Mysterious GoD6 DH Bug

well that sucks. At least when it was just non season it was nothing more than just a fun puzzle. But now its gonna have an effect on the main game its a bit more serious.

One silver lining is we can now rule out Legacy Items as a possible factor

Ok so Eu non season now has 2 solo runs of 150. Second place is just 57 sec and the top one is just 51sec.
Only thing that stands out with both runs is they bot have Damage over Time gems socketed. This has to be it somehow. They are using their follower to hold 3 gems and they are holding the 4th. The combination of Gems is causing insta kills or MASSIVE area damage somehow. Thing is I think I know what the 4 gems are now and Im gonna go test it. If Im right then this is messed up and needs to be fixed asap.

has nothing to do with the gems. Again its just blizzards brainless coding and bad servers

Sneaky Hint for ya: Lag servers :>

Season EU 150 DH 1min 8s, 700paragon.

Seems legit as fk…

R.I.P. S25


Yeah I was just coming to say that.
The Gems are actually a factor as they can increase the lag if you use them right but I just noticed the two players who done this have built their characters around massive speed and damage reduction.
Their actual damage output is minimal but they are super fast and can take a hard impact without dying.
It seems it was the speed/lag glitch after all. I was afraid of that because it will be much harder to fix. if it was just gems then it would have been much easier.

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Yeap. The DMG itself doesnt matter at all. They stack def, speed, and ridiculous aoe to lag everything.

Sooooooo… Rollback, bugfix+ladder reset, or completely wipe, or restart s25 ? (After glitchfix).


Ok… I figured it out.

Glitch is working 100% , but wont tell ya how to do this with obvious reasons. Anyway u need at least 2ppl for that (even on solo GR).

Good thing is that Its easy to fix by blizz ( spoiler): just need to set to accept Rift start by all members - require to be in town. and that’s all…

I think they need to just disable the GoD set until they get a patch ready. They did that a few seasons back with Bone Ringer if I recall correctly.

Its one thing to disable a single Legendary Item but to disable a whole set, especially such a highly popular one, would suck bigtime.
Hopefully if FraG is correct that wont be necessary

From what we know it most certainly does have their attention and they are looking into it. A bit of feedback from them would be nice however especially as more and more ppl are figuring it out. Over the next few days someone with a big mouth will figure it and just tell everyone. At that point the season will be wrecked for DH’s and the leaderboards will become a joke. As much as I want to give this a try for a laugh I think the less people doing it the less likely they are to just reset the entire season and none of us want that.


Something’s definitely off. I took a quick look at the builds the top GoD clears used and even the skill choices don’t actually make sense. GoD is a generator set yet the top clears didn’t even use generators.

42 seconds now on EU.
When Blizz got the information about this during PTR
and rolled it out on patch then its no exploit cause they
knew. They could give information to players not to use
but they didnt.
Same as with Necro/Dh some years ago. Players who use
will get a “free weekend” and all others have double gobs
during that weekend.

Btw: i didnt use necro/dh-exploit …


150 in 0:39 now on EU


Why they get WonderWoods and me always Corvus?


I don’t remember one thread about this exploit on PTR.

If you can retrieve one of them…

Guys, its not about the set and items. Important things are : GoD 4 piece, and “lagging+DoT” gems. All other items just to survive oneshots from 150gr.

To use that glitch u need zBarb, and the whole process to obtain crazy DMG is achivable outside the GR. Wont tell ya more. So its easy to fix, no need to remove or restrict GoD set.

Anyway, some sneaky ppl can exp with this…using this method to destroy 150in 1min, and not killing Rift Guardian - just relog, and repeat… Not showing on ladderboard in that case. Huge amount of exp/hour.

Hope they will fix it asap , and do some rollback etc, cause i can bet there are many ppl using this glitch to take adventage in paragon farming.


But zbarb isnt in team in the 4-man record EU 1st place. How should this work?

What’s worse is that,
some ppl are using bot and this glitch…there are already some >p5000 players.

That’s what i suggest :

-Wipe out rankings
-Wipe every seasonal character paragons to 0(leave 70lvl and items )
-Give 5-7day global buff to exp(100-200%)

Sonds a bit fair for casual players.


Think i did read in German Forum but didnt find now.