List of Bugs After Maintenance 9/10 and 9/18

Wed 9/18 @ 11AM Maintenance

looks like it is fixed now. i hope the maint won’t bug it again lmao

Still seems to have issues, hopefully today’s maintenance will fix all issues once and for all.

same here, got a nasty message from the Blues for asking why the system is so messed up

Game is still broken :frowning:
We are STILL unable to create 4 man parties after Maintenance.

I find it highly unlikely a Blue (Blizzard employee), was nasty to you. Where did that happen? I am guessing it was not the forums.

We now have a new bug, we are unable to invite players due to them being non seasonal when yet they are on their seasonal characters.
Friends list is showing inaccurate seasonal info as well.
It says everyone is Busy status as well. its a mess!

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No bueno. I have asked a few TS contacts about the ongoing D3 social issues and grouping issues. It is being tracked but no updates for us right now.

Can you post the new info in that other Bug thread someone just started regarding issues from today? I just want to be sure we have the info in an easy to find place for the Blues/QA team.

Roger that, Thanks Cheetah

It’s not new … has been happening since day 1…

Clan & community chat both not working. Caln unavailable. Some players on friend list are being displayed as non season level 0 and in a unknown location.

I updated my initial post to include the newest bugs, and cleaned it up so the Devs / CS / TS can read it more easily.
Please keep posting any issues and I’ll update accordingly.

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EU realm. All communities show 0 members.
Unable to type on clan chat. Error 319045
Most of my clan members have the same issue.

Please fix your broken game without breaking new things in the process. Thanks Blizz

Now it is not even retrieving player list. Unable to start game. WP blizz

In hoping that this bug will be solved soon.

Game is still broken. Its veen well over a week. Stop the excuses. Stop the arrogance. Admit the maintenance broke it. It was not wow classic. It was not a ddos attack. Revert to pre maintenance. Support is a joke. I have seen game master support telling people there is no problem or that it is their internet connection. Fix it blizzard!


A Blizz CS rep told us that groups should be restored earlier today.
Unfortunately we are still encountering issues.

Goblins make no sound
All Goblins are silent

I noticed that after maintenance the goblins are silent, before I always heard them but recently there is no sound when I get near a goblin, I play on a desktop PC and I have bought 2 copies of Diablo III and the other is installed on a laptop so my mom can play Diablo III aswell and she seems to have the same issue, and neighter of us changed any ingame sound settings at all and no new devices have been installed eighter software or hardware to eighter the desktop or laptop, so what happened to the sound goblins make to warn the player there is a goblin nearby? It is really hard to notice them without the sound! Since this have simultaniously happened on both PCs I think it must be on server side since the chances of the same bug getting triggered on two separate systems is extremly slim!

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Not sure what you’re doing, I can certainly hear them on my PC. Do you hear other monsters, sounds, music ??

You should have started a new conversation… instead of posting in the midst of a conversation on a separate issue. Review the first post of this conversation to learn what this is all about: