LOOT drops - How to make the game experience better

I think the word “every” isn’t a synonym to “one” babe. No part of my stance said “keep it this way for me” it’s a remaster, not a new game. If you’re butt is that hurt over not getting a massive change rather than small QOL changes that are present in some mods, but don’t effect the core of the game - then I’m sorry for you. Your loot system change is a pipe dream at best, kiddo.

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Alright. So we have another “snowflake” (using the words of other people on your side of the argument) who claims that because it works for him, it works for everybody.

The answer is simple: No, it does not.

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Yeah but A lot of people don’t have friend playing this game. I’m a doctor now and None of my friend ever played video games or know what discord is.

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some of us would rather advocate for a more inclusive community than just friends we know to play with, just hard to invite randoms in to a game with you when you don’t know whos hacking or has a hardware advantage internet wise. another funny thing that i have seen people against personal loot also fight against any hardware advantage when it comes to monitors yet they love the idea of my friend in australia having basically 0 chance to loot things


And you might as well be playing single player, lol.

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This has been discussed 100 times in these forums and it will luckily never happen. Mostly, because it either messes with the number of items, that drop, or (if the total amount of drops stays the same) you can have statistically bad drop streaks (for e.g. high runes), that last over multiple months, if you play in an 8 player party only. (Which is never the case, but it shows, how bad this system would function on principle)

Now ladders only being 3 months long, this means, you will have thousands of people, who grind hard but won’t find a single high rune over multiple ladders, if they play in a party.

So many ad-hominem, it’s so hard to choose. I am almost believing i am not talking to a grownup.
But i will take the point instead.

PLoot is better. So we should have it. It is nice that you can steal other peoples items. You can still do so in your ffa-option game.

I’ll take the Jah rune.

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I’m giving you a personal experience. Thats all anyone can do on this forum. There’s no other experience to provide… Has nothing to do with the concept of ‘snowflake’.

FFA loot didn’t ‘work’ for me. It worked for everyone who played bnet D2 for the last 20 years. It’s all there was. My experience is translatable to literally everyone else whose ever played D2 online since it came out.

It worked for 20 years, it will continue to work. If you don’t like it, just like the last 20 years, you can go mf in solo games for your gear, or hope you click first vs others.

Personally, I would of course play D2 if it was personal loot, but I recognize the downsides (i.e. lack of loot ‘thrill’, inflated market, etc). Clear upsides too, less impact to you in-game from bots/pick-it and a massive boost to pub games vs private.

Hyperbole much? :smiley:

Ploot is not coming to multiplayer. You can hitting the tantrum so hard you like.

On 23th September you just going to tell us how bad is d2r and you refund. Like we see it already now from other “players”. You just need more time. xD

I’ll be ready and waiting in your Diablo 2.5 snowflake expansion that will never exist. Good luck. Maybe they’ll even add micro transactions for you or bring back the auction house, too! Start a change dot org petition, maybe!

Same here. Also, you meet people in public games. That’s how I made friends in d2 in the past. However, you don’t meet people solo farming all the time.

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Does anyone else wonder how well users name fit the character of the person that chooses them?


No, it does not. You are with us for long enough to know better.
Stop spreading lies.

Not really. Would love to see the math on that. Pretty sure there is none. Proof me wrong.


So you think the better solution is to just steal their high rune when it finally drops?
I see your point.

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so the solution is to have them grind solo for the same amount of time and find no HR loot still? does sound more fun in a multiplayer game too me

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It worked for everyone who played bnet D2 for the last 20 years.

FFA was sure in the game for the past 20 years but definitely it doesn’t mean it was enjoyable for everyone. I got tired of farming solo and I would have enjoyed playing with other players however I never did it because I was afraid of not getting that jah dropped because of an unfair advantage of either ping or auto pickers.


True. I know alot of people who quit D2/D2:LoD because of FFA loot or that just shunned public multiplayer games.


Fair, I edited my post before you responded. I noted there are positives and negatives to both sides, which is why this is actually an interesting debate.

Given that something worked for 20 years, and that this is a remaster of a looter arpg, I don’t think they will ‘change’ something this core to the game. I would rather focus on the easy to win QoL changes like unlimited moo, more character slots/stash/stackables, etc, than something game breaking.

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it didn’t work for everyone on bnet one of the reasons people quit d2 was the loot situation. if you want to say a blanket statement like that i guess you support bots hacks and dupes as well because those are a part of the game for the last 20 years we should bring them back and not even try to fix those problems.


To me, gamebreaking is bots and item selling websites. Not legit players getting loot. Loot that may be adjusted to not cause overflow like the bots already do.

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