullify bone prison.
Druids - Werewolf or nothing in 09 - elemental is ridiculously kitable without enigma. Werewolf is going to suffer same fate.
Sin - martial arts thats it - sort of viable in 09 - Traps kitable basically but a dueler that just gets sorbed anyway if you want to bm it. Martial arts assasins aren’t kitable but arguably the worst spec in the game.
Zon guided arrow was nerfed to not continuously peirce in 1.10.
I don’t know what to tell you but if you were using nova in 09 you were definitely doing it wrong - frozen orb plz. Very rarely do people make nova sorcs anyway - just about every sorc right now has synergies on main attack - blizz/fireball/lightning.
All removing enigma does is make everyone go back to making a sorceress to mf. Hard pass.
i try to traselate what you saying and im not sure , sorry i
m french
you say every class are able to run aways ? (kite )
nerf is nebulous term though. It’s important to define these things so we can all find some middle ground. What do you consider a ‘nerf’ to enigma? Slightly reducing it’s ability, vs removing it completely are different things. I for one certainly don’t want to remove the ability, but I would like to see it adjusted so that other classes can’t achieve max effeciency with it like the sorceress can.
Something to consider- typical sorceress builds are purely elemental. They have greater access to mobility at the cost of independent survivability. They can tele through the game in mere seconds-minutes, but have to invest far greater time & strategy in dealing with the shear amount of immune monster riddled throughout hell, and are far more susceptible (squishy) to physical damage in PVP, with reduced FHR. This trade-off is diminished by more capable builds such as the hammerdin who are capable of tele’ing through with max block, and completing all the content with virtually no drawbacks.
All the other weaknesses you brought up with regards to the other classes are good points, and I think could involve solutions that don’t mean giving the same “one size fits all” approach to everyone. For example - maybe bone prison is buffed so that you can’t simply tele out of it, but must break it first? There are ways to embolden traits of other classes without relying on a single band-aid for everything.
Kite means… run away from without getting hit but attack the person they’re able to run away from
ok . the paladin will holy freez and foh you so you can not kite ?
the necro will Decrepify
the Assassin will stun lock you with Mind Blast and cast trap and use is shadow
the barbarain have Increased Speed and are always on your back bashing you
Zon guided arrow with peirce using knockback
i never have your issue , maybe you lack of strategies idk what to tell you , on my side evrything working very well , also just google nova sorc 1.09
you will learn how powerfull they are
Teleport > Decrip
Teleport > Holy Freeze
Sin’s are boring to duel against anyway - maybe the one exception but with teleport you can easily teleport out of namelock distance for stun and keep casting while they chase you.
Barbarian had increased speed, like it did in 09, but it wasn’t enough to overcome zon/teleport then so why would it now. forcing them to gear FRW also makes them weaker than where they are now.
Nova? Sorry - outside of FHR locking someone - they didn’t even have synergies in 09 - not really a top tier dueler.
Still doesn’t change the fact that all of this means that all of these become non-viable as mf characters.
oh i see you have issue with the sorc so because you can not beat her you want is skill lol ,
ok in 1.09 sorc have very strong Thunder Storm and Frozen Orb
so the necro need to have a strong golem to take the Thunder Storm damage and you cast very fast Bone Spirit and have Bone Armor the time the sorc stop to cast the orb she die
teleport vs paladin charge and foh
im sorry i
m a barbarain player i have 75 dr with Guardian Angel 2 reven frost and cap berserk with a lightsable full charm of 5% running in my inventory 10 skill in my running passive the sorc lag 1 sec or desync she dead is mane shield can not take berserk also my Resist are cap in 95% +40 % vs cold and also a lighsaber vs Lightning idk i never have all your issue
Not going to lie i think you’ll just be dead if we dueled. Its not clear that you’ve ever fought anyone with a full inventory of +1 skill +30+ life charms or anything close or just much skill. A sorc can kite the nercro really easily. Your barb is hilarious -but its badmannered, and while i could probably break your max res/sorb i’m probably just going to try and 1-2 shot you with my merc since your BM.
You don’t present a very compelling case for why we should ditch nigma when its a buff to every class but sorceress and is the reason why people can use any class to do mf runs quickly.
if that make you feel better np back in 1.09
i have a blast making pvp all day long vs korean amazon most korean killing american barb but the time my barb go out the town and kill 1 and after 2 korean my game full up full of korean lol the good old day
you need to play very scary again the barb and from far and dont lag or desync because bersker i have no forgiveness ,
1 skill charm are not good for every build in 1.09
btw i never say i`m the best , but i know my 1.09 and love this era best era of d2 takecare peace
09 was held together by bugged items… but sure.
Definitely will ruin d2 if nigma is removed tho.
Enigma ruin so many core mechanics of d2 i already explaine in my video Why Enigma hurt 1of the core mechanics of diablo 2 - #41 by charley222-1304
also this is the main cause he have so much bot in the game
compare 1.09
Enigma = spamming
he dont need a game where every class teleport this make any sense other class are not design to teleport and this break the pvp and game balance
… you had bots in 09. Did you not know? They were all sorcs. The game was littered with imported godly items.
You have hex charms.
Occy rings
Wiz rings
King’s jewel
Quark blades
ith weapons.
full thing of 3/20/20s.
Your memories of 09 being amazing are partly due to the presence of these items. Don’t get me wrong. I loved 09. Its when i started. but it was an incredibly unbalanced patch in terms of gameplay and pvp as well. I’d get on to ear you to show you how you’re not going to kill me without enigma but i’m on hardcore ladder and i don’t have a sorc this season.
yes 1.09 have bot
but bot are very limited in 1. 09 to farm the store for cruel weapon and also pindleskin , yes most bot are sorc because sorc use to be the only class with teleport making bot a lot less versatile because monster immunity , also you have anyone leeching exp from the baal room in 1.09 because player make cow level, so bot is not a issue on patch 1.09 because no Enigma
enigma did kind of ruin alot of d2’s core mechanics. But what’s done is done. I am not in favor of removing features.