MONK - Gundo Gear and Uliana

Yeah. Rotating through 5 elements makes COE less beneficial to Monks than to any other class.


When you tell me you have to use unity but claim it has good survivability you make exactly 0 sense.


Sounds like the same thing to me. I’m sorry, what was that about not making sense?

No dude having a proper damage reduction so you can play without your follower with others is NOT THE SAME THING. Try again


Move those goalposts.

Besides, you badly skewed what I said in the first place.

The thing is also mechanic of that sss belt: It has 14 stacks at most. When you got them and you sss again and only hit 8 times, then there is only 8 stacks - so worse than before. Should be same as with WDs harvesting souls.
This and much more is written one year ago here:

But still dmg and reduction is a huge thing


Problem with Ulianna is that, the set itself does not offer any Survival Bonus. Absolutely NONE!

It relies on Binding of the Lost belt for 5% DR per SSS hit. Monk gains a basic 35% DR. And when equipped with Lion’s Claw, monk gains 70%. THIS is not enough for 7 items. Barb, Wiz, DH gain 90% DR with 7 items. Ulianna needs more.

I suggest either:
a) increase the DR provided by the Lost belt to 6%, or
b) add 5% increase armor, resistance per SSS


This belt is useless since crimson. the damage reduc must be on the 4 parts of the uliana

we can cube the belt

but I agree, the DR should be built into the set just like any others

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i notice that monk is atleast 7 GR lower than all other classes on the PTR, with the best builds monk have.

Ulianas is only on gr 123 with alot of paragon.
innas is at GR 117.

is this just lack of testing or is monk that terrible compared to other classes?

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Tr is still the top build for monk which means all is status quo for monk, so its massively underperforming.

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(insert 18 chars)

Dont know about you guys, but the mythic rythem snap shot mechanic is a pain to me.

I hope they can fix this to just apply to the 3 hit from generator.

I have a hard time jumping back and forth trying to get it to proc.


I’m just thinking about adding a 1-2% damage reduction per enemy affected by EP from gungdo gear would help a lot for the survival of monks.

The Problem of this build is not only damage. because of the CD we have for SSS and we have to stand in trash for the ability, we also need much more DR. Damage is a huge problem too. But damage alone does not help the ulianas.

I do not understand the “balancepatch” at all. There are B-Builds which were bufft really heavy. And there are many C- Builds which get small buffs or no buffs. For example the IK-Barb.

I think Blizz shows what are the player playing and is balancing this. And all really weak builds which are nearly unplayable are ignored. I am no more playing D3 since a year. But i would come back if ulianas will be buffed to maybe a B-Tier or higher. He must not be a meta-build.

Damagebuff on gungdo from 200% to 500%… and no DR per enemy… it lacks against bosses and guardians.

2: also reduces CDR for 10% to make CDR at the beginning easier.
4: SSS causes 1000% damage (instead of 777%) and gives a DR of 50% for 15sec.
6: EP damage buffed to 15.000% (instead of 9.000%)

Maybe buff other items of this build like neccessary.


Accepted, i’d also like more dr :slight_smile:

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Mythic Rhythm makes this build a no go from me anyway.

It is the most fun build in the game, but its ruined by the snapshotting “gimmick” to be able to keep up.


I have to think about this build as trashkiller. Think the option a zbarb brings mobs, you hit with EP and than SSS and the whole monitor explodes :smiley:

And yes… after they killed the shieldbash-CR in Season 3 i think, this build was my favourite… but since several (10+?) Seasons nearly unplayable and which each buff-season weaker.

Also Innas is weak, and the buff wo less. Monk is a nice class. But far behind his possibilities in most sets.

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There are also F tier builds that were F’d into oblivion by ActiBliz when they were considered to OP (or to fun), now though due to powercreep they would actually be underpowered, but still far better than they are in their current form.

Case in Point. Do you remember the Mirinae Auramancer Necro ?
Was fun, till ActiBlizz nuked the Bone Tornadoe proc coefficient and tick rate, now it can barely proc Mirinae, or anything else for that matter.

LoL belt is fairly mandatory

Youre talking about 14 x 5 damage reduction thats 70% DR