MONK - Gundo Gear and Uliana

This build is one of the most FUN BUILDS EVER and i main a barbarian. This build needs more defence and more damage. I think you can easily buff gundo to 200%
And a 80% reduction ring like barb wouldn’t really be a bad idea here!


absolutely. I love that set too. Screenwide explosions are a fancy thing.

But blizzard doesnt seem to play this set or take feedback for it anyways. They randomly buffed less used sets but the those buffs are just there that the patchnotes dont look to blanc. I dont think they really intended to change something there, otherwise the notes wouldve stated 500% increases like they are for crusaders right now.

Like, it was like this every PTR patch where they wanted us to test things. basically completely OP on ptr. Good on live and then nerfed further afterwards. Until the new sets end up being roughly where the rest of the sets get buffed to (looking at crusader and wd). Those monk changes are clearly not their way of wanting a real change.


This would be very good!


Agree. This buff is useless. Some dmg reduction would help


200% way too low. 80% dmg reduction is great idea.


Agreed. It’s a very fun build with the lack of damage and toughness to really contribute/participate in any high GR push group. Another item to provide damage reduction is a great suggestion!


Well you have to consider this build can do a lot of damage in big packs of enemies. 200% might be a bit low but still way better then what we have now. And this build absolutely needs at least 80% dmg reduction.


Yes, having more damage reduction (possibly built into the set itself) is imperative, else it will continue to languish in solo play, which may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

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Yeah I never play Monks, because they too squishy other than support.
But there’s alot of cool skills with them…

I am betting my next season on MONK.

give us winner monk please!


Uliana gets a lot more of both survivability and damage once you hit peak CDR (especially combo’d with Captain Crimson; you can drop CoE [the CDR=damage bonus more than makes up] and Spirit Guards, moving BotL to the Cube instead), since it lets you spam your damage spell which also makes you invulnerable during it. The build is also harder to master than it might seem.

That said, more statistical damage reduction to be able to get rid of Unity ring would still be cool.

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Yeah. Rotating through 5 elements makes COE less beneficial to Monks than to any other class.


When you tell me you have to use unity but claim it has good survivability you make exactly 0 sense.


Sounds like the same thing to me. I’m sorry, what was that about not making sense?

No dude having a proper damage reduction so you can play without your follower with others is NOT THE SAME THING. Try again


Move those goalposts.

Besides, you badly skewed what I said in the first place.

The thing is also mechanic of that sss belt: It has 14 stacks at most. When you got them and you sss again and only hit 8 times, then there is only 8 stacks - so worse than before. Should be same as with WDs harvesting souls.
This and much more is written one year ago here:

But still dmg and reduction is a huge thing


Problem with Ulianna is that, the set itself does not offer any Survival Bonus. Absolutely NONE!

It relies on Binding of the Lost belt for 5% DR per SSS hit. Monk gains a basic 35% DR. And when equipped with Lion’s Claw, monk gains 70%. THIS is not enough for 7 items. Barb, Wiz, DH gain 90% DR with 7 items. Ulianna needs more.

I suggest either:
a) increase the DR provided by the Lost belt to 6%, or
b) add 5% increase armor, resistance per SSS


This belt is useless since crimson. the damage reduc must be on the 4 parts of the uliana

we can cube the belt

but I agree, the DR should be built into the set just like any others

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