LOOT drops - How to make the game experience better

I filtered under D2 Resurrected General and any.

It only pulls up so many, and you’ve made many posts. According to the search results, you’ve mentioned David Brevik once. We both know that’s not true.

We also know you’ve argued that David Brevik wants ploot in D2R. Whether you admit it or not.

I never did. I said that he would change D2/D2:LoD if he could go back in time with those 3 changes. I have said that he said Blizzard could add personal loot to D2R. You are confused.

Again, you are wrong. It pulls up 26 hits in D2R general discussion for posts made by me with the search term David Brevik.

Here is that link
Search Results - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

Could you please just stop? This is silly and non-productive. Now you are claiming that the forum software is also wrong when its not.


you mean the thirll of losing most of the loot because a player has 80 ping less than u or is using a bot? or the thrill that everyone stops playing like a normal party, cooperating, willing that the members die to have more chances of looting? or is it the thrill of not being able to play some classes like archers because you have to go into mele to get the loot? or is it the thrill of nobody wanting to do the last hit in order to be ready to get the loot instead having fun together and kill the monsters as fast as possible?

A level 1 barb isn’t going to survive anywhere with notable loot. Like mephisto or diablo ect. I know that wasn’t your point but it’s going to be fine.

The way loot works in Diablo 2 is long tested and works really well. You’re still going to get great loot. You’re going to be able to trade with people. They will share with you.

It’s a little different in the early stages of the game where most of your gear sucks. But as you progress, you get better gear and drops aren’t as vital as they are in normal a1 and a2.

I think the people asking for personal loot will find they prefer d2 after really playing the game for a while.

Not for me. It made me avoid public games and solo farm.

I started a bow zon at the beginning of a ladder once. You know what, I came out in the end with gear I needed. I don’t see the issue. My cousin played this game before I did, and I remember seeing his stash full of multiple windforce bows, I guess when they were relevant.

I really don’t see the issue.

Some people make characters to farm with, then build another character with the farm character.

I would farm in pvp games with my barb too, in the worldstone keep. Found lots of neat gear that way.

However I had to play public games to level, and found some loot in them. Some chaos games, some baal games, some chaosxbaal games.

Being powerful to clear areas solo in full games was fun for me. Getting loot in Chaos games was fun for me. Getting loot in baal games was fun for me.

Finding a soj in the chaos sanctuary was fun, finding maras was fun, finding arach was fun, Finding Lo and Ohm were fun. Finding ber was fun, and I didn’t need some stupid private loot to help me get it either.

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I am not sure if you mean this post.
But there is nothing here to support the claim from SalveWarsong.

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Ofc you can get the best items even with bow amazon,but apart from being at a clear disadvantage compared to other classes because you have to move to where the monster you want to loot is located before it dies, it is boring to play a ranged character to end up playing as a mele character. I want to shoot arrows from afar, that’s why I have created an archer. It´s not fair at all, and you know it that some classes are punished by the actual loot system., which shoul not be the case that this happens.

Much appreciated.

So in your mind you think it is more reward, when in fact you actually “only” get 1/8 of the loot. Why would that put you in a better position?

You still can play FFA loot and solo mf runs. Both should give you potentially more loot. And the thrill of grabbing an item.

Trading is not sharing. They usually want something in return.
Some people will drop loot they do not need, granted. But those are scraps that should have been distributed in the first place.
The mentality of being the big benefactor, when in fact you just ninja-looted everything is quite colonial.

See waht VileInfected wrote. He sees it completely opposite. And he argues against pLoot. Maybe you can have a side discussion about which system is better.

Right, same here. That’s just bad game design on their part.

There is nothing to support his claim. That post refers to what Brevik said about D2/D2:Lod in that past and does not reference Brevik’s thought on D2R. It just is annoying to have to defend yourself when a post twists your words and then claim that it is the other way around.

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I never said it would be better, I said I would be more inclined to get free loot, if everyone else was getting free loot.

It comes at a cost. You give up 7/8 of the (potential) loot to get 1/8.
It is not free. It is just something you can calculate with.
“I play an hour, so i get 1/8 of the items”

If you are good at the game, you can still do the FFA loot stuff and get more within said hour.

However, if we run into old D2, much like I think we will. Where bots run rampant in parties, then the bot party/one person gets 4,5,6,7 pieces of loot guaranteed in public games. How do you suppose this could be combated?

To me FFA loot can pick faster than bots sometimes, so I still say FFA is the way to go.

Taking the position that Brevik’s words don’t have any bearing is quite different from saying Micro is twisting them.

That’s still not word twisting.

Especially considering Brevik’s word is still highly regarded for many players. Surely you’ve been around the forums long enough to have noticed that. There were threads in the D3 forums over the years from proponents of D2 that literally treated Brevik’s words as gospel on the subject.

I could really care less that D2:R is a remastering. It’s not like a remake was ever in the works, nor am I certain I’d want a remake in the first place. D2:R is what we’re getting, so IF changes are gonna happen, they have to happen here. I don’t care what the odds are - I’m still going to post my opinion about it.

Yeah yeah, all for one you’re the only important person everyone else can suck it, hi ho for personal glory and jackass behavior and all that.

I dunno. If I want to be on edge and have every moment be a competition against my fellow players, then I think there are better genres and better games for that.

Actually, it’s obvious Brevik is referring to the remaster if you read the context of the linked paragraph.

I still have hope that bots will be prevented, but yeah, history is not in our favor on that.

I think these kind of bots would still get most of the loot even in ffa, because the owner could simply run 7 different games and ffa loot all of them. So securing your 1/8 should at least safeguard the sheep in your own corral.

I know. I even quoted Breviks’ comment, provided its date (Feb. 20, 2021), and it is linked out so that it could be seen in context and to verify authenticity. What else can I do?

I can continue looking and be that picky guy… Nothing here as well…

I tend to be precise. Even if you don’t find anything, I will still be accused of you just missing a post where it was said. It probably is not worth your effort.