Making Rare and Magic Items useful in D4

Yeah, I saw that. Kinda same concept though.
Could maybe work for both cases; the filter could highlight the items on the ground, with the correct stats (not hiding the ones with the wrong stats), and also skipping these items on salvage. Then you can decide if you want to bother picking up the other blue items or not.

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All in all, it really depends on how vast and in-depth the itemization is for Diablo 4. If it’s like Diablo 3, where there’s only a handful of useful affixes, then I don’t see magic and rare items having much place in the endgame, especially assuming that some/most legendary items will have legendary powers.

On the other hand, if there’s a substantial amount of different affixes (both offensive and defensive), then that would help with assuring that magic and/or rare items have a place in endgame activity (again assuming that they have an inherent bonus). Of course, that’s also assuming that we don’t see legendary powers like “[Skill] does XXX% more damage”. If we do, then there would be nearly no way for magic or rare items to have a place in endgame activity.

Going to clarify (assuming I’m accurate, if I’m not then I apologize in advance):

Loot Filters would be a system where you can set up what type of items you can see drop on your screen based on a number of different aspects, such as the item’s affixes, item type, whether the item is a weapon/jewelry/armor, etc. Any items that drop without any of the qualities that you may be looking for would appear invisible to you on your side of the screen and such won’t take up viewing space, nor would you have to worry about accidentally picking it up. The loot filter could be changed or even deactivated at any time if at the player’s wish.

  • Using Diablo 3 as an example; a person could set up a Loot Filter to only see ancient/primal ancient legendary items, crafting mats, key items, and legendary gems.

Salvage Filters would be similar to loot filter except the criteria wouldn’t be for items that you would or wouldn’t want to see, but instead items that you considered to be junk and if picked up they would be automatically salvaged into their respective crafting material (This of course would only work on salvageable items, as such non-salvageable items such as key and/or quest items wouldn’t be affected by the Salvage Filter). This way you wouldn’t have to worry about running out of room due to picking up junk or needing to make frequent trips to town in order to salvage items.

  • Using Diablo 3 as an example; a person could set up a Salvage Filter where every non-ancient legendary item that they pick up would be automatically salvaged, unless said legendary item hadn’t had it’s legendary power cubed. This way the person could pick up every item without needing to worry about running out of room and still gain a substantial amount of crafting materials. Also if they happened to pick up a item with a legendary power that they hadn’t cubed yet, they could hold onto it until they get to town and choose to either cube or salvage it.

I’m sure you are familiar with Borderlands 3 Guardian ranks. That is what I envisioned when they talked about ADA. I think it would be a perfect post leveling system. Finite, cosmetics, and very minor power gains.

Loot filters and salvage filters sound good in theory, but how do they work in practice if you are playing multiple builds across multiple classes? A perfect item for another class/build drops and gets auto-salvaged or not picked up because of the settings you have for the build you’re currently playing? Or your settings become so open that next to nothing gets salvaged or made invisible?

PoE allows to add one or several affixes to items in a way very similar to what you propose. So your system is already validated in pratice. ^^ Clearly it would work nicely in D4, with less randomized crafting.

However, I’d prefer Rares to be able to compete with Legendaries on the go. I like how it’s handled in Grim Dawn, they complete each other naturally. Maybe keep the crafting idea just for Magic items that only experienced players would hunt for.

That’s entirely possible with the way D3 Legendaries were designed - that is, with random affixes.
But I feel an itemization with fixed/half-fixed Legendaries plus random items (magic and rares) makes for more build possibilities. Of course that would mean no 5 rare drops every minute, like in so many recent games, or it would become a chore.

maybe people wouldnt have a problem looking through yellow and blue items if the ground wouldnt look like a fallen over christmastree after every single mob train



Yes, this could work as well, although I had in mind that you travel back to town and the Salvage Filter would be on the Blacksmith.

But your idea could work as well.

For example, that could work.

As another example, you theoretically also could make a Salvage Filter that destroys all non-primal and non-ancient weapons, except for Gavel of Judgement’s that have more than 700% increased damage to Hammer of the Ancients and rolled with Area Damage and Increased Attack Speed…

…which in this example would mean that all Gavel of Judgement’s that have more than 700% HotA Damage and have Area Damage and Increased Attack Speed as an Affixes would not be salvaged even if they are not Ancient or Primal.

Actually, I am not.
I tried Borderlands 2 and played it for like 2 hours, but I could not get into it and so I abstained from buying BL3.

They can get automatically transferred to your stash or to the other character via the “email system”…

I know, that is just a random idea that came to my head, but this shouldn’t prevent the whole thing.

I know there are Exalted Orbs, which add an additional affix to a rare item, but it only works if the rare item has less than 6 affixes, so you can’t go beyond 6 affixes even with an Exalted Orb.

In my proposal they would add an additional affix to a rare item, even above the maximum amount of affixes that a rare can have.

I acknowledge that it is a matter of taste.

see “Loot Filter” and “Salvage Filter”.

Also, if you are referring to PoE: waaaay too many items drop there, which should not happen in D4.

i am not a fan of confetti and loot filters
id prefer a slower paced game with items that dont feel like trash 99% of the time

I also would not like it if the ground would be covered in a see of items from just killing a few packs of enemies. In D3 the amount of loot that drops is actually quite good imo.

So a confetti see of loot on the ground not exist even under my proposal.

And also, I personally prefer Salvage Filters over Loot Filters. A Salvage Filter on the Blacksmith (taking D3 as an example) would automatically salvage everything that does not fit your set parameters and the ones that do remain intact and you could then look through them.

i would prefer to not have a salvage system in the first place^^

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I am not particularly nostalgic for Diablo 2, but imo, make gold hard to come by in the wild, and the main gold source be selling items to vendors. The more rare affixes on the item, and the rarity of the item type, the higher the price. Then dont have salvaging on magic/rare items. As for crafting mats, use stuff like runes, gems, etc. Maybe legendaries and mythics could still be salvageable for some rare crafting mats, to ensure that you always get some meaningful value out of any of these you find.

Originally, yes. Since then, they added the Crafting Bench that can add a seventh affix and I think it can go even higher with some special mechanics. From my experience it’s a very nice system.

100% agree ! But RoS is also over the board imo.
For me, filters are a clutch on a shaky system, which is excess of randomization in items. Less drops and less RNG, so players can feel some excitement for a yellow drop.

I’ve never liked this actually. Why incite players to fill their inventory with items they won’t use just to earn gold ? It’s much easier to get it directly from monsters.
Imo only very rare affixes and items like Legendaries or high runes should sell at a reasonable price. The rest should be worth peanuts.
Same for salvaging. It should work like in GD, costing you gold and giving you mats you can find in the world anyway.

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Diablo 2 says hi. PoE copied from Diablo 2.


Posted this a bunch of times lol, here we go again:

Blue - Skill Padders
Rare - Stat Padders
Legendary - build/affix alteration/synergy/swap

For ex:

Blue = +3 to Cleave
Rare = + 10% to Cleave and AoE damage
Legendary = 15% for Cleave damage to also proc Knockback or Bleed

Blue = +3 to Molten arrow
Rare = 15% hit effects done with piercing attacks deal 60% more damage
Legendary = Critical hits by projectiles now root target instead. Each 5 seconds of root time gives you a random trap (up to 5 traps)

Blue = +3 to Hydra
Rare = 10% projectiles do Multishot with 3 projectiles instead
Legendary = Projectile hits from melee knockback target and cause a stackable DoT effect

You name it, every type of skill or attack, or hit effect can be empowered by Rare, and legendary could be used whichever way to create better synergies possible, such as:

Blue: +2 to melee attack skills
Rare: 15% of damage done syphons target’s mana (or stamina)
Legendary: 3 stacks of DoT cast a random curse for 5 seconds

We can use best of both worlds you know, just cause you didn’t like the “+10% damage to immolation arrow” affix from D3 doesn’t mean couldn’t be combined in a better/broader fashion :slight_smile:

PLUS, the legendary affixes can be combined/defined in even more bizarre ways (2 combined/intended affixes into one item), here are some “comboes” like that:

  • Skills and effects of type DoA/AoE have damage and radius reduced by 30% but last as long as doing damage to opponent
  • 25% chance for a DoA/AoE skill or effect to multicast
  • Skills and effects of type DoT and AoE have 50% reduced damage but cause a corpse explosion on kills
  • Gain corpse explosion as active skill
  • All your hit effects gain additional 5% to hit but are bleed instead
  • Bleeding targets always drop a random potion
  • All your hit effects gain additional 5% to hit but are bleed instead
  • Bleeding targets always drop a random potion

I mean you name it, combinations are endless, and so are the experimentations also. The good part is these can be much better than both D2 and D3 phylosophy for legendary/unique items tbh

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Oh, I have not heard about that yet, but that is interesting.

I think it is fine, except for the Cow Level, the Rainbow Levels and the Blue Glibber Goblin, but these are special occasions and otherwise it takes ~10 minutes to fill up your inventory while speed farming the overworld.

Now imagine if the higher Torment difficulties were actually more difficult and you could not just one shot everything like it currently is, even on Torment 16. Then it would taken even longer to fill up your inventory, so I would say that the current drop rate is okay, since the problems are somewhere else.

If the filter is on the Blacksmith, then I would be okay with it, especially if there would be a lot of various affixes that can roll on items. Think about 10 times as much affixes as there currently are.

The problem is in the rifts themselves. They’re a “power measure” instead of a place with well-thought out challenge. The game is simply done in such a way that’s not intended for strategic fight/s. There’s simply no strategy in combat what-so-ever, it’s about “cooldown management” and “step out of elite affix ground” most of the time… I mean even the very few types of opponents that were designed to fight strategically (Dune dervish, Sand dweller, Phase Beast, Barbed creature) are the ones that sort-of everyone hates tbh

Game should be more about fighting those kinds of opponents whilest dungeons aren’t a 10 (or so) minute farm… It should be more about “fight efficient now rewards you later” sort of approach more like (with some smaller rewards during the way ofc. so that a non-complete run doesn’t feel like a waste of time :thinking:) :slight_smile:

In the end they are all affixes and realisticaly no real difference between them
You say tomato I say tomatoe

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Maybe for you

Personally I would prefer a game that is a challenge and not 1 that turns into a joke playing because your characters are that stupidly powerful that the highest game difficulty T16 is a complete and utter joke to play

Once you have the BiS item in it’s slot for the character you are playing pretty much 99.999% of stuff you pick up will be considered trash from that point on and there is nothing you can do about it

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That is somewhat what I meant by rare affixes selling for more. So it might not really be worth it to to fill your inventory with blues. Like, maybe items with +skills sells for more, and amulets sells for more than leggings or whatever, so an amulet with +skills could be something you would want to sell to a vendor. Picking the right items to sell next time you are in town, might be more efficient than just grabbing everything, filling your inventory faster.

Might take a while to get there though. And with good itemization, there might “always” be some things you could try to adjust.
Even then, the items you find might be useable for other characters you make = not trash.

It is not just the rifts. There are various things that intertwine with each other.

  • sets and legendaries being primarily focused on giving ridiculously large multipliers (primarily to damage, but also to defense, RCR and CDR) and itemization in general
  • Greater Rifts being the only endgame there is, since they are by far the most rewarding and also the only thing that is challenging
  • the way difficulties is designed in D3

I agree with that, but not not just in Rifts, but also in the normal world, so I see the issue also with the way difficulties are designed in D3.

Instead of exponentially growing enemies health and damage with each higher difficulty, the increase in enemies health an damage should start to flatten and stagnate at a certain point, while other ways to make the game more difficult should increase, like:

  • elites have more elite affixes
  • elites have access to new, more dangerous elite affixes
  • elites spawn more often
  • environmental hazards become more dangerous
  • (some) enemies move faster
  • enemies have increased CC Resistance
  • things like Molten Explosions detonate faster
  • (some) enemies attack more aggressively
  • (some) enemies get new attacks
  • etc,

A certain degree of Cooldown Management is fine, and also it was not very well handled in D3.

For example, if Skills like Ignore Pain, Wrath of the Berserker, Vengeance, Epiphany,Akkarat’s Champion, etc had the effect of them not staring their Cooldown first after their effects expired (like some other skills in D3 already do), then a lot of balance issues would have never come up in the first place and and we also would not have an itemization that revolves around making these skills to be active 100% of the time.

To a certan degree having these Ground Fire Effects is fine, but I agree to the extend that they are too much in D3.

Fore example: the Frozen Affix is fine imo, but instead of it always spawning one guaranteed Frost Explosion Sphere drectly beneath your feet a 100% of the time, this could have been changed to 80% of the time the Frozen Spheres are appearing always randomly over the screen, and only in 20% of the time one will auto-spawn under your feet.

That still leaves things that you have to maneuver around, but not making it too excessive.

Indeed. A matter of taste.

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