Whilst it might be nice to see a higher +thorns per rank, the real issue is the secondary which is pretty much pointless if playing a solo Invoker. All the mobs are already going to be attacking you so who are you taunting the mobs off? The one thing that Invoker severely lacks though is a reliable source of area damage (the set armour’s 2-piece aura is barely worth mentioning) so perhaps the secondary could be reworked to give some splash damage, the range of which might be affected by pickup radius.
Agreed that the secondary is bad, though changing it isn’t on the menu for List 1…
It was the proc rate for bone armor. The gem is fine but its proc rate is too low, and its fixed w% damage just can’t keep up with ballooning multipliers that make everything else better. They tried to help it by giving it a heal but even with WotHF; FoF, the proc rate is too inconsistent to make the heal reliable, so simplicity’s strength is preferred even on that front. Sad.
If they want to fix Mirinae, they need to tune it to be clear BiS for an Inna’s WotHF; FoF build because that build is unquestioningly the best case scenario for that gem. It has universal set and weapon modifiers, emphasis on attack speed for consistent gem application, an attack that is holy along with the gem, etc. Once that gem is say 30% stronger than simplicity’s strength for that build, it’s probably closer to balanced for everyone else.
What I hope they do, since procs ACROSS THE BOARD are hot garbage, is make a Monk set specializing in procs, could even give bonuses for procing abilities of different element types like Wizard gets for its set. Almost like an offensive inversion of “One with Everything”.
Short of these two drastic changes, Mirinae and all procs will be a meme.
Iceblink shound have the bonus inverted:
-Increase the critical chance (or damage) against frozen targets by X% (upgradable).
-Your freezing effect slow enemies by an additional 50%.
The idea is let you upgrade beyond 50, which is a silly cap.
And I have a suggestion for a gem:
-Increase the damage of all your skills, that do’t benefit from any damage bonus, by x%
-Also increase the damage of your item procs.
The idea here is make skills and item procs significant again, considering that on Higher levels only the skills with 1000%+ actually damages anything.
The “Never nerf, always buff” philosophy is what got us these ridiculously insanely inflated numbers in the first place.
Sometimes nerfs are not just necessary, but also good for the overall game. Otherwise it just goes up and up and up like it is in D3 when something is a bit better than the rest and then everyting has to get scaled up again… and again and again and again and again…
“Never nerf, always buff” is one of the worst things that happened to D3 after its release.
Cause nerfing always helps, maybe instead of constantly buffing 6 pieces sets, they would buff legendary items or gems that are pretty much useless right now?
Buffing already strong items is why we have what we have right now. Right now if you don’t use 6 pieces sets or hybrids (N6M4), or LoD, LoN builds you can forget about anything highier than T10-13 unless you have over 2000 or even over 3000-5000 paragon level…
90% builds always use bane of the trapped, maybe TWO or THREE doesn’t (not counting zdps builds).
I doubt anything will change as everyone in this thread disagrees on almost any even crazy ideas anyone comes. When someone suggest buffs than suddenly it will ruin the current gems and make them obsolete.
Most just want small changes, except Rage with some crazy numbers on few gems like Wreath, Mirinae, Toxin, Pain Enhancer.
Any game changing suggestions, no matter how absurd they may sound are always bad, because either more power creep or create even more balance problems.
If you won’t agree on something and only continue to negate each others ideas Blizz will have an excuse to not do anything at all, although D3 is their game, so they can do whatever they want, even ignore us and we can either adapt and play the game as it is right now, the way they want it to be or write hundrets suggestions that might be added to game… soon (aka never or in couple of months, years at best)…
Haha! I still think that those numbers are only going to bring those gems up somewhat closer in value to Trapped, Zei’s, or even Powerful, all of which independently multiply skills that do even more damage than those huge numbers I came up with…
I welcome any change if it allows me completing highier GRs without the need of having 2000+ PL or 100-120 caledesans…
nerfing always helps, you say? No, definitely not.
Sometimes a nerf is good for the overall game, sometimes buffing is good for the overall game.
What is helpful is to be outside of the Matrix so to speak or to be able to see the whole things from a higher perspective so one can see when a nerf is appropriate and when a buff is appropriate.
All these massively infalted multipliers should not have been a thing in the first place.
FYI: please consider this too
I never knew that. This would be a very good change.
Just to be clear, folks:
We are not asking for anything to be nerfed. That is not on the table for this proposal. Case closed.
I think our List 1 changes are more or less complete at this point. It may be time to consider more substantial overhauls for List 2.
Why not make a new, decently powerful power added at a requisite of Level 70?
Simply adjusting numbers isn’t going to get certain gems to prominence.
Well, that’s not really true.
If you increased the CHC bonus of Iceblink to +100%, you better believe more people would use it. If you increased the “damage deferment” of Moratorium to 100%, and the duration to 50000 seconds, people would definitely use it.
Those are absurdly extreme examples, but I think they serve to illustrate my point, which is that with numbers somewhere between where they are now and those crazy ones I just gave, Iceblink could be competitive with Trapped, Moratorium with Esoteric, etc.
It’s just a question of finding that point in a relatively precise way.
What’s the top cold build, and what does it use? Iceblink would probably need somewhere between 45-70% CHC to chilled targets for it to work in solo, and somewhere between 35-50% for groups.
Realistically, Moratorium could use the benefit of all characters gaining more maximum health because the damage deferment would eventually catch up to non-zdps characters.
Top cold build is Vyr/Chantodo Wiz, which uses either Trapped-Stricken-Gogok or Trapped-Stricken-Zei’s. For Iceblink to match Trapped in that build, you’d need about +45% CHC, and you’d also need to take some advantage of being able to not have CHC on some piece of gear, in favor of some other damage stat (i.e. have attack speed on rings, or something like that).
I think new effects/complete overhauls are wishing for too much from Blizzard…
I think just buff some of the numbers on the lesser used gems. They don’t need to be tier one, or even commonly used - just used by some builds or be a different option that isn’t much worse and suits a different playstyle.
Mutilation guard should just get perma Illusory boots ability at 25 instead of when under 50%. Would be enough that some small % of builds consider it.
I dont want much more powercreep - with the new sets I cant see it not being an issue again. Ever increasing numbers do not a great game make.
New effects aren’t completely out of the realm, but overhauls might be.
New effects don’t even have to be much, it could be as little as adding more damage, reduction to damage, CDR, RCR. CHC, CHD, Damage to Elites, Bosses, ETC.
Some gems would need a powerful addtition or number scaling to make them relevant and/or compete with the best gems.
I d love to see the cap increase for some gems (LoN , ice blink for some examples) with paragon lvl .
under 1,5k as it is
each 1,5 k paragon points unlocks 5-10 stps/lvl to upgrade.
or a progrssive manner 1,6k then 3,2k while upgrade steps deacrease 10->5->3 so on.
Bane of the Powerful Bump it up to 30% damage and 25% elite damage and damage reduction.
Boyarsky’s Chip Change the 2nd bonus to grant something more useful like, AD for Thorns or some sort of toughness/sustain.
Enforcer I feel this one is on par when it comes to performance on pet builds, but I wouldn’t mind a more engaging 2nd bonus.
Gem of Efficacious Toxin Deals 10% of your damage done as Poison over 10 seconds. +0.3% per level. (Caps out at 55% then with 10% increase that’s just above 60% total)
Iceblink Grants 10% chance to crit against chilled or Frozen targets. +0.2% chance per rank. This effectively lets some build reach 100% chc, and is equivalent of a 60% damage increase.
2nd bonus, chilled effects lasts longer.
Pain Enhancer You hits deal 35% of your damage as bleeding with 10% per second over 3 seconds. +2% per rank, which means the gem deals 170% of 1/3rd your damage each second for 3 seconds, which is equivalent of 59.5% damage.
Simplicity’s Strength I feel like this does what it needs to very well
Taeguk Change both to seperate multipliers.
Wreath of Lightning 20% chance to hit to deal 400% of your damage dealt as lightning to enemies nearby each second for 3 seconds.
Invigorating Gemstone Each hit increases you Healing and maximum Life by 1%. Stack up to 10 times. +0.04% per rank. Which is 70% health and healing, a good toughness boost.
2nd at max stacks you are immune to Crowd Control effects.
Moratorium 35% of a damage taken is instead staggered and dealt over 5 seconds with 15% chance on monster kill to clear all staggered damage. +0.4% chance to clear per rank.
2nd All staggered damage is dealt as damage in a 15 yard radius around you.
Mutilation Guard Reduces Physical damage taken by 10%. +0.25% per rank.
2nd While below 50% health you take 25% less damage.
Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver 15% chance to smite a nearby enemy for 500% of the damage dealt as Holy.
2nd smite 3 times.
Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard Heals 10% of your maximum life each second. +0.1% per rank.
2nd At Full Health Healing is stacked as a shield up to 4 stacks.