List of Major Problems on PTR so far

I hope that you consider some modifications to class balance in the final numbers relative to buffs and nerfs. Both the new sets seem underpowered. I certainly understand why the nerfs to Wizard’s Chantodo and Necromancer’s thorn builds were introduced.

Monk and Barbarians have been in dire need of a buff for awhile. The magnitude of the barb buff seems too great, while monks have fallen by the wayside and need buffs. I think that barbs being the top solo class is fine (only 1 class can have the top solo build); however, I strongly encourage the use of Blizzard’s analytics to make sure that the buff that goes live does not result in an outlier class that is several greater rifts above the next best solo class, especially in light of the introduced nerfs to two classes. One possible solution would be to decrease the rend damage buff on lamentation from 150%-200% to a flat 100%.

P.S. Extra stash space or character slots would be a wonderful addition to the game to store the new 6-piece sets and supporting legendaries that your Diablo team is creating.

  1. The current top clears in non-season for America/EU/Asia combined are

Barb 133
Crusader 138
Demon Hunter 139
Monk 134
Necromancer 142 (being nerfed)
Witch Doctor 140
Wizard 144 (being nerfed)
PTR Barb -140 done (144-146 estimated)

  1. Comparison of era leaderboard ranking of the top greater rift 130 and 125 clears
Current Era (Non-Season) in American Region
Barbarian Crusader Demon Hunter Monk Necromancer Witch Doctor Wizard PTR Barbarian
Ranking of best 130 3 17 5 3 8 12 92 21
Ranking of best 125 8 58 29 12 21 37 386 82