Multiboxing should be banned in D4

I meant Vrak in general. His methods are questionable and he tends to overstep his bounds at times. If he’s changed in the past year or two, that’s fine as we all have things we go through.

Thank you

It happens here to when people come to the official forums to cry about an unfair ban with a vauge story then players and and CMs respond with receipts proving them wrong. From my experience on forums, 99% of all bans are legit, and the mistakes are corrected pretty quickly. Also innocent people rarely come to the forums to cry, they go through the proper channels. Guility parties come here to cry foul for attention and whining.

Mileage will vary. From my experience, a good 1/3 of bans were not deserved. The mod or GM could have handled the situation a lot more professionally and with more composure. They could have talked the situation down rather than just ban someone. That should always be the last resort.

The top forum was Sierra’s forums. You didn’t have to walk on eggshells when posting.

Overall on all forums. Yes, a lot of people cry wolf but there are more undeserved bans than people realize. Too many people who shouldn’t be moderators feeling the need to ban or suspend first. That should always be the last course of action.

Hard to say here specifically because I’ve not seen anyone even infracted. Surprising how little traffic this game’s forum has considering how played it is.

This conversation has been extremely interesting. I really hope Blizzard start to take note and clean up the forums, reddit forums are moderated in mere minutes. Their are multiple articles being written about information coming off the Diablo forums (both reddit and Blizz official) that appear on my news feed everyday. Many professional eyes are looking at the forums, I can’t believe Blizzard are allowing some of the conversations that take place here to go on, they are clearly just personal attacks or gaslighting and have nothing to do with discussing game mechanics.

Sometimes “disagreeing” with someone is trolling though. It’s doing it in a way where you pretend not to understand information you have been given and then use nonsensical mental gymnastics to put out another negative post attempting to continue their opposing messaging, despite being proven wrong. Trolling, gaslighting, double speak, these things are deliberately well hidden so people can hide in plain sight and continue to troll. If they go too far they know they will be kicked off the forums.

Let me give you a very simple example of this that has happened recently and is undeniably trolling.

When talking about pvp in reference to World pvp or Invasions. I have, in the OP no less, stated very clearly that when I imagine these features they would have a toggle. A way to turn off Invasions and World pvp so as not to participate in them. This way pve players are not having pvp forced upon them.

And yet post after post with a certain individual, they are told time and time again that it is a toggle feature but still PRETEND to not understand this. They keep saying that pvp is being FORCED upon people and use this as reasoning to keep posting negative posts about pvp.

Here is the post in question.

It’s literally in the title of the post.

Why have the ability to flag for “trolling” and yet Blizzard do nothing about it, when it’s clearly going on.

Game companies are willing to hire psychologists to work out how to make us addicted to their monetisation, why not hire them to clean up their social presence they have publicly on the forums for such an important game.

I’m on 100 people discords that are better moderated than this.

Good morning, Dusty.

From the objective perspective of a veteran moderator, this forum really isn’t that bad. It’s nowhere near the cesspool that the WoW forums are. Sure, there are problems here with the occasional dated “reading comprehension” replies but they’re not quite so common.

This thread alone… sure, myself and some others went off on a tangent but we kept it friendly and amicable. I was just educating some people on some issues that are well known to some while others bury their heads in the sand. Nobody resorted to the popular “troll” card or other personal attacks. Therefore, there was really no reason for any moderator to intervene.

I understand your perspective on how sometimes disagreeing can be trolling. However, the simple act of disagreeing is not, never was nor ever will be trolling. People are freely allowed to have a different opinion.

Trolling is the deliberate, intentional attempt to get a rise out of someone else. There is a form of trolling that some try to hide in conversations known as “sealioning” which is asking for proof/evidence when you really don’t care, you’re just wanting to pound on the person you’re harassing. However, even though the definition says “repeatedly”, the vast majority of sealion trolls only ask once or twice. Most people who repeatedly ask are honestly wanting evidence or your presented evidence does not make sense. Regardless, there has to be proof of intention to classify someone as a troll and that’s something MANY moderators forget, thus leaving hundreds of people daily with a mark of shame they didn’t actually deserve.

Keep in mind that the flag system is extremely flawed. The forum does not have a downvote button anymore (thank heavens…) and people now resort to false flagging posts they disagree with. For Blizzard to intervene, there has to be X amount (I think it’s around 8) flags and then they’ll ban the person. If it really means that much to you, you could join one of the Discord cliques that coordinate on Discord to mass flag people and get them banned. This is a very common tactic people on the Blizzard forums. I’ve witnessed several and there really is nothing Blizzard can do about it.

Ofc I wasn’t suggesting otherwise. I am all for open free debate as long as it doesn’t resort to this:

But when this is allowed to exist and run rampant on these forums, personally the worst bar none game forums I have ever used, then it sets a precedent for future behaviour from all participants.

There may be a couple of hundred individual posts made on the Diablo 3 forums each day. This may sound a lot but it’s honestly a days work for 1 person to be able to read these. I myself keep up with pretty much every post everyday if I want to and that’s along with my other life priorities. It’s beyond my comprehension that such a large company don’t seem to have someone shutting down basic obvious trolling between community members, when huge discords with thousands of individual posts a day which are volunteer run by small teams are able to keep this basic obvious trolling under control.

Blizzard show a serious lack of professionalism here.

The problem with trolling is that you have to be able to prove the person had intent. Assuming they did is not sufficient. This is why so many moderators have their judgement questioned and why there are so many memes about it. They see someone being assertive and brand them a troll, which is an absolutely horrible thing to do. Falsely branding someone a troll is far less professional than ignoring or overlooking a troll.

I’m not saying you are, so please do not misconstrue, but some posters are overly sensitive and feel any post that isn’t echoing theirs is trolling. Some people feel that if someone questions them, they’re trolling. Some people feel that if someone proves them wrong, they’re trolling. This has been a thing for a very long time. You have to find the right balance while being fair. In my 35 years of forums, not all but easily 90% of forums have “licensed trolls”. People who are allowed to freely break the rules. No matter how many times they’re reported, nothing ever happens. These people are usually always shills or people who suck up to the moderators. MissCheetah and I were talking about the CS forums in this thread. If you want to see licensed trolls, go there. The people who live in that forum and shill/suck up to the blues all day have been allowed to badger, harass and troll people not in their clique for a few years now.

All that being said, it’s no secret that moderation on these forums is something to be desired but it’s not likely anything is going to improve or come of it. We can complain but we’re basically breathing into the wind. There are just some things in life that are never going to go the right way. Whether it’s because the person(s) who own it are fine with the status quo or it’s just not financially sound.

Back to the subject, multiboxing and key mirroring software was explicilty allowed in both WoW and D3 as documented by official Blizzard statements until November 2020?

Is that a fact? Yes or no.

Are they? Is there evidence that they explicitly stated this? If so, yes, it’s a fact.

Ok then, why did you ask?

The OP was not questioning if multiboxing was allowed in WoW, he stated his opinion was that it should be banned in D4.

You’re talking apples and oranges though.

While your feedback is appreciated, you can establish all the facts you want but if they are irrelevant to the direct topic, they won’t sway things one way or the other.

The links provided are the same comment. The comments are 8 years old. It would be beneficial to get an updated comment, especially since the person who stated them has not been active in a long time. I know Blizzard has stated something one year and stated something completely opposite a few years later. Not so much contradicting themselves but stances do change depending on the gaming environment, customer feedback and game changes.

Well if we’re establishing facts why say this:

It was not explicitly allowed or documented.

It was only documented that it was now banned in 2020.

This is the links and evidence that has been provided.

Until you can provide a link that as you say “explicitly” states it was allowed before this, then we can assume it was never intended to be allowed by Blizzard and when they made a statement about it they banned the ability to use automation and mirroring software, showing how they really feel about it and their final decision.

Even per the link provided, they said they “technically allow” it which means it’s “decriminalized”. Not so much supported. They won’t really do anything about it but it doesn’t mean they’re welcoming it. This is usually the case for things they cannot feasibly control.

I’m not talking about multiboxing on its own I am talking about multiboxing using mirroring software and automation. I even wrote that in the OP. They never publicly state that they “technically allow” mirroring or automation software. Until this link is provided it’s just hearsay.

If somebody ever insinuated that Blizzard allows multiboxing via automation, that person is sorely mistaken.

Multiple links have been provided some by you some by me.

Those links show prior to November 2020, Blizzard’s policy allowed both multiboxing and key mirroring software in D3 and WoW.

In November 2020, Blizzard expliciy changed their policy. This policy change said key mirroring software will no longer be permitted in WoW while multiboxing in WoW will continue to be allowed.

Is that true?

Automation is not allowed.

This is what I take issue with. I looked at your link and it does not state this anywhere.

In fact on 2nd glance. It actually states the opposite.

“In other words, you can have multiple accounts, and you can be online with all of them at one time. We don’t support multiboxing in Diablo III, however, and some software used to facilitate multiboxing may violate our policies, so do so at your own risk.”

This is the same quote from all 3 of your links.

Links to comments that are 8 years old by a semi-inactive person. An updated perspective would be more beneficial at this point.

This has already been established. Why are you echoing me? Are you just agreeing?