Diablo 2 has a very fine balance. Any seemingly small changes can have large consequences. Diablo 3 is rotten to the core so there’s little you can do to improve it.

So you admit it also affects my experience in the game even if it was an option.
no matter what someone does it affects your experience in the game hell just making it affects your experience in the game. changing the font changes your experience in the game. the point is it’s not a big enough change to be meaningful for you but a huge change that opens the game up to a lot of new players or former players who want to play in more public games.

This issue clearly matters to both of us a lot so that’s why Blizzard is making Diablo 4 at the same time as a remaster.
well if you want a ffa only game go play diablo 2 lod and leave the remaster alone it changes your experience if you play a remaster.

You realize that your numbers are off. That website is not accurate as D3 uses servers across the world. Moreover that was a snapshot at one time. Needless to say, the estimate is not even how many unique players per day.
Only Blizzard knows those numbers. We know that Blizzard has 26 million MAUs. If D3 accounts for only 5%, that means that still means 1.3 million MAU and not your claim of 15,000.
Keep trying to save face, but the end result is D3 is the most sold game that has the fewest players in history of gaming. 30 million copies sold an 15k online… is pathetic. Speaks volume for the failures applied in that game.

well if you want a ffa only game go play diablo 2 lod and leave the remaster alone it changes your experience if you play a remaster.
why don’t u just go play d3 and cry…D2R is not for ppl that cry for ploot…if u cannot handle the game as it is…there’s simple solution…DO NOT PLAY IT!
This whole topic is a concentrated quintessence of demagogy and tralling.
just let the loot like it is - please
And there wont be any game like D2, if some of these changes pass.
7500 posts really? You work for blizz? If not dude you need to get control of yourself seriously

I haven’t seen one person say “I am a slow clicker and never get drops, but prefer FFA loot.”
I am not going to hunt posts for you, but I have seen some people say that.

The point is if all slow clickers want ploot that will drastically affect how well I can get items in FFA loot. It should not be optional.
Great. So yet another person who just want easy mode?

Diablo 3 and Diablo 4 will have ploot only.
Diablo 3 does not have the loot system being discussed here, and it is unfortunately unlikely D4 will have it either. Though that one is still undetermined.

oh boy is someone using that stupid playercounter site as some kind of evidence?
Yeah it is crazy. I checked it up against Rocket League once, which has a freaking in game player count. The site was off by a factor 10…
This is why we can’t have meaningful discussions. Some people just want to troll.

I am not going to hunt posts for you, but I have seen some people say that.
If we are real to ourselves, what in earth would be the reason to prefer FFA while being slow looter and never getting anything? Isnt the reason for ploot to interact with loot distribution? However when your slow looter and dont get loot in FFA, but you prefer FFA, that means you dont care about loot. You see the huge contradiction here? Makes no sense. I smell the horse poo all the way here.

If we are real to ourselves, what in earth would be the reason to prefer FFA while being slow looter and never getting anything?
- Potentially faster XP
- Enjoying the thrill of FFA
- And the one you mention; someone who dont care about the loot in their XP farm game

Isnt the reason for ploot to interact with loot distribution? However when your slow looter and dont get loot in FFA, but you prefer FFA, that means you dont care about loot. You see the huge contradiction here? Makes no sense. I smell the horse poo all the way here.
None of the reason you pointed out fights what i said, looks more like a smoke screen. Hell some of them even support the contradiction.

None of the reason you pointed out fights what i said, looks more like a smoke screen. Hell some of them even support the contradiction.
How do they contradict anything? These are literal arguments from FFA-proponents. I have no reason to assume they are all lying (okay, not true, I have every reason to assume FFA-proponents are lying but in this specific case their reasoning is sound).
Heck, slow clickers can also get loot in FFA, concluding they get nothing might be a bit much.
We need to begin with establishing what ploot does, what is its intented fucntion? Im sure we can agree that it is to modify how LOOT is distributed right?
Then we come to the contradicting part
When someone wants ploot, modification in LOOT distribution right (?), that means they indeed care about the loot, why else would they want to modify loot distribution with such strong force they are willing to give up exp rate for example, like you yourself mentioned?
When someone says “1.i want ploot 2.but i would still prefer FFA” 1.they are saying i want ploot because i care about loot, because that is only reason they would want ploot (the only function it interacts with is loot and is only possible reason to want it). However 2.at the same time they are clearly indicating they dont care about loot since they would still prefer FFA even if the function of ploot existed (which would turn the loot into net positive for them as slow clickers).
There is no question their statement is complete sh**. However i can only guess the motive for it. If im gonna guess it is because it is just easy thing to say to counter some arguments, and they propably not realizing how irrational/illogical their statement is.

When someone says “1.i want ploot 2.but i would still prefer FFA”
I think this is where things went wrong.
The question was not about someone wanting ploot, but preferring FFA.
It was about a slow clicker preferring FFA.

I haven’t seen one person say “I am a slow clicker and never get drops, but prefer FFA loot.”
Anyway, to take on that other question too

We need to begin with establishing what ploot does, what is its intented fucntion? Im sure we can agree that it is to modify how LOOT is distributed right?

When someone wants ploot, modification in LOOT distribution right (?), that means they indeed care about the loot, why else would they want to modify loot distribution with such strong force they are willing to give up exp rate for example, like you yourself mentioned?
Not everyone care only about themselves.
They might want (or at least be fine with) ploot for others, while preferring FFA for themselves.
We have some people on the forum who have expressed this view as well.

Not everyone care only about themselves.
They might want (or at least be fine with) ploot for others, while preferring FFA for themselves.
We have some people on the forum who have expressed this view as well.
This point i can understand is possible to some extent though i dont think it would be more than maybe a singular person in this forums sample size due to how history/studies have proven the basic nature of humans. There are outliers sure, but that kind of behavior contradicts against basic instincts and evolution theory. These kinda things you often dont “just do” if there is 0 incenctive to do so. Sure like a family member would be such incentive, but in the extent ppl have made that claim on these forums i highly doubt more than fraction of them are for real reason.
He also hopes the game gets hacked so we can get mods.

but that kind of behavior contradicts against basic instincts and evolution theory
Now we are touching some of my scientific pet peeves which is always dangerous
but not necessarily. Both animals, and especially humans, show “self-defeating” behavior. Aka. do something that is seemingly detrimental to their own survival.
Why exactly that happens can be debated, especially in animals, who have no concept of “bragging”, or “showing off” on youtube or whatever.
But a pretty convincing theory is that pretending to be (or actually being) strong enough to inflict weaknesses upon yourself, and still survive, is a way for animals (and humans) to show how amazing they, and their genes, are. Increasing the likelihood of well, bringing their genes into future generations…
Or said another way, people are altruistic for egoist reasons. Even when that egoist reason is so abstracted (such as talking about a freaking video game on an internet forum) that it wont actually help us, because that is how we are hardwired by evolution.
Or an every day example; people might donate money to starving African children, because they want to be seen as someone who do such a thing. Not in the sense that they are being dishonest about it, at all. Just that it is the reason we (which of course does not mean everyone) want to be good to others that are nowhere near our inner circle.
And uh, to bring it back to D2, no, it is not necessarily against evolution theory to support ploot, even when you prefer and want to benefit from FFA-

I haven’t seen one person say “I am a slow clicker and never get drops, but prefer FFA loot.”
Actually there have been some FFA-loot supporters who said exactly that.
I dont recall their names. But i will try to bring you some quotes.

I am a slower clicker and never get drops, but I prefer FFA loot.
Does that help?
Thank you. You just saved me a long forum search. <3

It is wrong and since you act like a know it all on the forums I’ll explain how it works an how you’re way off cause you don’t know what you’re talking about.
8 player game: chance to assign loot 0.125 chance to assign random number of drops 100,000,000 run it an the results are the following : player 1 80%, player 2: 15%, player 3: 3%, player 4: .62 , player 5: .12 , player 6: .024 , player 7 .0004 player 8 .00096 You always get something, but it’s completely random. There is no equal 1/8 or 12.5% loot allocation over infinite number of games in fact these odds can apply infinitely cause it’s random. To many people watched Ryhkker stream where he incorrectly explains how allocation works. It’s random generated numbers not a set amount therefore can infinitely be one sided.
Worst liar ever.
Your code is bugged and you are not calculating drops correctly. What you are doing for each item drop: Check player 1: If chance-is-fulfilled give item to him Check player 2: if chance-is-fulfilled give item to him Check player 3: if chance-is-fulfilled give item to him … This results in player 8 having only the chance to get an item if the 7 players before all miss their chance. Player 1 only needs to hit his specific chance. For 0.125 it shouldnt make a difference, but obviously you …
Your code is bugged and you are not calculating drops correctly. What you are doing for each item drop: Check player 1: If chance-is-fulfilled give item to him Check player 2: if chance-is-fulfilled give item to him Check player 3: if chance-is-fulfilled give item to him … This results in player 8 having only the chance to get an item if the 7 players before all miss their chance. Player 1 only needs to hit his specific chance. For 0.125 it shouldnt make a difference, but obviously you …
That’s not how it works nice try, Your making this assumption based on player 1 getting the drops “this attempt”, when sometimes it’s player 5 sometimes it’s player 8. It’s random and each player is given 12.5% odds an it gives to the player who had the best rng. You guys talk big game on forums but in actuality you know nothing John Snow.