LOOT drops - How to make the game experience better

People really push these economic arguements and never stop to think that Diablo 2 has nearly never had a good economy by game mechanics ever.

The economy was Dupes and Bots. No amount of personal loot is going to change much.

If playing together isn’t good enough as a reason, nor is it exp, why is it loot?

Well, same as with your FFA loot, where you place dips on every item, i am also placing dips on multiple patches. Since you are not a sincere opponent in the argument anyway, it does not really matter which date i give. Might as well be 2030. Doesnt change whether it is coming or not.

It will be included though. Just wait for the open beta. The feedback will be overwhelming. Not even you and the oxygen-tent-crew can back-push it then.

In my example, I’m assuming total drops via a ploot system is increased, not split. So in that scenario, where baal drops a total of 64 items (8 per person), the market gets saturated quickly, thus inflation. Imagine every week at work instead of the company splitting the $1,000,000 revenue it made into payroll for employees, every employee got $1,000,000 check. It would cause inflation.

Yes, it is a different thrill though.

I know the thrill that Vvin describes. It is nice. But it is also not that awesome, it is not that frequent and it is not victimless.
I am fine with having the normal “RNG-thrill” and enjoy the game overall alot more.

There is a thrill but is the thrill worth destroying an aspect of the game that would enhance cooperative play? I dont think that this rush is worth the rush cooperative play can bring, the fun of interacting with other player with different builds and element damages, support etc. And that thrill goes away fast since you will only experience it while levelling up after that when you enter the farming phase you will never create a public game because you don’t want to miss that Ber rune drop.

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because if you have playing together and exp as reasons for it, with loot a reason against than you have 2 opposing things if you have playing together exp for and loot not against you have nothing opposing the benefits so you have a net gain.

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Why would the price inflate? The same items are still in circulation.
I would even argue that it deflates, because more items are actually being used by the characters who find them (because currently a smaller number of players get the majority of the loot, because they are faster).

This would in turn decrease the demand. Which might then result in evening it out again.

However, i also see the effect that some less-informed players might find good items that they do not value and therefore not pick-up at all. This would then reduce the amount of items in circulation, while keeping the demand the same. Thus increasing prices.

Those are my “basic ecomonics”. Now give me your thoughts.

And is that a bad thing?

I would also argue most effects will even out. But based on the above factors.

Since that is not what is being asked for, your premise is flawed. Personal loot does not mean up to 8X total drops in comparison to FFA loot. Baal drops 5 items in 8 player FFA game, Baal still drops 5 times in the same personal loot 8 player game (and not 40 items).

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I think you have presented the strongest argument FOR ploot. The enhanced cooperative play. For sure, I believe more games will be played in public vs private. It may even generate 3-4 player parties that teleport to Meph together, or do splits with other bosses somehow (kinda like D3 split bounty meta). Certainly would change the meta, but it would also certainly increase cooperation.

You may have convinced me to the ploot side!

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I was just curious.

Because to you it makes us snowflakes, participation trophy receivers and so on. You seem pretty easy with unwarranted insults. So how do you like your own medicine? Does it taste sour?

Maybe manner up a bit, in your next comments. Officer.

Nope, you want the impression of multiplayer while doing your stuff alone.

The truth hurts hard, doesn’t it? No reason being salty immediately. But at least I know with what kind of person I am talking to here.

In your scenario, agreed. There would not be inflation. But your scenario isn’t the only option on the table, in this theoretical debate of alternatives to FFA loot (assuming there is a table of options).

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basing any loot reasoning on the live games economy is a bad idea anyway, bots have made that economy all but useless to derive any information from, also the player base will change in size significantly at least for the first couple years which will also throw everything out of whack.

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It will make other builds viable such as support, tanks different elemental damage as people would be more inclined to play together and use their strength and weakness together to farm and make new friend.

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You are not understanding the point.

Playing together should not have a negative impact on loot for most of the players while having a positive impact on loot for few. Currently it does.

You should not have to give up your entire loot for it (even though some of you seem to cut a better deal that way).

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Wow if i only could be that fast. xD And dont deny reality again. You not placing dips on patches. I know you would but just not happening.

All your weak arguments was vetoed. Starting from older people till 23 September. You are nor relevant here.

Nobody told its comming. Nobody.

Dont need to push anything what is only comming in the the head of people who live in fantasy world.

All your weak arguments was vetoed. Starting from older people till 23 September. You are nor relevant here.

His arguments are not weak

Nobody told its comming. Nobody.

THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID however there is a possibility

Dont need to push anything what is only comming in the the head of people who live in fantasy world.

He does not live in a fantasy world, you live in a fantasy world if you think it is not possible. Every thing is possible in life.

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So you stealing my items is giving me multiplayer, but you and me killing a boss together having our own share of loot is not?
Arey you sure that was your strongest point, mate?

So saying “play singleplayer” is not salty? Maybe you should reconsider what medicine you administer before you complain about its taste.


Yes they are.

Possibility yeah.

So he is not in fanatsy world when he wrote he is going to play ploot on 23th September. And then on the first hotfix. Ok.

Actually, i am.

Brevick said, he would add it. Nobody said, it would not come (apart from the quote you gave above, which is either a typo or at the very least not an absolute).

You mean like people who have only played 1 game for the past 20 years and refuse to evolve?
It is not really a smart move to argue with “fantasy world” when you are the one playing the video game. Get some perspective.