Message from the guy who cleared 140 on PTR

Because I used ** to “bleep” out curse words, but people still knew what I meant. I assume it was that.

If the issue really is that WhirlRend is too “mindless” to be a top tier build, and that justifies the reduction from ptr, then IK HotA, SS, MOTE should get buffs to be high clear capable, instead of leaving barb behind again.

Well said sir. Yes if that is the argument that WW is so mindless that it should not be that powerful then buff SS, quake,charge or any of the hota builds to be able to clear 140. Even though I love ww I would not argue if this happened.


That argument is silly. This is a pvm game. Nothing about beating ai isn’t mindless. Judging builds based on keyboard gymnastics is just absurd.


It is silly. If a build is too difficult or someone is being lazy they will just get a macro or addons. Look at bazooka wiz. It can be played without help but there is a high failure rate and when your running 140+ metas you can’t afford to miss a rotation or any part of there stacking buffs.


@ Roidraged - the Hong Kong analogy is laughable, and Im actually embarrassed for you.

When the extent of your activism is posting on an online video game forum because you might not get the virtual toy you wanted, yes. I call that whining. My 10 yr old nephew does that when he gets Fortnite taken away. “its not fair waa waa waa"

When you are risking being jailed, injured, or killed because you are standing up for your human rights, come talk to me then.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but all classes except Barb and Monk have at least a 138. The 140 that DP cleared would be pushed back down to a 133 with the belt nerf. The current best WW clear is 130, which only goes up to about 133 with the buffs as they are now, which still puts the best WW barb 5 GR below the best Crusader. 138-145 is the ‘normal average’, since 4 of the 7 classes can do at least that much. WW barb is still 5 GR below the lowest of the average, which is a massive gap. Leaving the belt alone puts the best current WW barbs to 137, which is at least respectable to the average.


I’m pretty sure you’ve been confirmed as a troll already. I was trying to explain why barbs felt a certain way and that attacking us for using our voice is hypocritical. Maybe if you didn’t read it too literal, you would understand the point i’m making.

Instead of trying to insult me, you should think about the context surrounding the situation. I know that’s quite a stretch for some forum goers, which is why I wrote multiple paragraphs to try and explain in it. It seems even doing so, you still missed the point. Sigh…

The barb got buffed, beside that belt (which we can’t know how he goes live) the barb would compete in a range that is the normal average. 140-145 is not the normal average. It likely is 130-135 and there are tons of builds in the game that can’t even reach 110 properly.

There is 0 need to bring EVERYTHING, including the possible maximum rifts, perfectly on par.

Do you think the devs and any healthy human being would be trying to accomplish this?

We have builds and skills that underperform by 20-30 GR levels, 20-30 levels below the average!

If a single skill, Rend, would stay slightly over that 130-135 mark it wouldn’t mean anything more than the skill is around this level, it wouldn’t give the game the balance it needs.

We are talking about 10 people for each class, that are forcing by hundreds/thousands of hours of min maxing, also when it comes to the rift, to reach the absolut maximum.

Even if these people could reach that 140 or even 145 breakpoint, it doesn’t mean that all builds/skills needs* to have that level of potential power.

The point i was trying to make is, that it doesn’t matter that much at this level, if the wide mass clears 3-5 levels higher with the lementation re-buff.
The developers are aiming for that 20-30 levels gap balance for the average rift clear, not for the 0,2% rift level players are trying to reach.

Spike Trap, Strafe, EA DH
Acid Cloud, Zombie Charger
Weapon Throw, Gen-Barb?
Phalanx Crusader
Force Nova Wiz, Explo Wiz?
Revive Necro, Spear Necro?

Just a few examples…

If the developer will be able to bring everything more or less* on par. 3-5 levels it is enough. And don’t say 145 is the new standard. It may not even be 120.
IF they will be able to bring everything in the 130-135 range, it will be easier and faster to accomplish this than getting forced by those requests just to give the average 2-3 levels more.

Sad enough that such a loud echo comes out of this discussion.

Barb will be able to clear 130+ with this skill, while we have skills that underperform by 20-30 levels… THIS is the power level we need to look at, not the 0,2% of the playerbase that forces a top 10 ranking!

After reading darkpotaters comment, the only real thing I disagree with is the whole rift competions are Barb vs Barb not Barb vs Wiz/Crusader/DH.

The reason you want intraclass balance is so that the barb class can attract more players to compete. More barbs means more active leaderboards. Also group play matters to a lot of people and actually being a solid option in a 4 man (that isn’t support) would be nice for a change.


what is up with you and your tables ? do you build them in real life or something and is the reason why you are always coming up with table graphs :rofl:



If that’s your opinion wouldn’t you agree they’d take the opposite action if that monk cleared 140? I think that’s what Free is getting at. (that they are overly sensitive to ptr clears).

this! I mean how can the team not understand the power this amount of extra mainstat gives a class… they should probobly balance the season round para 2k-3k hell maybe even 1k which most of the player base is under.
I was really looking forward to doing 4 mans as a DPS ahh what a fool I should have known better…//

You can’t crap all over a guy for being honest. He did what you are supposed to do on a PTR. He gave his honest opinion on the build. If he was being disingenuous and calling for the build to be nerfed, that’s one thing. But nothing he has said or done should result in attacks. You can call into question his speculation, but that’s about it. I don’t see any reason though to doubt what he said.

Darkpatator is not the problem, the trolls are not the problem, the devs are the problem and always have been the problem.

The devs don’t balance their game for dookie, there is no transparency, there is no communication, there is no feedback, they make sweeping changes and don’t allow players to test them, they add untested nerfs and buffs after the ptr that many times have resulted in over performing or under performing builds. They have fumbled this game since the beginning.

If the devs are actually basing their changes on trolls and taking outlier clears into consideration…well that’s on them.

Discredit Trolls. Point out outlier clears. Discredit erroneous tables and data.
Make the strongest case possible. In the end it’s all on the Devs.

It sucks to be at the bottom for so long, but it’s nobody’s fault but the Devs. Everyone is upset, there is no reason to have waited this long to be relevant as DPS. It’s understandable to be upset and pissed let’s just make sure we focus that displeasure in the right direction.

I fear it will all be in vain again. I’ve been here for every disappointment and I don’t expect this time to end any differently. Here is hoping I’m wrong…


That is exactly what I told them one month ago. Competitive players think alike.

As DH only player I want to be able to farm paragons as efficient as barbs. Barb can get exp in 4 man’s much more easy than DH. I should be able to compete Vs other DH players if I only play DH.

Records you did with your paragon lvl, on all classes, shows how much paragon is important. And ofc you did not get your Paragons on DH… because DH sucks.

This community said meta group setup is different topic not connected with classes ability to push solo :).

Nothing’s stopping you from making a Zbarb, Znec, or dps Rat Necro if all you want is Paragon.

Plenty of people are “X only players” and they are also forced to make another class to farm XP. DH isn’t the only one.

So for example if DarkPotato was a Monk only player he’d be in the same situation as you.

Sort of a non-point you have there.

If I am a WD only player I’d also have to roll a “meta character” to farm xp and compete with other WD.

So really, this self-imposed limitation you have where you refuse to make characters with other classes is really your own problem, and not exclusive to DH.

Plenty of “Barb only players” also refuse to play Zbarb, and they miss out on paragon too.

Refusing to play the meta is a choice.


By your logic, nothing stops you from rolling Wizard to deal damage.

That is why your logic is wrong.

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I’m a Barb main and I have a Wizard for 4player. It’s on the 4p leaderboard somewhere, probably rank2 or rank3 (havent pushed in ages).

What’s your point?

Not participating in the meta is your own choice.

It has nothing to do with DH.

You keep complaining about the advantage paragon provides, so go roll a znec and farm paragon.

Your choice to not do XP runs is a choice.


So what is exacy stoping you from competing Vs other barbs on barb leaderboard?

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