Muyu's Suggested Changes Compilation

Dark souls has a lot of quality of life features just saying, I finished sekiro so many times and I so happen to play DS3 again right now :D, no head smashing :relaxed:

having said that I agree charms were designed poorly and charm inventory is a good solution and can be done elegantly if needs be

Yeah they said they are not going to make a large inventory space as " you can put double of the amount of charms now"

they have not specifically said they are not going to make charm inventory which is entirely different and they did seem to be intrigued about what the community thinks of charm inventory

Could please lead me to what Charm inventory system the OP was referring to?

is there a new way to implement said feature I am not aware to?

I did just that, I proposed something elegant and you even agreed with what I said, until you decided on arguing again for which ever reason you choose to do so:

Can you not read the original post? It says what kind of charm inventory he is talking about.

Not sure if you cant see the post for some reason or cant find it. So quoted it. Muyu is talking about a Inventory Only for Charms.

The devs said they dont want to increase the inventory size, so that would rule out the

Adding more inventory space, but some is charm activation gated. Still more inventory space. So thats ruled out by what the devs said isnt it?

Thank you for quoting it, because it was not clear how what kitten and Muyu said was any different, because it isn’t, they said the exact same thing 1+3, 3+1 if you will.

I read the full article you are referring to and as I said before they did not rule out charm inventory, it seems like they were referring to a large inventory in general, meaning if a larger inventory means double the space, you could also use double the charms if you wish

which does not rule out charm inventory because it’s a different feature then a “larger inventory”

How is a space JUST for Charms same size as inventory

and Adding space that charms cant be used, but the original space can still be used normally.

The same thing? How?

  1. Increase Inventory space no charms. Increasing Overall inventory. But amount of charms you can hold stays the same.

  2. Add space just for charms size of inventory.

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It’s basically the same, the fact that your first option does not allow for anything beside charms to be used in this space is meaningless to the charm inventory argument you are making

if you want the only the charms to work there that will be welcome, as if to have a dedicated space just for that, but it doesn’t make much difference to how it works

1 Adds space for loot, and 1 doesnt? Same thing?

I wont go into a semantics battle. Of course you CAN claim anything. You know what I meant. I’ll edit my post to say ‘If you want a good discussion, you shouldn’t claim’, not that you ‘cant claim’.

I don’t think your post warrants more attention, or to give you/this thread more of a boost/bump to argue points you raised. I don’t care enough to challenge your personal feelings that you are entitled to. I just wanted you to explain why something isn’t harmful, rather than simply write that it isn’t.

Of course no one should be emotional or use name calling. I know I haven’t in this discussion. I’m not sure why you wrote a response as if I was attacking you. Keep on keeping on my friend.

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From a logical standpoint, you can claim anything, but that doesn’t mean you should.

I’m not going to give my opinion on the hot topics you mentioned because I do see the pros and cons of both, and am fine playing the game with or without them. I also don’t think VV cares to implement these, so I don’t think there is value in fighting over sides to something that isn’t going to be implemented. Sure you can CLAIM, GUESS, or HOPE they might implement more QOL stuff in the future after release, but I wouldn’t waste your time/effort now.

And yes, I can argue micro-transactions are harmless. Even though I agree they aren’t great, I can very easily make an argument about their optional nature, that D2R is essentially a single player game, that you can make your own community and never see someone who participated in micro-transactions, and that you will never know someone paid to win, etc. I COULD argue that buying those cosmetics, or additional stash space, or bigger inventory, or whatever, doesn’t impact you as an individual player in an ocean of millions. I’m not going to argue that, but there is a case to be made for anything.


No I didn’t, I said 2 space for extra grand charms is less of a balance change than 9, but still a balance change. Stop manipulating words that mean the exact opposite of agreeing with you.

Nothing you proposed is elegant. It’s a clunky design, with no tradeoffs. Its value in game design is nil.

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Hah, you must of course see how calling a charm inv an improvement is subjective. …

And “any other ARPG” has “proven” to me “improvements” like these actually do not make a game better. Because I dont think those games, including those D2 mods, are as good as D2. For all the reasons Geezer and Playaah have already said. And I totally agree that the charm inv proposal should be considered at least “mixed bag”.

But it’s your thread so it’s all obviously your opinion, which is fine.

Also - the devs have said they dont want people to have more inv slots for items. SwiftKitten says his idea to give people more non-charm slots fits with the dev statements because we wouldnt be getting more charm slots than 4x10, but if people didnt fill up their “original” inventory with charms, we’d have more space for non-charms. So isnt giving players the capacity to carry more items - noncharms - exactly the opposite of what Mr. Galeriani recently said about their inv intentions?


I’d like to see a trading post added to the game. This would be a great addition IMO. A centralized in-game trading ground would remove the incentive of people seeking alternative forums for trading gear, and also give everyone a way to roughly estimate how much their items are worth. This would be in addition to the original in game way of trading we have now.

Rough idea on how it would work:

  • Post item(s) for X days with a short message. “iso Tal Rashas full set”
  • Anyone can offer item(s). Offers can’t leave messages.
  • All items by poster and offers are put in a ‘hold’ until the trade is completed or cancelled.
  • The poster and any offers can cancel at any time.
  • The poster can accept any one offer, the items are swapped, trade completed. Any other offers are returned.
  • Any cancelled or completed offers show up in a mail message similar to D3 so you can collect your items.

Active posts can be searched based upon both what is offered, keywords in the message, sorted by time active/remaining, etc.

I’m just against having to use a trade forum or chat channel to trade items. Lurking in the game lobby searching for trade games and creating “x for y” games gets old. Being able to post item(s) and get offers while we’re sleeping, working, family time etc. would be nice.


I wonder if the community will create its own solution, by creating Trade channels that people go into to post items, rather than use game names such as “myOccy4IstMal” or worse, 3rd party forums. An in-game Trading Post would be interesting, and could definitely be made, but rather than put some development time into that, I hope the community will create their own solution within the existing chat channel system.


Thank you for visiting, Charm Inventory.
Next feature, please come to booth 22 please to begin your argument!

As long as we avoid the disaster that was Diablo 3’s implementation… lol.

As long as the trading post doesn’t become like an auction house. It’s too cool to actually meet in character to trade, I think it’d be a shame to lose that. Automated, instant, passive click trading through the magic mail, please no =(

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Personally the way I’d like to see it implemented would be to allow someone to reserve an item someone wants to sell and still require them to meet in-game.

I understand your viewpoint on losing that one on one trade experience. The original way would still be there for those that prefer that way of trading. But, it does have its negative points… All to often playing I’d hear of people getting scammed through the current way of trading using the old switch method. With a trading post, no one would have to worry about being scammed.

Hard to believe people would trade in person at all if there was an automated auction house system in place =/ In-person trading would be lost.

A way to counter scamming while preserving the Diablo II Way ™ would be to just design a character trade interface which had to be approved by both players before any trade occurred. They could replace the ground drop trade with that, same essential thing. That’d be much less work than trying to design an entire auction house/trading post system while worrying about compromising D2’s uniqueness.

I loved in-person trades, I think the good way outweighs the minor inconvenience of having to meet up.

A different thought on preserving the one-on-one trade experience while incorporating a trade post function would be this:

  • Make a post of what you’re trading with a short message.
  • Those browsing can only see the offers of those online and will see a “Request Live Trade” button, which if the browser clicks and the poster accepts the request, will join you both automatically to a game to conduct the trade one-on-one.