LOOT drops - How to make the game experience better

Actually you are struggling against each other in FFA.

I opt for no struggle around loot, but struggle together against the demons who are invading sanctuary.

As do i. But the right struggle. Not the unrelated anti-social-buffer-snatching struggle.

You are precise in what you say, precisely misleading, interpreting things to fit your own conclusions in an effort to push your agenda across. You readily twist words to get your flimsy arguments to hold weight.

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If itā€™s not an option, we struggle together.

Everyone should struggle for loot in this game. It isnā€™t a care bare make me feel good game. I mean when you land a nice piece of loot, sure it can make you feel good.

The game needs to keep you on edge though. I donā€™t like that you arenā€™t on edge about this game.

You need to feel the anxiety, feel the rush of the next drop incoming, feverishly anticipate its overwhelming potential power that it could grant you. The drop needs to also slap you in the face when you donā€™t get it.

You need this thrill, this determination that you will get it next time, that all others attempting this loot drop shall fail and you shall succeed.

Or you can just, you know get some instance garbage.

Yup, and we typically join pub games with friends.

OK say letā€™s take David Brevikā€™s comments. I said that with the clarity of hindsight, he has said that there are three things that he would change in D2/D2:Lod if he could go back in time:

  1. Removal of stamina bar
  2. Make gold auto-pickup
  3. Replace FFA loot with personal /instanced loot

To support this assertion, I provided direct links to one of his twitter posts and a separate twitch video.

I also said that he said Blizzard could add personal loot in D2R after D2R was announced at Blizzcon. For this, I provided a youtube video and link to another tweet of his.

Now you are saying that I twisted words because you falsely claimed that I said that David Brevik stated that Blizzard should add personal loot to D2R when I said no such thing. How am I twisting my words instead of you twisting mine?

Thatā€™s a point I was wondering if someone would make on the other side. Who says we have to have the loot invisible on the ground? Iā€™ve played games where it shows all the items dropped. The ones you canā€™t get are grayed out and have a timer on them. I think that would be a good solution. I think this fear is reasonable. A player asking for an item you have grabbed can lead to a new friend.

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This is why Iā€™m always annoyed with you. No one is claiming he didnā€™t say those things, what is obvious is the perspective with which he said them.

If they were remaking D2, or he were making D2 today, I would not contest any of these, ā€œbuilt from the ground upā€ gameplay choices.

In reality, this is D2R. A D2 remaster, and as such, what he would do today has little to no bearing on a project meant to preserve gameplay and update Graphics / Server stability.

So youā€™ve taken a statement he was making about remaking D2, or making a new Diablo game in the current year, and trying to use it as justification for altering a remastering, a preservation effort of an older nostalgic title.

This is why youā€™re annoying, you know better, you just donā€™t care. Iā€™m getting to the point where I find your arguments so devious that I can honestly say Iā€™m leaning towards hoping you never get your ploot realm.

I donā€™t. I just want to slay monsters with my party. No loot grabbing involved.
It is nice that you enjoy the anti-social loot-grabbing fest, but others dont.

You can continue playing it, we would rather have something enjoyable.

I literally dont.
I liked it back 20 years ago. When a friend of mine told me it was annoying to do that. I did not get it back then. Now i do.
Maybe in 20 years, you will also get it.

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Does a solo player get through a dungeon as fast as 8 people? Generally no.

Nope. It isnā€™t.
Thatā€™s like flipping a coin for your loot instead of working for it.
Personal loot is less rewarding. Less competitive.
Itā€™s one of the reasons D2 is a success and D3 isnā€™t.
Personalized loot is a fundamental change to how the game works. So if you donā€™t like how the loot works in D2. Then this isnā€™t the game for you.

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Then you must not have looked at his tweet and recent video that was made post Blizzcon that I linked for you. David Brevik tweet was on February 20, 2021, shortly after the Blizzcon announcement. He was clearly talking about what Blizzard could add to D2R.

Here is the tweet again.

David Brevik on Twitter: ā€œThey could add modern things like: Instanced loot, auto-gold-pick-up, remove the stamina bar, all sorts of stuff. It looks like they are not making many changes, but I didnā€™t believe it would be exactly the same game and it isnā€™t.ā€ / Twitter

How many times do I have to relink and requote? This is getting ridiculous.

One could also argue that you are again trying to build your entire argument on the point that it is a ā€œfaithful remasterā€. We already discussed this several times. We do not see it your way.
You think, it should be 100% faithful. We think, it should be faithful with improvements were needed (which also has several devs commenting into that direction).

You cannot use something that is under dispute as a conflict in what microRNA said. For us it is not a conflict! We are consistent within the realms of the remaster to have these changes.

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I think you donā€™t get that this isnā€™t supposed to cater to people who donā€™t like D2 mechanics, I guess anymore.

How did you manage to alter what David Brevik said Blizzard could do, into what David Brevik would want for a D2 remaster?

When it was obvious his list was discussing remaking D2 today, a remake, not a remaster.

You have nothing, because there is nothing. You just twist words. Typical RNA.

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Drops are already decided by the flip of a coin.
Your argument is self-defeating.

Others have tried before you. it is getting boring.

Why wouldnt it do that when there is literally no damage coming from it and there is wide support?

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This is beyond silly. I never claimed that David Brevik said that Blizzard should add personal loot to the remaster. I have always said that David Brevik said they could add it. This tweet was in reponse to a discussion about D2R.

I do not care anymore about what you think I think. The fact is anyone can read the quote for themselves to determine if I am right in what I said.

True or false. In Breviksā€™ quote, ā€œTheyā€ refers to Blizzard/VV.

True or false. In breviks quote He said ā€œThey could add modern thingsā€.

True or false. In Brevikā€™s quote, the addition of modern things referred to D2R and not D2.

These are all true.


Dude, do NOT make me go back a few months through your posts to find the one you made arguing David Brevik wants ploot in D2R.

Oh wait, I canā€™t because your profile is hidden. Ironic.

More misinformation. Use the forum search feature. You can find all quotes from anyone who has posted on the forum.

To make this easier, I will even link this for you.
Search Results - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

or better yet I can even narrow to any post where I used the word ā€œBrevikā€. It yields 36 hits.
That link is
Search Results - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

If itā€™s already a flip of the coin, then why do you need personal loot?
Because having to compete for loot isnā€™t a flip of the coin. You have to work for it.

Donā€™t be hostile.

Because the ā€œcompetitionā€ for the loot superseeds all the other game before it. It makes no sense.
I could be a lvl 1 barb running around picking up items and still be ā€œworthyā€ of the loot in your eyes, because i click faster. The game is about killing monsters, not to click faster than your allies.

I am trying my best. But since some people do think that they are bringing new points to a 650 post thread by posting things like you, it is becoming tedious to continously explain to you that you are playing a mobile-clicker on top of an arpg.

There is about half support, from what I have gathered.

Either from the reddit, rhykker, or poll posted here (the last being the only one I have seen). I hear that numbers ranged from somewhere like 12% unsure, 39% against, and the rest for.

For the sake of arguing one could say that there are more in favor of the change than not. I just donā€™t think it will benefit anyone other than people who canā€™t deal with the frustration of not getting gear from drops all the time.

I started this game right before respec was a thing, 2005 or something. I had to learn the hard way, and generally the people that are going to be playing this game, will be those same people.

I thought PVP was the endgame, and learned really quick how bad a Dragon claw nats sin was at it.

However, I just donā€™t understand why people want to modernize the classic. The be all end all #1 ARPG. The very cusp of online multiplayer that started the genre of what we see now today in ARPGs.

You want to kill it.

You say you will in no way affect my gameplay style. I mean seriously? If itā€™s an option in the game, of course Iā€™m going to use it. Iā€™ll have to to get free loot to trade, or I will fall behind in the economy.

Itā€™s going to ruin the euphoric feelings of getting items. It will just be another random personal loot, that was catered just for me. It sounds dull, boring, and crappy.

Fighting for loot was part of the game. It should remain part of the game.