List of Major Problems on PTR so far

So if being overpowered does not destroy balance, is this corollary true?

Being underpowered does not destroy balance.

This is predicated on the idea that it’s overpowered.

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Doesn’t matter what spec is overpowered. It is a philosophical quesiion. It could be wizards in patch 2.6.6 or marauders DH in season 1 and 2.

And which point would that be? That they don’t get to be strong? Or that they don’t get to be OP? Because I only care about the former and clearly Barbs are getting much stronger this upcoming patch, even should they reduce the GR potential of wwrend by 3-4 levels. That is why you sound like a bunch of babies to me, because you act as if they destroy your specc with this potential ‘nerf’. I’m just hoping it comes with a Star Pact nerf aswell.

You still don’t get it, there is zero evidence that they are op.

To quote YOU again

By your own words, it’s clearly not OP.

Yet you’re still the one whinging.


For clarity Phoenix, what builds do you think for solo players are stronger than the PTR barb if patch 2.6.7 goes live as is?

Are there any crusader builds?
Are there any demon hunter builds?
Are there any monk builds?
Are there any necromancer builds?
Are there any witch doctor builds?
Are there any wizards builds?


I’m sorry. What does “finally being playable” mean here? Does top 3 qualify?


Any other wiseguy remark?

Push without getting tickrate and area damage chokes on WW? Yeah. I have no idea what he meant but people can slam it and have fun. There’s nothing wrong with this.


Your question was already answered…

Yes and a slightly smaller buff than the one originally intended will cover all those points. Hence, stop crying.

Assuming PTR 2.6.7 goes live as is, assuming Barb’s WW Rend build becomes the strongest build. It begs the question: Barbs have no right to have the strongest build? Not even 1 season? After being trash for all these years?


I have no problem with barbs being #1; however, it is my opinion with the possible exception of wizards, there is no other class’s build that can rival ww/rend for power as is. More players cleared GR 126 as barbs in the non-season PTR than any other class in the current live America era with the exception of wizards that are being nerfed.

When you say trash, do you mean the class with the lowest greater rift efficiency or the class with the lowest top GR clears in non-season or both?

But you’ve already said it’s not overpowered, so why does it need to be less?

No one can give a logical answer to that question, which is what seems to be frustrating Barbs.

I’m still going the other way, I don’t think it’s been buffed enough.


This right here is why, the lowest common denominator only sees a gain for itself in the loss of something for someone else.

This is why you see ‘nerf barb’ everywhere instead of ‘do this with Wiz/Necro.’

This is why I don’t participate in nerf threads but write buff threads for the 'sader builds I play and participate in the odd ‘buff Wrath of the Wastes’ thread.

Crying nerf in this case is idiotic. Period. Time wasted writing pointless drivel by jealous people who could be advocating for buffs or re distributions of power for their classes. Best part; they’ll be shocked when their classes go live with no buffs.

Barb won’t be the best solo class next season, won’t be the best group dps either.

Let the boys play.



“The only opinion/decision that will be relevant is Blizzard’s game developers.” Quote from MicroRNA.

Can someone please tell me what Blizzard’s opinion/goal is on class balance? Do they want all classes within 2GRs at the top end? Guess what I don’t know, Micro doesn’t know, no one knows. Blizzard has never explicitly stated anything about class balance in this game or if they even actually try to or intend to have class balance.

Blizzard will occasionally nerf outliers, but their reasoning is never “for the sake of class balance”…It’s usually along the lines of “this set was over performing” or there was “an untended interaction causing this set to over perform” The “over performing” sets/builds is an internal standard that they use and a lot of times those builds that were tuned weren’t even considered OP.

They have never nerfed or buffed sets/builds to balance classes, well at the very least never stated so. They’ve never stated anything about their expectations for class balance and the most likely reason being, so they can’t be held accountable.

Yet all you “balance truthers” seem to have all the answers, but none of what you says matters at all. Unless Blizzard states their goals for class balance, nothing is OP, and there is no specific target for GR capability for each class/build.

Side not:
Using top clears for balance is a terrible idea. You are balancing for a very small minority of the players. Unless you have 6-10k paragon no one in this thread is even attempting the top clears so why would you want the game balanced around something that you aren’t even remotely involved in…I don’t get it.


Feel like Oprah handing out some high-fives lol


So are you saying that you can not take the top 10 for every class from the era leaderboard from the America region, top 10 from the Europe region, and top 10 from the Asia region and then average all of these to assess class balance or the extent to buff a class?

By definition top 10’s are outliers. If you want to balance based purely on numbers, median and bottom 10 are much more representative of overall class efficiency.


You can do that if you want? Does Blizzard do that? Who knows…

Barbs said “Hey Blizz we feel like our class is under performing”

Apparently, Blizzard agreed and buffed some sets/builds. Do you know what criteria they used to determine why they should buff barbs or why they buffed them as much as they did? I have no idea what blizzard uses for their criteria of under or over performing builds. None of us do.

So you can keep presenting all the data/tables you want but until we know what Blizzards goals and criteria are it just doesn’t matter.