[Lounge Thread] Slaughtered Calf Inn

Can drain a whole pots worth from the skull (balloon head) alone.

I’m not looking at D2R. I’m waiting to see if 4 will see the light of day.

I’ll stick with the current D2 if I ever pick it back up and try another act. Mod support > newer graphics.

Yes, still in CA. Looking to get the heck out. Was trying to get a job with my current employer in TX but hit a road block that I suspect was intentional.

My computer is not up to the task of playing D2R. That’s ok . I still have D2LOD that I haven’t played in 6 years.

Cream cheese, with bagel to go with it. :slight_smile:

Strawberry cruller!

*Yoinks Orangenberry muffin and runs*

I need to stop back in sometime and swim in the coffee pot again.

*Yoinks tomato basil sauce and returns it on top of a big plate of spaghetti garnished with slices of Panera’s sourdough bread*

I’ll be completely over it if we get a special surprise version for the PC. I wouldn’t mind trying the MMO aspects of it out, but am loathe to spend hundreds of dollars on a device just to play that one game when said device will eventually end up as e-waste due to non-removable batteries.

I think half the state’s population is looking for a way out. I know Alameda county’s residents are with the new 10.75% sales tax rate.

Grrr. Intentional roadblocks make me rage.

I bet it could be if the developers would just give into the reality that running concurrent engines just so players can play out a tech demo fantasy eats way too many resources. I mean, if the current gen console users have to choose the “Performance” setting instead of the nicer looking “Graphics” setting to get acceptable framerates, that’s a huge red flag.

Sadly the game is feature locked until after launch, so subpar performance it is for now. :frowning:

UMMMM…that is honestly perfect. I love love love love that bread but have not had it in so many years. It was the first and only sort of fancy bread I ever bought. Repeatedly. We don’t have one in my county though.

Closest one to the house here is about 6 miles away. Gotta be smart about ordering though. If you don’t order online early in the morning for pickup later, you chance them running out well before lunch time.

Have that many people discovered it? I used to be able to pick up a loaf after work…which was like 7pm or later and then come home and have bread, cold meats, cheese, wine, etc. OR have it warmed and crusty with stews or soups. Or later…sandwiches.

Oh god I miss it.

Yep. And the Paneras in the Bay Area do not make more loaves during the day. Once they run out, they just stay out. Probably piss off a lot of people into not coming back that way though. I stopped patronizing them until I discovered they implemented online ordering so I could reserve a loaf. I got sick of going there and leaving empty handed.

Now at least I can be guaranteed a loaf if I wake up early enough to order. I get mine thin sliced and dip it into the marinara sauce (angel hair pasta, or the excess sauce in lasanga or three cheese ravioli). Marinara/meat sauce makes the crust soft enough for me to bite off with my crowns while adding num nums to the bread.

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Noms! I need to learn to make bread. BUT I have a legit gluten issues after years of testing. So yeah. I can eat it and not die, I am not Celiac thankfully, but I WILL pay.

I’m lucky enough not to have any food allergies. The only thing I’m allergic to is my mom. :wink:

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The Panera bread at my work abandoned the space several months ago. We are still waiting on the 3rd parties like Coke to come and pick up their equipment.

The CS lounge has lost a lot more people. Bunny Gnome is still there but Kittin just left.

What made her leave *this* time?

No idea, she didn’t state it on the lounge.

Well, I guess all we can do is hope she’s OK.

I just scrolled back days and did not see it. Hope she is ok as well. I always forgot which one spends the time in the hospital. I think it is bunnygnome but can’t remember.

Also, I find it funny several people all have the Leaves of the Last Home cookbook. I can help Vrak out with recipes from it too.

Yeah she deleted that post for some reason.

So I went to Disneyland about a month ago. I wanted to see just how different the experience was.
It was huge but subtle. While there were less people allowed in and the parking lot tram wasn’t working (full mile walk at least). The whole place had a different vibe. It was uncomfortable. It wasn’t because of the masks either. The happy energy wasn’t there.
The CMs that were working were trying their best. I think it was the guests bringing too much negative energy in with them.

Seriously, can this year just be over already? Another online friend has lost a pet. And this one really hit me hard because he was sort of the goofy boy version of MissCheetah’s Willow cat.

Farewell Ghostiefwoof, you’ll be missed. :crying_cat_face: :crying_cat_face:

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Talked to my niece when I visited her back in July about sending her some of my old comic books, because she’s got a dream to be an artist/voice actress.

Went through some of them and picked out some of the ones I thought she’d like and started to put them in the box to send to her but before that, just for a chuckle, I checked what people were asking for them on e-bay.

Now, I bought most of my comics back in the 90’s during the Comic Boom when comic companies were putting out #1 issues about every week. So of course, me and everyone else were buying them in hopes that they’d be worth something not realizing that since everyone was buying them they probably wouldn’t be worth much of anything. Or so I thought!

Turns out some of them people are asking upwards of $100 apiece. Not a bad investment at all in my estimation. Could be that I’m sending my niece around $500 worth of comics in the first batch I intend to send.

Pretty cool to be passing something like that on.


Safe here, despite the Mid Atlantic floods and tornadoes. Sis was missed by about a mile from a tornado. My county had lot of floods and is still partly closed.

I am good though.

Made veggie stock from the bags of scraps in the freezer. Thawing some chicken to do a chicken lentil curry (with veggie stock). Also going to roast several lbs of tomatoes tomorrow to make into sauce for the freezer. Go Go garden!

Need to get stain for the upper deck roof supports and solid stain/deck product for the main deck and do that this fall.

BEFORE D2R releases and I am tied to my computer. Heh.

Hope all are well. Happy Fall!!!


I’m steaming mad about the service dogs left behind in Afghanistan. Whatever happened to no man left behind? Good enough to serve the country but abandoned for whatever reason they couldn’t bring them home???! I SWEAR TO GAWD WHOEVER WAS IN CHARGE AND SAID THEY WEREN’T BRINGING THESE SERVICE DOGS, Pit inna de sky, it fall inna yuh y’eye.