Make D2 from scratch instead D4

I guess me specifically including ‘Korean’ in it blew pass you. It was meant as the viewers being more localized instead of being more universal (universal, as in, viewers can choose to watch any streamer that speaks English). It’s more saying that the viewers are not necessarily for D2 stream, but her. Also, just by clicking on her stream popped that unnecessary twitch function on me that shows she just had Just Chatting stream, which more supports of what I said. It is more likely that her viewers from Just Chatting stream just transitioned to D2 as she changed category.

Nope. Can’t be said the same as my focus wans’t on other female streamsrs but her being Korean and being female.

Again, twitch view is serious business, am I right?

You seem to have so much issue with D3; D3 this, D3 that, comparing everything to how D3 is doing. As I said, I care less.

This is your reaction because you’re simply biased and think your opinion is what matters. Me caring less is saying I don’t push my opinion as the one and only opinion out there, measuring useless crap. You have every bias in that you think the only way for Blizz to succeed with D4 is to go the way of D2. That’s simply fail logic. D4 doesn’t have to be like D3, but it doesn’t have to be like D2 either. It could simply adopt from both, only the good part and not the bad part. Unlike you, I don’t think in black and white.


These are getting annoying. Last guy to make that demand quit the forums after the drama he started. and he had better Englishm


They already made D2 from scratch and they still have a good size player base playing it 20 years later. The game just needs a bit of modernization on the graphics. The last thing we need is for them to pull a Warcraft 3 and break the game, then force anyone who has the old version to buy the new version and play it. The game itself is fine the way it is, it just needs a bit of a facelift.

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they will never reach the atmosphere of d2. it was developed by top people. music and noise effects have created a credible world. graphics are worth seeing even today. however, they failed in content and did not develop it further. that made modders better and even today d2 has a lot more players than d3.


I never understood why would D2 fanboys come to the D3 forum to complain about everything that is not D2. When they can play one of the newer D2 mods like Reign of Terror. :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

I really miss the simple Dislike button sometimes.

You literally have zero information to make that statement. The ONLY one who has the D3 numbers is Blizzard. Twitch views are in no way representative of an actual player base. That is like saying everyone who watches the Sunday football game on TV plays football. Watching a fav streamer play whatever is a thing. The Diablo games are pretty boring to watch.

D2 was a fantastic game. Nostalgia is a heck of a thing though. You can’t go back to who you were then, or get back those feelings. No more than someone can recreate their first love.



In a world of rainbows, unicorns and snowflakes, a down vote may offend someone. :confused:


Foolishly, I thought this subject had been covered to death in this thread…


Did he even play D3?

I’ve tried it. It feels more like D3 than D2 IMO due to the way combat feels.

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D2 is nothing to write home about in the visual department, nor was it when it was released. That has always been my biggest disappointment in the game.

Wrong! Wrong again. D4 is going to lose steam, D2 players were tricked with D3 but not anymore.

No, D2 has as many active players as D3 and the D3 players are playing cause most of them never played D2.

Wrong! Nostalgia pffffft, you’re making stuff up. How is it nostalgia if a similar amount of people are playing D2 and D3 rn. How is it nostalgia if the game is popular RIGHT NOW. Do you know the definition of nostalgia or do you like to cling to cliche words thrown around this forum?

D2 love is legit and it’s not nostalgia. He didn’t trash your game, stop the dishonest representations and cheesy lines.

@OP, I would love a remastered D2. There is rumor going around Reddit that D2 is coming Q4 2020. I can’t wait! A way for legit players to spawn Dclone and get the bots out of the game and it will be awesome!


I think what needs to happen is Blizzard opening the D4 forums already. Then all those players that fled D3 long time ago can gather and discuss what they want to see in D4. Those couple of thousands that still play this game by the daily can remain here in this sanctuary and bounce one terrible idea after another off of each other without being bothered by the D2 fans or just arpg fans in general. Stuff like autopick even more loot,10 additional tornment levels or an even bigger shinier multiplier will make for some very interesting discussions and surely improve the quality of the game. But those things belong in D3 and D3 only.

Currently though there is no official Blizzard forum for those of us that want to talk about D4 and not having to sort through garbage arguements like “nostalgia blabla” or “D3 sold X so it must be better” so we either have to settle for reddit or this forum right here. But on the off chance that Blizzard actually check their own forums I feel it’s important to let them know how much work is needed for D4.


D2 has a forum, but for some reason the D2 fanboys like to troll the D3 forum.

They will most likely do the same with the D4 forum. They are craving attention.


I’ll bite. How do you know how many people are playing D2 and D3 right now?


Player Counter says there are 16k people playing D3 right now, when I log into D2 there are 21k people.

Also, there are 1,300 people watching D3 on Twitch right now and 2,800 watching D2 right now.

Nobody knows for sure but it looks very possible, even probable, that D2 has a larger active base.

What counter is that?


Be careful what you asked for. They just got done remastering WC3, and how did that turn out? D2 is a legendary game and is still doing well 20 years after release with basically no content in the last 8 years. The odds of them screwing a D2 remaster up is incredibly high. I am not betting the current ActiBlizz can get things right. It is better they leave D2 alone rather than staining it.


Can you imagine D2 without bots though? It would be incredible. It’s worth the gamble imo. I’m ready to fork over my money for it.