Last hero...who is he?

I agree but if D4 is going to be what it is expected as far as its longevity and continued support (due to a well monetized system) I think there will be room for many additional classes down the line.

No arguments here. I was just talking about the final class for the base game. Like you said, there will definitely be more classes down the line in the form of expansions and/or dlcs.

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With all the runes and symbols I see I am leaning toward a death Knight. Remember the Hell Knights in lore that turned on Leoric.

My question would be where the F is the summoner class? So skip the paladin, and give me necro…

Most likely you’re going to have to settle for the Druid (not much of a summoner from what we’ve seen thus far), that is of course assuming that the last class is a shield bearing warrior.

in blizzard more addicted to medieval realism with pieces of fantasy on horses, necromancers will probably have to wait, in a campfire there is enough space for everyone

Put me down for Dragon Knights, a secret sect of necromancer blood magic knights trained by Kalan and Trag’oul after the events of the sin war. When Rathma was saved from the void (where he spent time with Lilith) by Kalan, Kalan sensed a change in Rathma and began to distrust him more and more. When they parted he formed this secret sect, who were trained by himself and Trag’oul, to watch over a special bloodline called the firstborne bloodline. I believe this special bloodline will be relevant to the story in D4, and so they’ve held back the fifth class to avoid revealing too much about the story too soon.

Dragon Knights

  • Combine blood magic, bone magic, suicide style summons (think stygian dolls instead of persistent skeleton like summons), cursed auras (instead of direct target curses, not a beneficial aura but a debuffing aura), and focus on bleeding, corrupting blood skills.
  • Can be played as a caster (staves, scythes) or as a shield wielding knight (sword and mace/scythe/sword/flail).
  • Unique Class Mechanic: Dragon’s Blood
    • Dragon Knights have a third resource called Dragon’s blood where the more they bleed their victims the more this resource fills. This resource meter is attached to a specific skill slot (slot 4) and imbues the ability in that skill with a bonus power whenever it uses dragon blood as a resource. Bonus powers and effects depend upon the skill used. Only one ability can be tied to the dragon’s blood resource.

Total shot in the dark. I am hoping its something newish to the series though.


It’s likely a sword and board class, however considering the world of D4 and how desperate the world has become, it’s possible that IF it’s a holy type of character class, that the direction is to a “rogue” paladin class who are in it only for themselves and are not really devoted to Zakarum or any order for that matter.

Kind of like a stray paladin type, or a ronin if you like. Could combine some Paladin favourite skills with some new flavour.

I hope it’s a paladin, make holy bolt and blessed hammer great again!

As variant of part of skill tree of knight class is also interesting, I never understood why necromancers are drawn skinny like fabulous wd from wow designers.

I think they could add a shared skill tree that allow some flexibility to the class system. In D1 we had a class skill and shared spells, that changed since then to all class skills. But i think that small shared skill tree could be interesting to add more variations. Something simple like be able to use shields better and one/2h/ranged weapons and buff armor, would allow a class to play in a different way without lose the essence of the class.

To the topic, i would like a class that use weapon + shield, i don’t need it to use holy magic, auras and all that, so if it is a knight or a paladin, or something else on those lines, i am ok with it.

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So, let’s summarize what we know:

  • There are spears on horses

  • Among the heroes presented there is no class in heavy armor, with spear and shield

  • Silhouette of shadow in campfire is very similar to monastery guard, whose image was displayed in pale knight and as an ally from the words of blizzard

  • in artistic sketches, a knight in robe, with large sword and shield, is often found, in addition, the monastery shop is full of spears, large two-handed swords, heavy forged armor and shields

  • Diablo never had a heavy armed spearman class with swords and a shield, I emphasize it was a spearman with skills for spear, swords and shield, not a stupid bot from an ally!

I don’t really care what archetype the last hero is as long as it’s a new guy.

D4 lacks in originality right now.

I think people who see a plate armor and shield in the silhouette just see what they want to see. It might as well be a hood and bracers. There’s not enough to be sure it’s chainmail over cloth over long hair. There’s an artwork of an horadrim with cloth hood and metal shoulder guards. Could be the same style here if we only go by the silhouette.

Not saying it can’t be a sword and board class but if that’s the case I hope they show a little originality in its implementation. Tired of the same ol classes in every damn game.


This - I’d love to see a class combining Amazon (spearazon) and Paladin skills.

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A member of the horadrim is a good option to. They can cast spells i asume, and fight whit spears. So basicly battle mages kind of. That sounds interesting.

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I wouldn’t count on a Horadrim class, since their members uses a wide variety of abilities, with some of them having no magical abilities and/or possesses little to no combat ability. But a class pertaining mostly to a spear, lance, or glaive (that would be awesome) would be nice.

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Yeah. I guess you’re right. Something whit swords spears and shield in heavy armor is for sure the next class. I’m beting a crate of fine Hungarian beer on it! :beer::beer::beer::beer::beer:

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Does the Diablo lore have anything like a D&D cleric. :point_left:

  1. Amor, shield and certain melee weapons.
  • Mace & hammer.
  1. Self and party healing abilities.
  2. Turn or destroy the undead and dispel certain types of evil beings. :point_left:
  3. Dedicated to his/her mission to obliterate evil forces.

Closest that Diablo has to that are the Paladins and Crusaders (maybe templars, but that’s a big maybe).

I believe you’re right.

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Maybe. Who knows what new factions rose up in the aftermath of D3 and what ways they fight against evil.

They are possible candidates too.