MTX = Loss of playerbase

MTX cosmetics ruin the idea of Diablo, Diablo was always about work hard and you will look cool threw playing the game. Diablo IV with MTX will mean a low level character will look cooler than someone with hundreds of hours invested into the game. Cosmetic’s ruin that reward of working hard on obtaining items for your character. Greed will probably win here, however if Activision and Blizzard choose to go threw with MTX system that effects item appearance this will be the end of the Diablo series. Learn you’re lessons from other developers that ruined their games. Cosmetics aren’t completely self destructive to a game, as long as it is implemented via something like character banners/portrait frames if they do not effect character appearance like items found do it will be fine, just don’t sell character appearance changes only banners/portrait frames/mount cosmetics.


How so? You can look cool all you want, but if you haven’t played the game then you won’t be any good at it, so that person will just look foolish anyway. Besides, worrying about what other players do/look like is dumb.

No they don’t. Look at OW. They sell loot boxes for cosmetic items. But those items don’t make you play better.

I love how people think that because you had to work 3 times harder to get something it should be more special than someone who worked smarter. Look at this way:

You go and play the game for say 48 hours. You “earned” through that play time enough credits (whatever) to buy a cool cosmetic.

I have a job. So I had to work at least 16 hours out of the 48 you did. I also had many other things to do, so in reality I got to play maybe 8 hours if I’m lucky. (and that’s probably really stretching it)

Lets assume my job pays 10 dollars an hour. That’s 160 dollars. Lets assume the cosmetic cost is, oh, 10 dollars ok?

So yeah. I work at my JOB for 1 hour, and can buy the cosmetic, while you invest 48 hours not getting paid and get it for free.


Keep in mind this is based on assumptions and laid out for simplicity sake, but do the math.

Why in HELL would I grind hours to earn something I could get for working a tiny fraction of my normal day?

Just common sense.

Game on.


Oh look, another expert coming out of the woodwork telling us what works best…


Game companies need to make money, you could have cosmetics from a shop and cosmetics you can only get by playing. Regardless its finding out the best way to work with it instead of just demanding it be cut.

Its just like work, you gotta go there everyday might as well find a way to make it better.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. D3 to me, a lot of my characters I thought looked the best with the rag transmogs available from the beginning.


Path of Exile will kindly disagree with you.

Build a good game, people won’t mind paying for some extra features through a cash shop.

But build a good game first.


Paying for the base game and expansions isn’t enough for that?


No, gas 20 years ago was 98c a gallon and games were 59.99, today gas is 3.69 a gallon and guess what games are 59.99. Absolutely everything in the word is more expensive now than it was 20 years ago and games are still the same price.


If it were, D3 would have had a second expansion. Reality is, it was no longer making enough money to warrant any big work.


i dont pay sub playing diablo 4
if diablo 4 give me a good game with good combat and itemization
i will have any problem buying some mtx to support the game
a much do you think game development cost ? i pay d2 in 2000 the same price i pay for d3 2012 this just make any sense with the inflation , so mtx not ptw np with me


Not anymore with online games, they’ve got to do server maintenance, continuous patches to keep relevance, anti hacking & cheating departments to keep RosBot in check & minimize DDoS attacks, etc…So no, initial game & exp prices aren’t enough to sustain.

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Buying cosmetics and stash tabs will not in any way shape or form effect game play beyond one simple way .They generate income from the game and basically assure that the parent Co. will want to add more content to keep players interested there by insuring that players will want to spend money on said cosmetics or stash tabs . It is a cycle that has been proven to work with PoE and a FTP game that generates a ton of income just through non PTW sales .


I paid $39.99 for D2 20 years ago

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Wow, you going to lay out the formula on how companies guage how much expendable income is spent on mtx’s per household as well? Might as well since your so welcoming to the predatory tactics of big corps and mtx. Glad your income is expendable. Mines not. Trying to save up for a house. Op makes an extremely valid point and I agree with His opinion to an extent.
As long as we can find cool looking gear for time invested,getting lucky etc, idc if some nub buys a cosmetic gear.

Now if all in-game gear looks stupid af, so as too entice people to by mtx cosmetics then I don’t support that method.


If that was true they’d lose playerbase in new Cowadoody, no need to dramatize.

Are mtx skins the argument of the dying man?

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I don’t mind people supporting a game buying cosmetics. The first thing I do each season is to use vanishing dye on all pieces. I like my girls to look lean and mean when they’re killing.

I have absolutely no issues with cosmetic microtransactions, why? I won’t buy them, that simple, if people do buy them, good for the game, it’s making constant money, probably going to be supported longer.

What I would like would be something like an option “hide microtransactions” so that I wouldn’t need to see them, but that just in case if they add skins that are too much sparkling/shinning/colorful.

I was simply citing an example of time invested vs time available. It was not meant as a literal example, but to at least establish the point.

That being that some are going to buy rather than earn due to their time availability or willingness to play the game.

And there is NOTHING wrong with this. I applaud you for having sense to save when you need to save. Most don’t.

Game on.


Not the way people consume product anymore. No. This used to work in the older days but with the way the new generation consumes entertainment. They need more and more product because they consume it too quickly and also don’t want to work for it.

So things have become easier and more accessible but on the other hand… people blow through the content like it’s nothing.

So in order to make constant product, they need to have constant stream of money coming in.

It’s as if video game addiction is actually a real thing but been told that’s it’s not… Hmm.