Nerf Enigma and Grief

Excuse me, but I cut my teeth on D2 20 years ago, so don’t tell me to go back to D3. I have not heard any valid arguments (fair to say I have not looked extensively), and you could have said as much without being condescending. Would a coordinated group not have an issue with shared loot? Sure. Is that the only way to play D2? No.

Now why do I have a different perspective? I am a solo player, and mostly played SP, so my thoughts here are largely academic, but I can say that shared loot is a bar for me to join public games because people are selfish and I don’t think degenerate game play is a thing to be promoted.

If you had said, coordinated group play is adversely affected by personal because of X, I’d listen and maybe come to agree, but who are you helping by telling me to shuffle off? Do we want D2R to be 50-100K people all playing single games? Or do we want an engaged community that thrives? Negativity is not going to help if the latter is the goal.


Yes to degenerate gameplay !! :slight_smile: no for real i dont want personal loot in the game in my view the person who click the fastest deserve the item. And im not always the one who click the fastest. If you knew how many GODLY item i saw pick before i did and i still dont want personal loot. Its a 2020 mentality in my view.

Fair enough, but speaking for myself it was my opinion in 2001 as well. When I dipped a toe or two into public games, it was just not a great experience. I’ll say this much; I’m all for shared loot in a coordinated environment, kind of like raids in WoW before the last expansion or two, but then what’s the point of a public game? Should they come with warning labels, I.e., play at your own risk, people are jerks? I just think it inhibits new players from engaging that way and then what’s the point of having shared loot if no one plays that way?

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talking about diablo2 lod legacy and vanilla is patch 1,09

1,14 is release in 2016 this dont revive my memory and is send a wrong diablo 2 lod experience to this generation

I started in 1.09, but I liked the newer patches as well. I thought synergies were a nice addition and the new Uniques were fun as well.

Well you do private games btw i made a guide about it

i understand why you mean in theory , sadly looking deeper this patch is a mess , the synergies system is a terrible mess , some skill you have to put 80 point skill too end with only 1 skill valuable so you end with a character with 1 skill to spam :frowning: and lost all versatility , and 1,10 really kill a lot of build , why they just dont buff the less effective skill vs to put synergies , also everyone know how enigma hurt the game in general and pvp , looking all class teleporting :frowning: , try to imagine playing wow or any other game with all class teleporting in pve and pvp , this is also remove the identity of the class , sure the bad player that want everything easy and free will like enigma , sometime i`m thinking maybe blizzard north make this patch to sabote the game before to leave blizzard , because this patch hurt the game so much ,

For real i dont think they did so. If you know the meta of pvp the only class who use Enigma are
Pally Hammer,Pally FoH, All Necro Specs, Druid Ele, Trap Sin and that it.

For the part of killing build synergies didnt rly kill build cause they didnt nerf anything while doing the synergies you can still make a Fire/Cold sorc like in 1.09 and it will do even more dmg that the point of synergies if you want to get all the point yes you will do more dmg in one element but you know … XD

not agree because , what you forgot to say all monster difficulty get increase a lot
so you end to be nerf , and have to use 60 to 80 skill point in synergies to make more dps, and make your 1 skill build more valuable and this remove all versatility to the build because you end with 1 skill to spam , vs 1.09 my character is able to have 4 skill cap of my choice , and not in 1.10 i have no choice to take the synergies or i end with low damage , because the monster difficulty is increase

go read the patch 1.10 note this are fact

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Yeah, that does not sound like fun for me, I’ll stick to SP/Private.

For my money, I like a Barb with around 400-600 MF for Mephisto/Pindle/Eldritch, occasionally doing LK/Tunnels or Pit runs. Back in the day I had a barb with 2X Ali Baba on switch, I think I had about 75% of the grail self found…but then I got into WoW, and, well, there went 14 years XD

I made a bard like in 1.13 that had that kind of mf but its soooo SLOOW like all i could do was kuast run or was doing literaly 1 run in the time my sorc could do 5 XD Lol the same patch my friend made one a barb he was at like 1.2k Mf or something with the inventory LOL

Well, when I play D2, I don’t worry about time. No hurries, no leaderboards, just what makes me happy.

I think that is one aspect of D2 that a lot of folks don’t realize; there are a lot of ways to play it and enjoy it.

And another note on MF; the diminishing returns really made anything past 500-600 not worth the tradeoff. I would always have more on the merc and let him get the killing blow.

Ah we know :slight_smile: but for the lol we were always trying out some goofy build when we play d2 were always like soo rich. We tryed one day to make the biggest melee sorc the game ever saw. We paid like 400 High runes to get the full perfec gear + inventory that sorc was so dumb man… we were literaly one shoting Uber Mephisto LOL

Well, I’ll give you an idea…I played D2 from 2001 to 2005, probably 15-25 hours a week, and in all that time, I never found anything higher than a Mal. In the SP community that I was part of, only 3 people (out of well over a thousand) had ever found or cubed a Zod.

I don’t know how bad duped runes were on the D2 realms, but it will be interesting to see what that economy looks like if they can eliminate most of it.

it was verry verry bad … XD but the High rune drop chance got buffed x10 in 1.14 and you need trading to be able to do alot of thing in diablo 2

Well, you need trading to do some things, but even at a 10X increase rate, they’re still rare. But yeah, not as rare as it was in the dark ages XD

For real ive drop like 30+ High rune vex + including zod in 2 month of play last year while playing and working so like 6hr a day,

Don’t dare touch my enigma… thats what makes d2 d2 to me. It defined pvp and it wasn’t used on every spec. I remember using chains of honor as well.

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Let’s also not forget Fortitude, Shaftstop, Tyrael’s Might, Tal Rasha’s Guardianship and even Stealth depending on build and level progress on the journey from Norm to Hell.

ZOMG :slight_smile: can’t wait for D2R First Ladder and racing to get the best of the best items, finally without bots, where virtually every Unique will be worth something, let alone godly Rares.

I’m excited to trade 8 SOJs for an occy again lol