Multiboxing SHOULD be allowed with Diablo IV

No, not at all. It might be against your morals, but it’s not anything beside that.

But it’s still allowed. Morals and rules are not the same.

That’s called “appeal to authority” fallacy.

Nope, I know good and well what they mean. Thank you though!

Allowed does not mean not cheating. Those are two separate concepts. This is where some people (yourself included) are so confused.

I highly suggest you not take what MVP’s say at face value. They’ve been wrong many times.

Yup it appears a couple people have no idea what words actually mean.

It does. Cheating literally means breaking the established rules for your advantage. ALL of that is required, not just the advantage part.

Incorrect. It means to create an advantage beyond normal gameplay.

No, it doesn’t. It has never meant that.

Copied directly from “cheating in video games” on wikipedia, since you’re so keen on googling your information.

Cheating in video games involves a video game player using various methods to create an advantage beyond normal gameplay, usually in order to make the game easier.

Oooooh snap!

An article specifically about cheating in single player games, mainly with built in codes. How the hell is that relevant?

JFC this guy. Droning on about with the same nope I’m right type arguments despite facts and evidence not on their side.

Also his appeal to authority fallacy argument against us using Blizzards rules is wrong. It applies to false info being presented as truth from a place of authority. The argument that Blizzard hasn’t said it is allowed in D3 means it is not allowed is closer to an appeal to authority fallacy than stating the actual facts from Blizzard. Citing actual experts(Blizzard in this case) is not fallacious.

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It’s not and he knows it.

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MB is not beyond normal game play. You still have to manually play each client.

Oooooh snap!

Err no the evidence is very clearly against you.

You have ZERO evidence and no official Blizzard statements that haven’t since been deleted. Here’s more proof multiboxing isn’t “ok” in Diablo.

But you will say ANYTHING to keep cheating

I will continue to expose you in this thread forever.

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That’s what we call “reaching”.

In correct. Appeal to authority is when you say something is right because someone of a supposed “authority” on the subject says it is, even if it really isn’t.

None of this is evidence that MB is cheating.

You’ve already been given evidence. You’re choosing to ignore it because it doesn’t fit your agenda.

This is the first sentence in the Wiki article about multiplayer cheating:

"Cheating in online games is the subversion of the rules or mechanics of online video games to gain an unfair advantage over other players, generally with the use of third-party software.

The evidence is very clearly against you.

You have ZERO evidence and no official Blizzard statements that haven’t since been deleted. Here’s PROOF multiboxing isn’t “ok” in Diablo.

It only states wow no other Blizzard game.

But you will say ANYTHING to keep cheating

I will continue to expose you in this thread forever.

So you guys claiming randos on reddit say MB is cheating is fallacious. Blizzard saying it’s OK is not.

So redditors, forum goers, and anyone not affiliated with Blizzard are supposed authorities. So thank you for agreeing. Blizzard is the one true authority in this matter and they agree that MB is not cheating.

The evidence is very clearly against you.

You have ZERO evidence and no official Blizzard statements that haven’t since been deleted. Here’s PROOF multiboxing isn’t “ok” in Diablo.

It only states wow no other Blizzard game.

But you will say ANYTHING to keep cheating

I will continue to expose you in this thread forever.

This is called a “strawman” fallacy.