So D4 is gonna be Free to Play?
I don’t think so.
Look, I know there is pressure to make money. And let’s assume they will keep it visuals only (no stash tab / QoL features).
Now it boils down to personal preference.
- For some people the experience is mainly gameplay and visuals don’t really matter.
- And for others visuals are important and method of acquiring visual progress (transmogs, spell effects, whatever) is significant part of experience.
I belong to the second group.
I’m willing to pay $70 or $80 for the game if I’m guaranteed fair content acquisition rules including cosmetics. (Which is unfortunately still way less than I would spend If I wanted to buy every single cosmetic in shop ofc.)
(Rant ensues)
I just want my character to look adequate to my abilities and effort spent. And seeing all the flashy armour / wings / effects which look like several tiers cooler than anything that can drop ingame, but are basically … just… you know, bought. It’s one of main reasons I went to WoW Classic from retail, I think it’s gonna be WoW mount /spit situation all over again.