My Little Overpowered Whirlwind Experience

Huge goal post shift from your original point, and using macro’s isn’t cheating. If it was there would be bans for it. D3 authorized and brand stamped a macro capable mouse 6 or 5.5 years ago. This game has come a long way from Jay Wilson’s ill fated pre release interviews. Being willfully obtuse doesn’t make your argument more relevant and misusing ‘cheater’ is the only way you had to make a response.

Bad logic is bad.

Just so I have not misinterpreted your post, you are saying that two-thirds of the entire Diablo base use bots?
That’s appalling if it is true. And all this time I thought I sucked because I couldn’t get my rapidfire DH above 110 with 1700 paragons.

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Using macros is not the same as botting. Not even close.

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I neither cheat nor have any desire to do anything other than play the game the way it was intended. I would not know which is why I asked because that thought never crossed my mind.

It is not always that insane gameplay macro that is used. Sometimes it can be as simple as the automatic casting of WoTB Or vengeance. Stuff like that you have to refresh since Blizzard doesnt give a repeat skill option.

What was the goal post shift? I have consistently said that the current PTR build is too simple and formulaic, as well as unflavorful, for the early results it is putting up.

I also maintain that Bazooka should be Solo #1, and if peoppe are willing to cheat or work hard to learn it, good on them. If they do so via the cheating route, they are accomplishing illegitimate gains in a game. That makes them sad.

LAMO. Does any barb ask for nerfing wiz? You feel sad if your fav build is not 1 again?

Man, we barb has been number 1 zdps for years. Still I am willing to see WD crus monk be the top one.

So I just watched Bluudshed’s SS MOTE video, and he said that right now, everything is inferior to WW. Expect a nerf.

I actully dear sir, expect a buff to all other barbarian builds to put them on par with WW, since this is the patch that updates barb legendaries, so it needs to be done now and not later.

Outside of thorns necro nerf and vyr’s chantodo, there was nothing else in need of a nerf, everything else SCREAMS for buffs (including the 2 new sets).


I am down for that too actually! Just don’t leave WW as is alone.

You really expect all the other builds to get buffed? That’s not how blizzard does things… every class has 1 vastly superior build (maybe 2 if you consider a set build and a LoD build) and a bunch of others that don’t come close as far as GR pushing is concerned… yes, they might have a superior speed farming build or what not, but if WW survives PTR as is, then this is probably it for barb GR progression for a while.

Then why change all the other legendary items that have nothing to do with WW? I think there is a solid good intent on devs side to help rest of barb builds perform up to current standards / meta of the game ^^

I would think in a perfectly balanced world for barb you’d have this:

Hota/MoTE/Seismic- top solo pushers / Meta RGK
WW/Rend - Meta AoE trash / top speed GR
zBarb - Meta support

That’s probably going to be the easiest direction to push for your class. But in reality after this patch if you guys were even just this you’d be in a good spot:

Hota/MoTE/Seismic- top solo pushers GR135 capable Meta RGK
WW/Rend - Meta AoE trash / top speed GR 115 speed capable
zBarb - Meta support

They changed a few (not all) items to help out a couple of builds and give people options, but those options don’t relate to GR pushing… which is what my comment was referring to. those other changes still aren’t going to put those builds near WW as for as GR progression. They’re not going to beef up all builds to be similar in power, and haven’t ever done that for any class sets.

Ah so based in the fantasy of how hard it is to play, which is not at all hard because of the reality of the macro. That was the goal post shift you made.

You may not use macro to play it, but others do. It’s a straight up 25% dps loss at minimum to play w/o macro. Making macro mandatory.

Pick one, it’s either ‘good on them’ which totally blows your own point out of the water (which I’m guessing you picked up on) or they’re sad. They aren’t sad; trust me on that. They’re better players than you or I.

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A, I appreciate your argument style. You make concise points and cite to evidence.

B, I am consistent. I personally have not seen cheating, and respect those that dont. For those that do, my opinion is still consistent: bless their pathetic hearts. I dont want to balance around cheating, and dont respect their achievements enough to let them shift gameplay. And for thise that want to stream their success, macros are no go, further reducing incentive.

and for non-seasonptr: thats 1 guy with 10,5k p - wizz would do that no doubt with that much and necro + some other wouldn’t be far away…and he had like the perfect rift on that
blizz had already done the mistake on an older ptr were they nerfed ww last minute and it went live too weak because 1 player somehow got 1 high clear ontop of ww always got hold back in the first place…
barbs need some new powerfull builds next season…it’s so long that barb got something usefull…even longer than that promising blue post…
if blizz does the mistake in really nerfing ww many barbs will be p*ssed and either don’t play because they’re angry or because there’s not enough new/exiting stuff in the game

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Ok, but Blizzard is wrong. All builds must be balanced, having only 1 dominant build makes no sense.
Monk has: WoL, Gen and Uli.

Crusader has: LoD Condemn, LoD BS, Invoker.

All of these builds are competitive and close in power.