Making Rare and Magic Items useful in D4

So you want the original D3 gold system where you literally could go broke in game
where were you when they turned the gold system into a non event

No that is far from the problem
The problem lies in the fact that everything is geared to do a GR 150 comfortably whereas the highest difficulty level in the game T16 doesn’t get anywhere close to the GR150 benchmark

There is a list of prefixes and suffixes on Arreat Summit that’s been there for twentyish years.

If a list of prefixes and suffixes that can roll based on item type and rarity aren’t affixes then I don’t understand what an affix is.

Also, PoE was made by Diablo 2 fans. It’s more similar to D2 than D3 is so it’s not surprising that PoE uses affixes and D3 skipped out on them in favor of homogeneous itemization.


So basically as you gain ranks, you place a point into one of the three attributes. Simple example each point would give you a fraction of a percent of whatever bonuses the ADA category gives you. After 25 points you unlock a cosmetic reward. Limit it to 100, categories cap at 75.

also breakpoints!
its just pointless because you can again get all of them xD

But you can’t. 225 total points available only 100 to spend.

you are talking about bl3
you can reach every single breakpoint and afaik, boost every stat to 15%

Did you bother to even read what I posted nor did stop at BL3 guardian ranks and decide to post what you did? Because I did explain it.

well, you responded to a respond wall without using a quote
so i had to pick something^^

Really? Hard to pick up limit it to 100 categories cap at 75. My post only had 52 words in it over 4 sentences.

I personally rather prefer a real Attribute System. If there is a real Attribute System, then a separate system for ADA power would just be unnecessary.

The bonuses that ADA Power gives don’t feel like bonuses an Attribute System would or should give. Their bonuses rather feel like stats of secondary or tertiary importance. So even if ADA Power would become its own separate system, it still wouldn’t feel right and satasfying for me.

hmm, if cosmetics are the major appeal of an Attribute System, it would not feel too impactful or good either…

If anything I would make cosmetics a reward for something like an Account Wide Leveling System that does not give you Power, but rather just Prestige and Cosmetics., like in Overwatch.

Imagine D3’s Paragon System, but instead of it giving you Paragon Points you can spend into things that give you power, you gain Paragon “Currency” that you can spend on cosmetics.

I think a mix of both would be good:

  • you can salvage rare items into (medium) valuable crafting materials
  • can can sell the best rare items for larger amounts of gold (based on how man and what kind of affixes they have).

That sounds like an interesting decision to make.

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And what are you doing with these salvaged pieces? Hopefully not something like D3s crafting

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Any system that is different to the D3 system will be an improvement in this regard. Hell even removing rares and magic items and replacing them with low tier legendaries will almost be better if they are going to insist on having them be fundamentally useless. They should look towards games like D2, PoE and Grim Dawn for interesting use of most item types, with D2 having by far the best itemization the genre has to offer. I can’t think of a single item type that has 0 use in either early or endgame activities, which is quite an amazing feat.

Really they just need to look in any direction except towards D3 (and definitely not WoW lol) to find good solutions for itemization. Moving away from mandatory 6pc sets is a good start, and I think with that change alone D4 atleast trumps D3.

What if the results of D3’s Crafting actually would be good and useful?

  • You could craft new Magic Items at the Blacksmith, which gives you a chance for a good Base Magic Item …
  • …that you then can upgrade in the Cube with Crafting Materials that you salvaged which gives you a chance for a good endgame Upgraded Magic Item, just as I suggested in my original post.
  • Same for Rare Items that you could craft and upgrade with these Crafting Materials.
  • You can use them for other Crafting Recipes.
  • Maybe you can use them for repairing your items.
  • Maybe you can use them for a special kind of Gambling.
  • You theoretically could use them to craft a special kind of item.
  • You could spend them at the Mystic to add new Affixes to an Item (and I am not talking about rerolling here).
  • You can use them to craft some (medium good) Legendary Items.
  • You can use them to upgrade a Legendary from e.g. Level 20 to Level 30 to Level 40, etc, until it has reached the max Level, similar to the Uptier Recipe from Median XL, with increasing costs from one Level/Tier to the next.
  • etc.

This would look a bit like D3’s Crafting on the surface, but it would be very, very different since it would work very differently and the results also would be useful.

Yes… but by picking up only Legendaries ! Imagine with Magic and Rares too. ^^
I don’t think the player should fill a 36 slot inventory in 10 mn… not even 30. This drop speed is the main reason why players don’t feel much when getting any item.

Maybe because Attributes giving just flat stats is not that interesting imo. ADA is about changing your gameplay style (not mentioning the breakpoint system) which is new and probably why it doesn’t feel like an important system. But I’m certain it will (or would have been ?) once playing the game.

For that they would need far more crafting material and far less randomization. That would be a good start. ^^

Do you mean “rare” by “uncommon” or “yellow item” ? Because Magic items can have “uncommon” affixes too. I don’t mind them selling well though, only for perfect affixes.
I agree that jewelry should sell good. I liked the fact they were rare in D2, so they should have some value for vendors too.

That would be better at least. If gold is meaningless then it should just be removed instead.
I don’t think there should be gear repairs though, so you would not be able to be in a situation where you couldn’t play due to your items being broken and having no gold.


I mean the affixes on the items, not the item rarity.
Uncommon affixes might be a better name indeed :slight_smile:

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I regularly do this when I level new characters just for fun and it probably takes longer than you think.

You also need to factor in that Difficulties above T6 would not even be required anymore, since these massive multipliers would not exist anymore, and that would mean even less items drop, and also o a difficulty like T3 and T4 your kill speed would not be anywhere near as close as currently speed farming T16.

In my personaly opinoon, returning to town with a full inventory all 10 minutes is reasonable, however, we surely can talk about reducing the amount of items dropped by a certain amount even more or increasing the size of the inventory.

In regards to D3’s itemization and speed farming, sure, but we are talking about a hypothetical game where more items would actually be useful since legendaries wouldn’t rain from the sky like in D3 and rare and magic items actually being useful.

What makes attributes more interesting even if they are more basic things like…

  • offense
  • defense / toughness
  • mobility
  • resource management

… is that the decision on which Attributes you choose will determine the “base” gameplay style of your character. Do you wanna be more tanky or more offensive? Or do you you wanna be more mobile or do you wanna use your skills more often? Or do you maybe even wanna be Glass Cannon? Or more balanced in all of them?

The bonuses that ADA Power gives on the other hand, are more specific and they change your playstyle in more drastic ways, and more severe changes to your gameplay should be optional

and therefore imo belong on the Passive Skill System where you can choose between them and more generic upgrades.

What I wanna get at is that having an Attribute System full of very specifi bonuses leads to all builds having their playstyle altered instead of making it an optional choice.

Also, I wouldn’t consider something like this “boring”:

Which is exactly my point. If it is changing your playstyle into a very specific direction, then it should be optional, which wouldn’t be the case if ADA Power would be an Attribute System.

And better, more and more interesting Affixes as well.

For leveling and lower Torment, yes probably. I suppose T3-4 drops are sensible but it’s been too long since I’ve played in those difficulties.

I meant that for any game, including revered ones like PoE and GD. So I’m a bit worried about what they have in mind for D4 droprate, even though it will be lower than D3’s.

I understand your way of thinking but these options are more something you have to balance with affixes. To be efficient in any ARPG, the player needs the defense required to stay alive and as much offense as possible. Same for mobility and resources. So in the end it won’t be real choices.

On the other hand, ADA boost all 4 of these areas, depending on what skills, talents and affixes you’ve equipped, just in a different way. But this is clearly not a choice a player should be making at the begining of the game, you’re right. Maybe this could serve as an endgame system.

Well, certainly not “boring” but it doesn’t provide much real choice because you have to take 4 stats for any attribute : what if a Sorceress just wants to focus on CDR, CCR and increased damage ? Imo these stats would work better separated as affixes or talents instead of packages with multiple different effects.

That endless craft salvage craft salvage cycle is not a good system
I prefer pure upgrade crafting

There was a time, when these massive multipliers did not exist, whre people were struggling even with T4 on endgame builds, so most people played on T2 and T3 with their fully equipped and optimized endgame builds.

Sure, they would intertwine a bit, but with things like damage, resource, cooldown, etc they would be multiplicative, not additive.

And with the damage and/or deadlyness of enemies also increasing in higher difficulties, you do not wanna neglect defense, regardless if it comes from items or the attribute system.

Also,some players prefer to have more defense, and some prefer to be faster or to have lower cooldowns and resource costs.

For the High End Players, this will not mean much, because for them there is only one right way to do it anyway, but they are not the targeted demographic for such an attribute system (or at least not the primarily targeted demographic).

High End Players only make up a certain amount of the player base, but there are also those that for example like to self express, or those that as I mentioned above, just prefer more defense, more mobility, etc, even if it is not 100% optimized.

For High End Players there is only one right way to do it, regardless of how the system looks like or how well balanced it is.

For other kinds of players that don’t play to win (sidenote: wanting to be efficient and viable is not the same as playing to win) this is not the case.

If you want o focus on these, then you can and should also get them on items, sockets and passives.

The Attributes I showed above are separated into 4 broad categories:

  • Offensive Attribute
  • Defensive Attribute
  • Mobility / Utility Attribute
  • Resource Management Attribute

CDR is resource management, increased damage is offensive and CC Resistance is Mobility. You still can more specifically focus on these stats via items, sockets and the passive skills.

It certainly is not endless.
You spend e.g. 15 Magic Crafting Materials and 20 White Crafting Materials to create a Magic Item, and if it is Trash, you maybe get back 3 or 4 Magic Crafting Materials.

If the Magic item turns out well, you bring to to the Cube and spend e.g. 100 Magic Crafting Materials , 150 White and maybe 30 Rare Crafting Materials + maybe 10 Elite Crafting Materials on it and if it turns out not to be desired as you wanted, you go to the Blacksmith and it return 3-4 Magic Materials, or maybe 6 since it is an upgraded Magic Item.

So it certainly isn’t endless in any way shape or form.

What is that?

crafting in order to upgrade items, put in sockets, or the first part of your post
but not “making” items out of item scrap
just sell em if you dont need them