LOOT drops - How to make the game experience better

There is a name for game modes which do exactly what you want: Single player.

They though about it many times and the lead developper of D2 said it would be something that he would have changed. It is a possibility. D2R has stunning graphics and the potential of the game is immense. It is possible.

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Fair point.

Maybe i hit the wrong person with the snowflake-comment. But this is how some of “your side of the argument” are commenting on our feedback. Even though their arguments are literally “snowflake-arguments” like yours.

And no, it did not work for everyone in 20 years. That is why people created pick-it. Because they wanted to break it.
Playing alone is not a solution to a problem. It is a workaround. Do not try to sell a workaround as a solution.


Why? Why would the market be inflated when more people would get loot they need and not few people have loot they just stole from others?
If anything it would even the odds when it comes to trading, giving everyone statistically equal value to trade for.

Nah, i will just create another thread which will be backed by hundreds more people who bought the game and want pLoot. Next hotfix, i will play pLoot. :smiley:


Dude you are totally lost because the whole point of Ploot is to push people to play together on multiplayer other than for exp.


wouldn’t moo, character slots stash stackables being limited or not in the game for that same amount of time also mean they “worked” and shouldn’t be changed?

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When I find a cool item in a personal loot game, there is still thrill in it for me knowing that I got lucky with RNG and that my grinding was rewarded.

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I mean you just used a blanket statement too. “it didn’t work for everyone”. You have no idea if the people who quit, quit because the FFA loot vs any other reason like other games releasing, or natural game attrition.

Most online games dont last forever, people do different stuff. But D2 lived for so long with this FFA loot concept, I don’t think people quit because of that. I’m of course assuming here.

Soooo alot of people couldnt make a party? They were sure ALOT. xD

Leave it to me what i will be doing. You just make sure to farm that jah rune.
I’ll note down your bnet tag.

Para 18xx witchdoctor. Did you misclick on the wrong game? 5-digit bnet tag. Are you a noob?

especially considering

i think it would be like a nice injection of pure adrenaline to get a drop

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That is not adrenaline when someone is using automatic programs to grab the loot, when someone has 0 ping and u have 60 ping, when you and everyone else on the party have to play like selfish mongoloids and not last hit the monster in order to be ready to loot, when you are playing a ranged char and you have to go into mele to get the lot, losing half HP or dye in the way. If u want adrenaline play HC, that is why I do, that is the real adrenaline, the rest is BS

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So first you told us you going to play it on 23th September now you tell us that you going to play it on first hotfix. In 2030 you still going to create your threads about when you finaly going to play ploot. :rofl:

That is definitely a better feeling than seeing that high rune drop where one of the other players scoop it up before you get to it (in 8 player game, only 1 would get the high rune and 7 would see it and miss out, leading to disappointment).

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Basic economics here. The price inflates, but I agree the buying power of the player increases as well. Still, a Shako worth a Pul/Um in the normal environment, might go for a HR in the future environment, since there’s more ‘wealth’ in the game with everyone getting their own loot (i.e up to 7 times more loot in the game across the market/player base).

Again, your buying power would also increase because you personally are getting more loot. Maybe it washes out.

Does that make one a noob? Please enlighten me. Or that you looked at my Diablo 3 profile? Elaborate for me, is 1800 paragon on hardcore bad for the time? I casually played D3 hardcore ladder for three (I believe) seasons. No troll question. Popcorn at the ready.

Which has one downside: you cannot play with others. That is what i want to add to this mode.
I want to have modern multiplayer.

Thanks for your hint though. Very helpful and innovative approach on the subject. Also very mature.

Your economic understanding is off. Even if the total drops are constant between FFA and instance loot multiplayer games, there will be less good items entering the economy due to personal loot.

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I mean, this is a fair point. I’m just letting you know my personal experience during the day, and how I felt. Maybe you wouldn’t have felt the same rush.

I think you have a good point, latency is a factor to consider.

The conversation can go either way, depending on if you’re considering pick-it existing vs. not existing.

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Yes, it is a different thrill though.

I know the thrill that Vvin describes. It is nice. But it is also not that awesome, it is not that frequent and it is not victimless.
I am fine with having the normal “RNG-thrill” and enjoy the game overall alot more.

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yeah it sucks i used to play east coast because of a friend who moved away even though i am west coast the latency was enough to make me lose a few runes, granted i gained a few more than i should have when playing west coast back in the day because me getting 2 bers in 1 chaos run isn’t actually fair to the gorup but i was young and honestly didn’t care but now i am for personal loot for that reason, i now have friends who have grown up and left the country and the one in Australia is screwed on loot no matter which region he plays even if they fix the pickit problem.

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