Needi' 200 stash tabs like Game Last Epoch for excellent joy

No, there aren’t.

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I just say, carry on big man xD.

Overwatch is updating it and implementing new mechanics for its gameplay, which means that Blizzard is thinking things through. But unfortunately it is not updating all its games, it should take all its games and offer more content, the idea I suppose is that you prefer its games and not other games.

Requests for increased stash makes me realize why women’s purses tend to “grow” in size. They ain’t ever got enough junk hanging on their shoulder. I swear some of them eventually just carry around full duffle bag.

Not surprised at all these days. Duffle bags aside now. Onwards! I just hope no powdering for the barb is required LOL.

He must enjoy spam because he spammed all of the Diablo forums.


Eagle One: This is Eagle One on approach to target, over.
Base: Eagle One, you are clear to engage.
Eagle One: Flags away.



Might it be a sock puppet for the guy who needs attention?


I’m playing just SSF seasons now, and trying to get all classes to GR150 (3 of 4 classes I played this season already done).

This is the extreme case where I would be happy to have 15 stash tabs (instead of the 13 we have now) - due to season theme - I’m “stashing” soul shards for upgrades/augments.

Even on NS, I have one tab dedicated to each class, one empty tab and one of each class that holds the “excess” items that go into the empty tab if I decide to play them for whatever reason in NS.

It’s far from ideal, but considering we are probably not gonna get changes to sets/items anymore, it would be much easier now to salvage all the items we planned to use, but in the end never did, on NS at least.

In SSF, I don’t load any stash tab from other players anyway… But, I understand if 15 stash tabs would be given in SSF, people would cry about more in the “other” modes, too.

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Ya, I tried to make all 7 LBs for all 6 classes (I don’t own Necro DLC) in S28. That is 36 builds and 11 stash tabs was definitely not enough. I constantly had 4 char slots from the characters I wasn’t pushing fully muled out just to give me a tab or 2 to move stuff around in. Don’t need 200 tabs, but another 4 or 5 would make a big difference.

Gratz on getting 3 classes to 150. Going to try all 7?

Thx. Yes, the plan is to do all 7. I’m around 2,5K Paragon now, plan is to farm Paragons to at least 3K and then push other classes.

Speedfarming on DH now (that I haven’t done 150 yet). Monk, Crusader and Necro (in that order) 150 cleared.

Technically, this Soul Shard season, especially ring of fire, is so strong that GR150 is not so hard to do.


He’s spamming all three Diablo fora with this. Flag the thread itself using the flag button at the bottom of the thread and move on.

He keeps spamming the D4 forum whenever his threads are deleted.

You dont need 200 tabs. You Just need to use brain.

Maybe they could sell slots for more characters, with that I would be very happy to pay

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Then please go play whatever and S T F U.

After looking at your profile, it appears more like your play style demands 200 hours learning how to play the damn game. :roll_eyes:

And based on your repeated posts on this topic, it’s quite obvious you are a troll and a shill for another game. Go away. And stay away, thank you.

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