Multiboxing SHOULD be allowed with Diablo IV

And there you go disagreeing with reality once again. Everything I said is factual and can be confirmed as such with a 2 second use of google.

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Making up committees. Wow, now I’ve seen everything. The lengths people will reach is alarming.

Ah, so you’re one of those people who believe everything they google. Word of advice, don’t do that.

Ah, my apologies, of course source checking would be beyond you.

Fine line between source checking and believing the first thing you read.

Since you’ve devolved into personal attacks, I’ll accept your surrender.

Calling something for what it is is not an attack, it’s a statement of fact.

Again, whatever helps you sleep at night

Copy pasting yourself. That’s pretty weak.

Whatever helps you daydream at night.

But you’re not trolling huh?

Not at all. Trolling means to be deliberately trying to get a negative reaction out of someone. I have nothing to gain doing this. I’m simply having fun with my new forum friend!

Enjoyment is a gain.

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Whew man! If only that loop closed in that manner. I’d have said “By jove!”

If botting is against the rules then yes it is cheating since cheating is an attempt to subvert the rules. It matters not if it is being enforced.

Not always the case. There are several places where something is cheating but not “against the rules”.

I’ve said this before but if a person stand on your sidewalk and takes pictures of your kids playing in your lawn, they’re not breaking any laws (rules) but that doesn’t mean what they’re doing isn’t despicable or shady (cheating).

People who do shady things like to hide behind verbiage as a security blanket. Don’t do that.

Then it is not cheating.

They are not violating any laws then they are not doing anything illegal despite your feeling for the sitiuation.

This is the problem with you and Dusty, and Seks, You think becasue you feel a certain way and that other do as well, then it means it is correct. So while some may think MB is cheating, it isn’t. Just like taking pictures of children in public, people may not like it, but it’s legal.

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You’re missing the point.

What they did was still shady/despicable (cheating) even if it was within the laws (rules).

This goes both ways, friend.

And that, my friend is what we call “grasping at straws”. Hiding behind verbiage as a security blanket. Doing something horrible and shouting “it’s allowed” doesn’t make what you do “good” no matter how you try and rationalize it.

Says who? Blizzard doesn’t think so, so therefore your feelings about it being shady are irrelevant.

I think you need to learn what some words mean. The rules are clear. MB is allowed. Until Blizzard comes out against it, it is not cheating. Blizzard has had 18 years of games under their belt where MB was possible(maybe more, not sure if it was possible in games previous to WoW) and has not once stuck it down as being against the rules. The did say mirroring software was against the rules, more so to counter botting issues, but applied it to MB as well. Still no mention about it being considered cheating.

Recap of Facts

  1. Blizzard has stated that manual multiboxing in WoW is allowed and does not violate Blizzard’s EULA.
  2. Blizzard’s EULA applies to all Blizzard games.
  3. There is only a single EULA for all Blizzard games.
  4. The community managers Grimiku and Vaneras in separate posts stated that manual multiboxing is allowed in Diablo 3.
  5. A forum member posted a recent Game Master reply stating that manual multiboxing should be okay in Diablo 3.
  6. Blue posts in the old D3 forum were archived when the new firum rolled out. They were not deleted when the new forum started. Blizzard even said that they archived the old forum posts so that they could be copied and used for reference including blue posts.
  7. The forum MVP MissCheetah has stated that manual multiboxing is allowed by Blizzard id WoW and Diablo 3.