Mysterious GoD6 DH Bug

Hes not entering GR. zBarb must cancel GR invitation

37 second clears are insane. That is a different bug what asia server used right? And I really believed Crusaders were OP this season and could stand their ground next to Monks, but I guess I was very wrong. And D2R gets a super massive patch. Next give D3 such a treatment.

And something else is on my mind. It is not possible to add more stash tabs to the game, cause it would slow it down a lot. Because every item in stash, char, inventory is loaded into the game. But if their would be another only in Solo accesible chest, could that solve/bypass the issue?

Agreed, people that took advantage of this deserve a permaban.

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One thing I noticed from my own normal gameplay that GoD felt exceptionally laggy. Even at low GRs (like GR75-80) controls were slow to respond and seemed to get worse the more movement speed there was.

Anyone else notice similar or is it just me?

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My Inna monk is kinda laggy.

But she destroys my brother when he plays with me. As soon as the waves start he goes straight to lag town.

No, not at all. I had terrible lag/freeze starting the game one time today but that was because windows was busy downloading a system patch!

Only gets laggy for me when im north of 450% movement speed. Under that everything seems normal.

Many posts saying its a momentum thing, however they arenā€™t even using a primary skill, so think again.

We are not even a week into the season. Yes monks are great, but bomb crusader can push high as well. Wudijo said it would be 170 grift capable


The exploit is literally stacking momentum stacks to infinity lol.

In german forum a Blue answered. Reallly!
Hope they dont kick him for that ā€¦


Wellā€¦ this pre-season warning sure did snowball into a much larger problem.

I hate to say it, but this exploit is an integrity killer and sours the season to a point where long term players are turned off and detaching.

The devsā€™ next moves will be watched carefully.

Running a deep banwave against the offenders and scrubbing the leaderboard of those specific clears is a necessity.

Regardless, anyone indirectly involved should have to go through a customer service process to make their case, but only with the best resolution of a recovered account with a character rollback dated before the first exploit.


What if they went the other way, give all non exploiters exp equal to the amount the exploiters got. Then roll their accounts back and put them as far behind everyone else as they were ahead.

Boom! JUSTICE! :stuck_out_tongue:


The problem is to find the exploiters not doing Gr150.
U can have legit record 140 and then do exploit on Gr139
in 30seconds.


That would be a dastardly deedā€¦indeed!

Why they canā€™t do it in hardcore? Maybe the process needs dying/resurrectionā€¦or heavy lagging. I want to see how itā€™s done. Iā€™m intrigued. :slight_smile:

Blizzard lo mejor que puedes hacer es desaparecer como empresaā€¦ violaciones, maltratos y encandalos.

I saw a German playerā€™s video showing how to do it. Itā€™s pretty stupid. You canā€™t accidently do it. Anyone whose tried it blatantly broke the TOS and should get their accounts banned.

So, now that the exploit has been patched, can anyone explain what it was?