Yeah the joy of playing by my self is boring as hell! We’re forced to play a dead game by our selves instead of playing with friends and enjoying MFing together! Anti social game play aka single player games! This is a multiplayer game thst you simply can not enjoy with your friends!! This game is not revenant in the gaming land scape and instead of having a separate realm where people can just enjoy this game with friends it’s being kept the same! So why even waste time playing until qol is added!
Instanced loot and Cain being able to reset areas in 5-10 seconds is a far better game play then Making games over and over! I hate single player games and gamers! I self found everyting seems lonely
You can, nothing prevents you from making a game with 8 friends. Also if we are talking dead games… D3 has 30million sales and only 15k players online. Probably the best selling game ever with the fewest concurrent players online. The king of dead games.
You must not grasp reality at all! The whole issue with d2 and 8 player games is find if everyone has there own loot! People play by them selves because the loot is ffa so your forced to split up into 8 different games or each person in the game farms a different area I mean talk about anti social and anti fun! Legit people can not play in the same game because of drama and ffa loot it makes since to play by your self which is the worst thing To ever happen!!! Legit can’t even farm with friends because you gotta click faster when a boss dies it’s super anti social and anti fun and the people who enjoy this or like are just examples of lonely gamers!!! I mean how hard is it to allow us to make a game where all 8 of us get our own loot and can enjoy runs???
We simply can not due to single player lonely gamers who do not want anyone to have fun but themselves!!!
This is your opinion. Many people have no issues with d2 design. You didn’t have any issues with d2 design when you purchased d2 either. You just jumped on the band wagon after your purchase to attempt to make the game easier.
It’s not like d2R comes out and it’s the number one game on twitch and everyone is talking d2r…… it’s an old dated game that people want for nostalgia…. We want updates and sane changes so we’re not stuck in single player games by our selves playing an anti social game! The whole point of battle net is to play with people but you can’t due to pick up hacks and ffa loot! So instead of making the most anti social game of all time an actual social game we did not ??? Sounds dope playing by my self on battle net meant to play with others??? Seems like a sad choice honestly
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If you are playing alone because of FFA, that’s a personal problem, not a game problem.
I rarely if ever played alone, I pubbed all the time. People get mugged. Doesn’t mean I am going to hide inside because “it can happen!”
It comes down to d2 players fear a change and challenge and actual social interaction it’s easier to keep the game basic and anti social!
QoL changes that Blizzard were making were advertised on the wesbite. When purchasing you were fully aware there was auto gold pickup, shared stashes, revamped ladders. Yet knowing there was no ploot. You still bought the game. Now your QQing for changes to make the game easier. Doesn’t look like a game issue or you wouldn’t of bought it in the first place.
Anti social would be the inability to make friends an create a private game cause you lack the social skills to acquire 7 other people to play with.
Your a fool if you think it makes the game easier! What’s hard about this game I’m pretty sure I’ll hit 80+ with my premade in a few hours and be 90+ farming all end game content on my paladin or Sorc!!
I ask you what is hard about this game??? The 1000000 hours required to get gear that’s not hard
Apparently the game is easy for you. Great. So looting in FFA is hard for you. Great. Then you make the game easier by removing it.
Hardcore dueling ok I’ll give you that and hitting 99 hardcore ill take the L on that I’ve only gotten to 95 hardcore
Ffa is frustrating because I can’t play with my other 7 friends slows farming down a ton ! You get more in 8 single player games then one Baal run in on game but again that’s anti social as hell and doesn’t Allow friends to farm together like why are we playing online if we’re forced to play single player and public games get filled with bots and ppl who have auto pick up hacks like wtf is your logic
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Do y’all even have 7 friends to premade and farm with or is this simply a single player game with some multiplayer tools??? Feel like y’all need friends or this game has a major disconnect from reality
Lmfao. Don’t even need to reply to this.
Lol what? That’s not how it works buddy.
Your not. Bots don’t join your games. You join theirs. In fact bots don’t even exist in the multiplayer experience unless you seek them out on your own. So stop trying to leech off bots problem solved.
Single player game with multiplayer tools, so like Poe? Or any other arpg lol
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Logic I have 7 friends if we’re in the same game this slows farming down Because bosses drop 1 loot table!!! So we all go make our own games play by our selves then meet up later for what??? I can solo Ubers and D Clone what is the point??? Is this the worst multiplayer idea of all time rofl
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Bro have you even played Diablo 2?
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Yeah and mods he’ll unleashed Path of Diablo project d2 yeah it’s called anti social game play!
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Think you need to learn how to adapt to change, you’ll become a better gamer. Also try learning how the game works. 8player games have better drops.