Muyu's Suggested Changes Compilation

There are plenty of times where having full charms are advantageous, and plenty of times where they are not.

I run 0 charms on Trav runs
I run 3/4 full on baal (I almost never do baal runs so this doesn’t matter)
I run completely full/ cube for chaos
I run 2/4 full on pits (or 0 % full if hammerdin, maybe gheeds)
On ladders where I used to rush for 99 or fastest to 95, I would run full charm and not care about picking up items.

These are all dependent on build, area of the game, MF%, and what you’re trying to do.

Give a charm inventory, all these choices are lost. Choices= better gameplay.


Okay, great, now…

And you could run it with all charms but elsewhere. I see no reason to slow down your run by removing power. (Edit: I suppose you wouldn’t need extra power if you’re not killing and just going straight for the special chests…)

Do you somehow run this more efficiently with that fraction of your inventory full?

Okay. So now you need to go back to town many dozens of times, pausing your run in between here and there if something drops before Big D himself, and even after Big D dies if he drops anything.

Okay, this makes sense as an argument against CHarm Inventory. You wouldn’t pick anything up anyway. First valid argument I’ve seen all day that denies Charm Inventory.

Also, let us uncover something really quick here;

Everyone keeps saying “Choices choices choices”, but nobody has even once stopped to consider that you have those same choices in the Charm Inventory. Again, you’re only allowing yourself to pick up more items. Why you would dampen your ability to do what the game’s primary function is doesn’t make sense to me unless you’re in a situation like your last example where you wouldn’t pick up items anyway because you’re racing to the top of the ladder.

Anyway, I feel we’ve exhausted ourselves on this subject and I’ll concede here for now. I’ve left everyone with an invaluable amount of information regarding the defense of allowing Charm Inventories and now people, hopefully, will be better armed when they’re confronted about the same issue.

I’ll repeat - I care not whether or not they include the system. I’m just an informant. Do not shoot the messenger like a few people have been, it doesn’t make your stance any stronger and in fact it weakens it.

The choices made now are real, and have consequences Re: how much you can pick up.

The choices made with a charm inventory are pseudo-choices, because you will always have enough space to pickup whatever you want before the next run.


That isnt true. Charms require character level and cost Inventory space. Inventory Space is valuable real estate in a looter game. The value of the charm inventories space is not nearly as valuable or costly of a choice as Inventory space. Saying they are Equal, is not factual at all.

If you want to decrease the cost of Charms you would have to balance out the cost reduction of the high value of inventory space to the lower value of the charm inventory space. Maybe make charms have a Stat requirement like armor and weapons. For example make them have Energy requirements to use to attempt to balance out the reduction in cost of using charms.

Says the guy who states all posts and claims against something are ignorant people blinded by nostalgia. Yeah just a messenger yup, sure, wink wink, you are.


Exactly. The arguments against it are just ridiculous. In a game about getting loot, forcing a choice between loot and power is just poor design. Period. I personally don’t care if they add it or not, but I do think it would definitely make the game better and bring it back to what it’s core actually is and that is getting loot.


Without the little stops to identify, TP, make decisions on the fly of what to pickup/drop, the idea that I might have found a vamp gaze and an eth GPA on a run right before Baal, I have to make the decision to either

Miss out on Baal drops
Drop the gaze or GPA and hope for a GG item to grab before others.

Those choices are not “bad game design” just because you may not like them.

Making every game the same, is bad game design.
Making every D2 MF or XP run a no-think grindfest, is not good game design.


It would make the game easier, better is far more subjective.

The problem, isnt with the game mechanic, its with the users that want all the benefits of the game mechanic but dont want to pay the cost of it.

If you dont like the cost of charms for there benefit then dont use them.

I dont like the Really High Str cost of some hell armors, so I dont use them. I dont want the Str Cost removed from the armors, I just dont use them.

If you dont think the Benefit of Charms is worth the cost of Inventory space, Then dont use them. Its rather simple.

But people are greedy and want everything at cost of nothing.


Yep. Sometimes I’ll even play specs that are less charm dependent, when I feel I want a bit more space.

Or, I’ll just throw a couple fire/cold charms into the stash…a few GCs are not going to break a character. Just don’t run full charms if you don’t want to. Easy.


specially with the share stash tabs and more stash space, just tossing a few charms in the stash in public games so you have a bit more room if you want,

or after you kill a boss, pick up your 1 item, come to town, throw some charms in the stash, grab the rest of the items you want. 2 trips then instead of 1 item at a time.

Only times dropping some charms can be hurtful towards a build, is if you have most of your charms giving you Attributes, that you use to wear your gear. But that level of min/maxing is done knowing you are making yourself very dependent on your charms, that is 100% a player choice at end game.

And sometimes a Players Choice bites them in the bum, but its their choice to get a bum biting.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The only, and i mean only way i could possibly agree with anything you have ever said is if charms are somehow required to play the game. But as they are now they are completely optional, therefore, you limiting your ability to loot is a decision you make on your own.

I’d understand it if charms were something you’d have to use to be able to defeat the content. But you don’t. So i don’t get it.

But since people are agreeing to removing the costs of charms, shouldn’t the charms be removed aswell? I mean, that would also fix your imaginary issue of looting.


You can’t refresh merchant not because it will make it easier, thats a quality of life and harmless

you can’t refresh merchant because if you sell something or see something you want to buy or buy back, someone refreshing merchant will get rid of that item, everyone sees the same items on merchants unlike gambling, which is why they didn’t implement it on regular vendors

you can’t have it on them.

just adding you so you can see it and add it to the list


This is a classic case of you being biased and thinking other people are, and we already proved the majority of people are for it, unlike what you said here :

don’t lie please, we are trying to actually have a conversation

You have not proved anything. If you still rely on the poll as your proof, you have discredited the poll yourself. Such hypocrisy.

You are trolling. Do you not see the resistance in this thread? If im gonna apply your own logic from the last thread, the majority is against it. (eventhough that is speculation, like you in the last thread.) Even if the majority was for a charm inventory, there still is a large considerable percentage against it.

Can’t discuss with trolls anymore. Muted.


I did, you made me elaborately prove it on multiple posts, you are the one trolling not me and if i knew you could mute someone i might have muted you long ago and i see you doing so as a blessing

and I am yet to understand how what i said is discredited the poll, anyone that will go through the thread you linked will see you are lying once again

You shouldn’t claim something is harmless simply because you don’t understand the potential harm. Not going to bother telling you which, that’s what the other 100s of threads on these have done already.

And if you do understand the pros/cons, please elaborate in your OP. Maybe try to go into detail about why you think there is no harm.

For example, micro transactions could arguably be harmless with the right spin, but you say it will kill the game.


First of all why would you assume someone doesn’t understand something if he thinks differently, the thread is a bit long so I understand if you didn’t go through all the things he was saying, but he indeed stated the everything is up for debate that is what this thread is for and that everything he has referred to so far with a post was very well put and elaborate

I agree that cosmetic micro transactions might be a thing with the new 3d overhaul and might even help support the game in the long run, but is it something blizzard even planning to do?

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ohh another one of this posts. iam right and you wrong cause just nostalgia :slight_smile:


Actually, I can in fact claim that they are harmless, because that is all I am doing, claiming they are. I am not saying they are all factually harmless, as that isn’t the intent of this thread. I will vehemently defend anything that isn’t backed with sufficient non-emotionally, factually incorrect driven information though.

Discussion is the intent, however. Feel free to challenge my rating of each feature as you please. I am open to changing the rating that I personally feel is right, if you can provide factual informationread: not simply because you want it to stay the same because that is “what they said they will do” as to why my personal feelings should be swayed to your personal feelings. That is what this thread’s purpose is, after all.

At the end of the day, it matters not to me what anything is rated because what matters the most is that everyone’s voices are heard by the developers. Too many threads go by on the daily that have too little open discussion that don’t devolve into arms flailing bash fests telling one another they are wrong because x y z without any sound reasoning as to why that is.
It’s one thing to be emotive, it’s another to be unproductive and call each other out and use name calling to justify their distaste of a feature.

This thread is actually accomplishing its intent at having some semblance of intelligent discussion. It might not all be about the same justification for certain features, and that is okay, because that is what I want to make doubly obvious so that when a developer comes strolling on by, they have less to look through in the forums ideally and see most of the raw motivation and desire in this thread.

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i dont tknow what post you are responding to but if its about “loot filter” or “charm inventory” i can in fact claim they are harmless because i have in fact played with both of them… for over 2 years… and yeah they ARE harmless… i know because i have seen them implemented in d2, played with them and played without them… you guy can theory-craft all you want… i’m not theory-crafting… i have used them.

also no one can argue micro-transactions are harmless.
that is the most BS argument ever. micro-transaction are easily the worst thing in the history of gaming… its one thing to buy an “expansion” or a “digital deluxe edition” those are more “macro transactions” but MICRO transaction are utterly horrific, at best they are a sleazy greedy way to hold back stuff they could have easily implemented in game in order to rip people off, at worst they are gambling for children.

Except they’re not harmless at all. If they were harmless, Blizzard would have already implemented them with very little pushback.

Just because you really like something, doesn’t mean it will be harmless to other people’s playstyle.