I thought I’d contribute to the ever-growing scene revolving around expected or otherwise asked for changes to Diablo 2 Resurrected and figured the best way to do this would be to compile the modifications people wish to see happen in this list. Feel free to debate below or add anything I might have missed. Keep in mind, I am open to reassessing the tag each change is given so that there is no issues with transparency in regards to whether or not these are my personal opinions.
Let’s also try and keep comments civil, no head-butting.
- Do note that none of these are assessed with any bias on whether or not these are widely accepted changes. This is all purely observational.
I will be separating each modification by whether or not it is QoL or game changing and provide brief explanations of the function and mark them as follows;
To start things off al la Quality of Life (QoL):
1. Additional Menu Buttons (Harmless) - Skill and Character Sheet skillup/statup buttons for ease of access, for those that prefer not to use hotkeys or are still relatively new to the Diablo franchise.
2. Offline Single Player (SP) Ladder Runewords (Harmless) - Nobody is really sure why this wasn’t a feature out of the gate as it really doesn’t hurt anything but it will be a huge plus for console players.
3. Retain patch 1.13 Drop Rates (Harmless) - It’s been lightly discussed that drop rates are a little harsh, but the general consensus is that the original rates are the best.
4. Charm Inventory (Harmless) - This one has been beaten to death, but ultimately even I have come to terms with this. Basically create an entirely separate inventory for charms in the size of the player’s inventory only for charms. Ultimately most players choose to keep their inventory full of charms anyway, so in the end this only allows us to be able to focus on farming longer instead of going back to town every time we find an item.As user Axe has noted, there is also the possibility this could be implemented in a much more graceful manner - that being unlocking the “Full size” Charm Inventory at end-game levels (90-93), giving the incentive to grinding through the 90’s rather than seeing it as a roadblock full of EXP loss on death.
5. Bug Fixes for Broken Skills - (Mixed Bag) - There are some skills that are legitimately broken functionally and need to be fixed, but would ultimately throw the power balance out of whack as the classes with broken skills are still viable and have been used all the same.
6. Buff/Debuff display (Harmless) - Would basically show what is happening to your character similar to how it works in Path of Exile.
7. Skill Activation Screen Limit (Harmless) - Prevent skills like Teleport from working outside of the original bounding box that the highest resolution that was available from Classic Diablo 2. Preventing ultra widescreen player advantages.
8. Extended Limitations on Visible Items on Ground (Harmless) - Allow more items to show on the ground during huge clutter moments.
9. Scroll Wheel controlled Zoom (Harmless) - Self explanatory.
10. Remove Cow Level penalty (Harmless) - This is under harmless because the penalty was a feature of an era in which the developers did not care too heavily about features for a game they never intended to seriously support. The penalty as such is an archaic reminder of history long past.
11. Keep Anya Portal Open (Mixed Bag/Harmless) - The original idea for the Temple was for users to use the way point to access it after all is said and done, but users ultimately opted to not kill Nihlathak to keep the portal open for Pindelskin farming.
12. Drop Sound Notification/Map beacon (Mixed Bag) - Some have argued that this is not needed as the core foundation of looting in Diablo 2 is enshrouded in keeping your eyes open for loot you might have access to, but in general it seems to be a mixed bag of feelings.
13. Ctrl or Alt + Click Inv->Stash/Stash->Inv (Harmless) - Basically allows you to move items to and from inventory without having to juggle the item all over the place. Saves your wrists some durability. Simplest of simple QoL features. Seen mixed reports of whether or not it is already implemented or needing to be implemented. For the sake of this post, included in QoL.
14. Book of Runes/RuneBook/Horadric Recipes (Harmless) - Another horribly beaten subject that I’ve come to accept after denouncing it on several occasions. Runes and Recipes used to be intended as secrets to find out but the vast majority of us know them all/most of them and jumping out of the game to use a browser, to go back and do something in the game is anti-immersion and cumbersome. Let’s embrace technology and keep the focus on in-game. Sorry, Arreat Summit, your time came and went in a flash.
15. Show Min/Max Values on Items (Harmless) - This is under Harmless because at the end of the day, the problem with this one is the same as 14., your focus should never leave the game, plus in my personal honest opinion, it makes it more exciting to know what values your item can roll, so you feel more motivated to do your min-max meta.
16. Legacy D2R Widescreen Resolution Support (Harmless) - Some feel that the playerbase that wishes to play with the original Sprite models should be given the option to play the game at a resolution more akin to today’s standard, rather than forcing them to play at a smaller resolution on a monitor clearly capable of more. Just keeps the game more inline with itself.
17. Larger Horadric Cube (Mixed Bag/Harmless) - Can be seen from multiple angles in regards to whether or not it should be changed. Larger cube can be more beneficial, if even just slightly, if Charm Inventory doesn’t happen. The original intent of the cube was simply original design shortsightedness - the largest item to fit in it would fit in it with the maximum gems you can modify it with at one time.
18. Open BattleNet/Similar Functionality (Harmless) - This one is one I’ve not seen talked about anywhere else and is something I’d personally like to see so that we have the option to play modded versions of the game online with friends in mods that aren’t total overhauls, i.e. Boss Mod kind of mods or what have you.
Actually not sure if Boss Mods was a dll injection or what, so I’m not sure if this would work, but leaving up there for exposure anyway to get clarification.
19. Uber Bosses/Events in Single Player (SP) (Harmless) - Much like 2. Ladder Runewords for Single Player. Should be activated for Single Player instead of just online play.
20. Toggle Show Loot On/Off (Harmless) - Another simple QoL feature. Some prefer show loot be permanently on.
21. Merchant Merchandise Refresh (Harmless) - Something else that can be viewed as harmless. Refresh available goods, similar to the gambling function.
22. Show Item Level of Gear (iLvl) (Mixed Bag/Harmless) - Something else I’ve seen the community request and have an argument for and against. I’ll leave it up to you guys to discuss down below if this is something necessary, and why or why not.
The next section will consist of changes that alter the gameplay:
1. Skill Balancing (Game Breaking) - The game was never intended to be balanced. Creator’s own words.
2. Additional Content (DLC or otherwise) (Harmful) - Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction is at end-life. Diablo Immortal is the natural successor taking up whatever little there is between the events of Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction and Diablo 3. There is no room for new content, lore-wise.
3. Infinite Throwable/Ammunition (Harmful) - There are specific mechanics in Diablo 2 revolving around ammunition count. Infinite is just not an option. The idea is for you to be situationally aware of your weapons.
4. P2W, Microtransactions, Gates (Game Breaking) - I don’t think this needs explaining. Diablo 2 is not a beauty pageant or money game.
5. Alternate Servers for Old Patches (Mixed Bag) - Can be good, can be bad, depends on your world view. In the end, it creates more work for the developers as there would be multiple revisions of the game they’d need to reference to do the same job.
6. Separate Servers for Classic Diablo 2/LoD, Classic Resurrected and Lord of Destruction Resurrected (Mixed Bag) - Similar situation as above.
7. Loot Filters (Mixed Bag) - Significantly impacts how the farming formula would work in Diablo 2. Also affects multiplayer sessions in regards to the loot one person may be able to see over someone else not using a filter but is also dependent on whether it is a built in feature, leaving the end-user responsible for their choice to use one or not, or if it’s third party, ultimately breaking the game. Also as I’ve noticed some players have made the suggestion that the filter could be based on the lobby that the original player made, example being “X&Y Filter is used in this lobby, all players will use this filter upon joining” similar to how you can limit player level upon entry. Let me also dispel the baseless fear that some people have come to force people to believe - Loot Filters do not provide potential to hack/damage/ruin someone’s game/pc/experience, when implemented -correctly-. The biggest example of incorrect implementation is sadly Path of Diablo which uses an antiquated client design, based on non-Resurrected Diablo 2, that had Loot Filters designed not with security in mind because let’s face it, if they cared for security, the problem wouldn’t exist.
8. Changes to Items/Itemization (Game Breaking) - We’re going for a remaster, not a recreation. Changes to items would change the game entirely.
9. Show More Stats Beneath Monster Health Bar (Mixed Bag) - Again, a personal world view item. Some like the idea, some don’t. It changes how you approach your encounters.
10. PVP Arena/PVP Handshake (Mixed Bag) - Would change the culture of Player Killing (PK) quite significantly but would overall improve the likelihood there would be more of a PVP scene. Could have been a QoL feature but it’s a touchy subject.
11. Respecialization/Respec (Harmful) - There is already a functionality built into the game that allows you to respec. Two, in fact. Akara and Essence farming.
12. Additional Item Updates/Per Ladder (Mixed Bag) - While not directly affecting the core of the game, it does introduce dramatic change to the game, for better or for worse. Labeled Mixed Bag because it also improves the game’s longevity.
13. Continued Support/Updates (Mixed Bag) - Again, potential to change the game, for better or for worse.
14. Mercenary(Merc) AI/Pathing Improvement (Mixed Bag) - Potential to remove a power void, creating tremendously more powerful player builds. As some players have described, it might actually be beneficial for VV to look into modifying the pathing indepth as there are functions of the merc that simply go unused or aren’t met with their full potential because of the way merc pathing AI interacts with the environment.
15. Larger Player Inventory (Game Breaking) - Would cause tremendous power voids to be closed if the player inventory size were increased. (Only if Charm Inventory is not present)
16. More/Infinite Stash Tabs (Mixed Bag) - Muling was a concept of the past for a game with grueling limitations brought on because of design concepts of the early 2000’s. It shouldn’t remain present in present era gaming, but it is also a design concept some have come to appreciate. It is a love/hate relationship among the community.
17. Tradable Unique Charms (Mixed Bag) - Hard to create reasoning for this being mixed bag. There’s pros, there’s cons, there’s middle-grounds. Discuss down below, let me know what you think.
18. Stacking Potions/Runes (Mixed Bag) - Another one that’s hard to justify for or against as it doesn’t provide any immediately noticeable cons but it also downplays your belt to some extent (potions) and your stash/stash tab (runes).
19.Multiboxing (Mixed Bag) - This is another one of those controversial changes/asked for features. Implications for botting seem to be a primary concern but there are arguments supporting the necessity for those who wish to dedicate more time to the venture. I’ll leave this one up to you guys to provide natural arguments for the support/denial of this feature!
20. In-game Trading Hub (Harmless/Mixed Bag) - I can see this working, since it would pull people back into the game to trade instead of visiting forums al la reddit, etc. See comments 150 and below for further explanation.
Again, if I have missed anything, comment down below.
Hyperlinks included at the bottom of this post to provide exposure to some of the more talked about suggestions included in this thread.