My Little Overpowered Whirlwind Experience


When you hit a certain lvl dragging mobs will still be helpful. Other then that I agree 100% that it shouldn’t matter where the damage comes from. Although it is very obvious some do care.

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Agreed. At the highest levels of pushing that’s gonna be the case. But at least now you can run at the speed level 105-110 without having to stack up all the mobs. That’s nice :slight_smile:


You know, I actually agree with you about how the old WW build was arguably worse. Maybe it is just the nature of WW?

The truth is, maybe using WW to apply a Rend (twice with Lamentation) is the right move. Maybe I just feel it is too strong. But I will say, no need for massive IAS on WW is weird.

Are people leaning towards just Wastes with Band of Might and Mantle in Cube, or CC with RORG and Lamentation cubed?

The “main barb” clowns think they deserve to be overpowered because someone else was. muuuuuuuh leave my barb alone!!

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for those that say its OP: are you including, or removing the seasonal buff in your findings? I honestly dont know, im a sub GR100 player, but from my limited experience, its a little better, but not much, than before.

i was ~GR86 before PTR and am ~GR90 after. my HoTA IK barb is still better to me. (1000 paragon ish on account)


No buff that I see. Just normal.

Your Blessed Hammer/Falling Sword analogy makes no sense because FS is crucial to trigger multiple bonuses for Blessed Hammer.

You’re still using Whirlwind. It just now doesn’t lag the server because they’ve changed the way it does damage. You’re playing exactly the same way. You just change a couple of gearing choices.

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Its a weird combo. Rend for damage, ww for mobility.


I dont like the fact that the easiest to play and after some time boring build on aclass is the strongest, so i would like a nerf at least to level of the other barb builds builds (or you increase the power of these too, anyway balancing- on solo build would be nice).

i guess this build is probably a good build for botters too?

the hardest to play should be the best (the problem is not to make more problematic macro and botter builds)

Nobody cares about bots. Nor does anyone think builds that require mashing 1000 buttons should be the “best”. Even with the new changes, WW isnt the strongest build. It sounds like you’re upset that barbs are no longer stuck in zDPS roles. Nobody cares if you’ve been working on your zDPS set for 2 years.

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In it’s current form WW will have the damage to beat a prenerf Chantodo build with less fishing. Please remember unless someone has saved some crazy bad gear over the years. No one is optimized yet for the current build/s. It cleared 140 on the second try by dark on the PTR. Please look at his gear not optimized at all. We are comparing his 144 world record clear to a build that has only been out for two days and is within 4 lvls of the world record without fishing.


No links lol “Hey look at this. Its over there.” What?

I would be very very surprised if blizzard leaves this one alone, and also happy. But that is just wishful thinking on my part.

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144 is not a world record. 145 done in JUNE. Not even sure if there is higher clears since its almost 4 months ago.


You would make a terrible detective.

Spin vs relying on a macro. Clown.

LOL if OP draws their deep math from seasonal as well.

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Have people been banned for macro use?

Never, it’s been allowed for a long long time. 6 years at least. Banning for macro use would probably wipe out 2/3 of the remaining player base.

I see ur point but Barb finally being an actual class again (and not just support) would be nice so I wouldnt even mind having this on live.

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That is upsetting, but just like we shouldnt make laws for legal gun owners based on illegal gun use, we also shouldnt balance around cheating.