MTX = Loss of playerbase

No one has refuted any of my points yet. Because you can’t. I’ve only been getting upvotes so heres a summary of what I’ve said:

  1. MTX will cover up actual/hide actual gear, with will have negative implications in PVP Hardcore where identifying armor/gear will be important.
  2. Will ruin immersion because people will always choose the flashiest/stand out MTX.
  3. Will promote greed, there’s no way they will only make one mtx, they willl continue making more and more.
  4. Which leads to time/creativity being taken away from ingame content (taking away resources making in-game armor look cool instead of MTX)

Refute those points. There’s no reason to have MTX in a game that already costs $60 with multiple expansions.


I completely understand you, dude. I did the same, and gifted 4 friends with D3 and D2 just to play with them.

Well if you’re in the states I assume you know once our government dips its toe into something, they tend to do a triple back flip swan dive into it soon after. Protecting against Predatory and misleading stuff, fine. Anything farther no.

Stay out of my games bruh.

For a year :thinking:

Again, don’t criticize things you don’t like unless you see HOW they work just based upon a general trend going on

I’d have MTX as cosmetics rather than power… It’s inherently impossible to create new content on the level of an expansion and sell it for another year, rince and repeat and so on

It’s still the very same problem: wanna see game succeed ? = invest in it’s future… The cosmetics is (IMO) like the very least painful way

Another way that MTX might work is Weekly events to unlock, not necessarily to gain power, but simply for achievements or periodically game-content diversity rather

Dungeon X opens every 2nd day and is open world boss event for X hours, Dungeon Y opens every 3rd day is is open all day long, what dungeon do I get “keys” into (ofc. to unlock the dungeon itself for you MAYBE a cool idea would be a small MTX but on the other end you don’t want to repeatedly pay for content you owe, so not sure…)

BUT yes, you get the idea:

  • MTX for cosmetics
  • MTX for extra content
  • MTX for power

WE ALL know the biggest evil out there is the 3rd…

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MTX will cover up actual/hide actual gear, with will have negative implications in PVP Hardcore where identifying armor/gear will be important.

Considering that d3 has transmogs, d4 will probably have transmogs too, so even if you don’t buy a single cosmetic you can “hide your gear” using base game cosmetics…

Will ruin immersion because people will always choose the flashiest/stand out MTX.

That thing sounds like “i’m jealous because a guy has a cool transmog”

Will promote greed, there’s no way they will only make one mtx, they willl continue making more and more.

It has no effect in gameplay, i played heroes of the storm for like 4 years, and i actually used a lot of base game skins, i was a diamond player back in the day, the lack of cosmetics never decreased my game perfomance.

Which leads to time/creativity being taken away from ingame content (taking away resources making in-game armor look cool instead of MTX)

Nope, dev team do not work on cosmetics, is the art team the one that does that job.


Reality of the world and shareholder expectations now. As long as you lock cosmetics and not power behind the $s then I honestly don’t care. QoL I’m indifferent on and the idea of class packs like “Rise of the Necromancer” I actually think is a good way to add longevity, replay-ability, and revenue streams in that I wouldn’t feel locked into but compelled by.

Release a Wizard ./shrug no interest in me buying
Release a Warlock. for instance, and you’d have my attention
Release Necromancer = Instant buy =p

True, true, but you still do not have to buy any of it. But yeah you are right PoE is a limited free game. You cannot do much without some very handy stash tabs though :stuck_out_tongue:

Keep the cutesy crap out of Diablo, it has no place. What’s the point of returning to gothic horror themes if the open world is swarming with people in sparkly armor, rainbow wings, cutesy minipets, and unicorn mounts.


This is flawed logic. How did Diablo 2 survive this long? Why was and still is Final Fantasy 7 popular?

See, they used to invest in a game’s future by making it great the first time. Now that things are online, it seems required that a game recieve updates and endless expansions in order to make it last forever. In the end, we have traded creativity for addictive marketing.

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Similar to Transmogriphy (sp?) in D3 which is something the developers of D4 have stated they liked in D3. More than likely this would be an issue with or without cosmetic MTX

That is speculation. I know that I personally do not for my Necromancer and Crusader. With that said that is more a design issue than an inherent flaw in the system. If none of them are over the top flashy then none of them will be. To bring this into another genre I don’t see a stupid number of gold HS cards or Magic 3-D/Alt art cards even though they are flashier. The $s are something some don’t want to spend for just cosmetics.

Unless, you know, the MTX allows for additional resources so you net the same end result. I am under no illusion that companies tend to run bare bones but the minimal floor can change with MTX revenue streams.


Transmogs are a toxic aspect

A guy that talk about toxic things and uses this language in the same post

Dude how dense in the head are you?!?!?!

you dense maggot.


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You hate to see it. :no_good_woman:

Having money doesn’t equal smart.

Troll right here. Dude you said I sound jealous. You have nothing to say so you resort to posting no information.

Transmog/MTX hide vital information about a character and allow for a ‘cheat’ to look powerful when in reality you have no idea if they’re wearing crap gear or gg gear.

These people will defend mtx because they’re uninformed gamers. They enjoy being milked like cash cows. Because to blizz/activision that’s all you are is a piggy bank that needs to be busted wide open.


Sounds like someone’s jealous because some other kid has wings. MTX is the way of the world now. Get over it.


Better cosmetic mtx than p2w by numerous orders of magnitude. And better steady income from mtx in game for blizzard than them lose fiscal interest as soon as you bought game +expansion.

I believe that a lamb’s head (with tendrils and dried blood) on a spit hanging on the rear of your horse as a trophy definitely belongs in D4.


Oh, snap, you got me… I’m super jealous about some wings. /S

“Standard predatory practices are the norm now, get used to it. Ur totally jealous because you can’t afford a $2.50 ingame flashlight”

Yeah lets make it the norm to advertise toxic MTXs designed for little kids to spend their parents money on. You know damn well every 8-12 year old will be equipping full MTX to try to look edgy. This has no positive aspect inside the game and ruins immersion.

Predatory advertising is the norm apparently