I mean, you could simply just not use the features. Charm Inventory for example;
If you don’t like it, just fill it the same way you would fill your normal inventory, and leave out the space you use to pick up loot so that it mimics your normal inventory, then when you go to pick loot up, pick up that one or two or however many items worth of space you left open in your Charm Inventory.
Simple as that. Player-made difficulty the same way it is Player-made difficulty forcing yourself to pick up less items because of the idea that you should be forced to decide what your space to power ratio sacrifice is.
Now, granted, it is technically still using the Charm Inventory, but not to the intent it was designed for. You’re treating it like your normal inventory and your normal inventory becomes a void except for those spots you allocated to in your Charm Inventory to reflect your item carrying space… :>
Still trying to figure out how it affects you if someone else is able to play the way they want when it doesn’t stop you from playing the way you want.
and I’ll stop you right here before you pull the “they’ll have more power than me when doing runs” card. With the amount of people in a single run, your difference in power is so negligible that you will not notice a difference.
But when you’re doing your MF runs? Yeah, situation for you will not change so long as you stick to your guns and don’t cave and collect more items than you normally would be able to.
This will be my last response to Charm Inventory discussion. I am pretty burnt out on it and am off to work shortly. I would like to discuss everything else though!
Woooahhh noow hold on there partna. If someone is dead set on playing a specific way, and the change doesn’t impact how they play at all if they can mitigate it by still playing the same way that they have been prior to the change, they’re not gimping themselves, they’re simply ignoring the feature and living life the same…
but if they suddenly feel the feature is not appropriate because other people can use it, when it doesn’t impact themselves at all provided there’s a way to go around it and still play the same way, then that’s just self righteous justification, imposing beliefs on others because they don’t believe in the feature.
I jest. Do what you will, the feature doesn’t hurt nobody. :> I was gonna quit posting there but I just had to have one more say. Viva la feature wars!
./end ./work ./sadness
(This is all provided that the Charm Inventory is the same size as the player inventory… If it isn’t… well, then we have a problem… ) Shooting myself in the foot! … kinda!
that’s EXACTLY what players do… that’s the BEST way to play.
i killed dclone with a enchant firewall sorc… … it took me roughly 17 min… and yeah i could have done it with my javzon in 6 seconds… but the fun is making my own restriction to see what i can do rather than having someone else put those restrictions on me.
thats why people do armorless runs, speedrunning, limited skills, nuzlocks,etc…
the ability to choose your own way to play is what MAKES games last for decades
yes it removes bad game design… thats the entire point.
forcing players to choose between power and QOL is terrible game design… it was terribly implemented because of skillers, it might have been ok if they didnt exist… but they do…
the current design between QOL and power is terrible because the most efficient way to play is to drop the QOL…
THAT is people gimping their QOL on purpose because its more efficient to play with terrible QOL
it means they are trading QOL… aka fun for efficiency… which is a utterly terrible design.
if u LIKE smashing your head against a wall and punching your monitor and throwing your control go play dark souls.
i read the topic very quick and is look all these change , are 90% to 95 %harmless this make me smile a bit . Charm Inventory (Harmless) have 12 skill charm and a full Inventory of charm free is Harmless , idk for you but me diablo 2 is about making choice , anyway 1,14 is already screw in my book , you can not be a purist for 1,14 a patch that have already change and have any balance update on item from 1,10 and on the top of this 1,10 never be a balance patch but a patch with new content . what a mess patch and game d2 become after 1,09
yeah that’s because u don’t know what a charm inventory is. because its most certainly NOT what you are describing
were not adding more charms… we arnt adding a “separate space for charms” in addition to our other space… were adding new inventory space u cant get effects from charms in, and the original 4x10 is colloquially called a “charm inventory”
people like you are even worse than geezer over here… at least he knows what we’re asking for and dissagrees… your just saying " it will break X" when it clearly wont because WERE NOT DOING THAT THAT WOULD BE A DISASTER IF THAT WAS EVER DONE.
learn what ACTUALLY is being asked before u come up with some random excuse what we cant do something…
because you’re trying to explain why we shouldn’t be doing something were not asking for…
thats not “technically” correct… its a 4x10 inventory that can be used for anything… and ANY amount of space that CAN’T be used to get a function effect from charms from.
they could add a 4x4 space… or a 4x6 or a 5x10 or x 6x10 or a 1x4 that addeds another 1x4 every 10 levels, it donest matter, the “charm inventory” is the just the original space and its not even limited to charms, its just the only place they work.
also the point is… the guy i was responding to THINKS we are keeping the old inventory and adding a new space on top of it for charms… and HE think were asking for charms to work in both… which would not only totally break the game, but wouldn’t even fix anything.
he donest understand what we’re asking
“charm” space is NOT being added… normal inventory space is being added except that new space cant be used for charms…( for effect) u can pick them up and id them and sell them from there but they wont get an effect unless they are moved to the original 4x10 space we have always had.
and yeah i see you arguing thatr its the same… as adding a 4x10 invetory space just for charms… except its not… because u are limiting the “added” space to being just for charms… ( which it isn’t) and you are making it so the space u add can “only” be 4x10… because that’s that’s the only way to keep the size the same without affecting balance.
if u start with your normal inventory and just add non-charm space… u can add any amount u want, in any size you want… instantly or unlock able as u play.
so yeah its a MASSIVE difference and the only time then even overlap is is EXACTLY 4x10
You are literally the only person I have seen describing a charm inventory this way.
The OP literally doesnt describe it that way even.
So claiming others Dont understand in the thread is frankly, wrong. You dont understand what people are talking about. Read the OP man.
Also, people get it, We get “Your” type of charm inventory and it literally has the same downsides of, You want all the benefits of charms but none/reduction of the costs.
There are plenty of people that like the way charms already work. Power for Inventory Space.
Devs have said they arent for increasing the inventory space already.
i’m describing it that way because that’s the way its implemented in EVERY SINGLE MOD.
the way its been implemented in d2 for years.
so yeah… not my problem u don’t understand how the damn thing works,
we’re not asking for something “new” were asking for something that has been tried and tested and is a clear obvious QOL improvement.
Cool havent really modded D2 much, like base game. But still, your going at people in the thread when they are talking about Charm Inventory as described by the OP.
And the devs have said No to making the inventory larger. The way you want the charm inventory ISNT hard to understand, you just think people “Just dont understand” when they dont want your version of Charm Inventory either.
I’m not really against a charm inventory it would be nice having our full inventory, but I see it from both sides.
If we have a dedicated space for charms it will feel different. It’ll be this box we feel obligated to fill until the very last square of space. That’s boring to me. I wouldn’t say that’s good game design either. It’s unimaginative. In my opinion, there should exist some trade-off, some other decision making to give it depth.
If not, if it’s just going to be a static charm box I have to fill, then I don’t really care, keep it as is I guess.
This sums it up well. People arguing for charm inventory often say the current design is badly designed, but they don’t propose anything that would make it a better design, they just want choices eliminated.
The mechanic of charms as it is, is a trade off. A trade off is often much better than a flat buff in game design.
I just don’t get the “bad design” argument. It has no merit.
Hmmm…I have all of these gear equipment slots. Should I really have something in each one? What are my tradeoffs? Should I not be able to use an amulet if I equipment a helmet? Or should a ring count towards my hand slots? Sort of boring just to fill each slot with an item, but I’m compelled to do so…what lazy one dimensional thinking!
/s In seriousness though, just look at it as equipment and the choices being what stats you need the most. Just like without a charm inventory, you are not going to keep a 1-2 fire damage large charm in your inventory if you are a sorc.