Is ptr 2.7.6 live?

i just tried to play it, 3pm eastern time, still not there, and update is not downloading yet.

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They are waiting until I have to go to work. I wish they would stop spying on me.

Let me in!!! How much to start!?

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Here you can check.

This is like watching little kids waiting to open birthday presents. Mommy when, when?


I prayed for D4 to keep me away from D3 forever, instead, after such a painful disappointment, it has pushed me back here stronger than ever…


I stand with you! TBF Season 28 was so good it made me love it even more.

while waiting lets go play some awesome D4

Ew gross :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:!

(20 characters)

No thanks. I’d rather put carrots in my eyes.


Going to the dentist sounds more pleasant than forcing myself to play D:IV.


Don’t remind me. Eugh. I need to go get a root fixed. :cry:

Tell the doctor to blast Bloody Roots from Sepultura.

:metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:

I think Sepultura albums will be my PTR music if it launches in a reasonable time frame today.


Last time here it launched around 10-11pm. It’s almost 10pm now.

For me the clock is approaching 11PM which is annoying. I’d like to do some testing today.

I will be running with some Dokken and Queensryche. :metal:


Maybe it’s been delayed because they broke D4 and can’t figure out how to fix it?

PTR is delayed cause of Database Issues

Wonderful. Gues it’s tomorrow for me than.