PTR is now available

PTR is now available

Here you can check the current time at Blizzard HQ
Usually it opens up around 12-14 their time. Sometimes it has been sooner, sometimes it has been later.
Just reply to this thread for an update on when it is live. I’ll edit the OP and title once it is live.

PTR is now available


wonder why they don’t just set a specific time and make everyone wait and restart the app over and over…

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As a bonus, I’ll reply here when it’s up. Just need someone to reply after me so I am able to.


Sounds like a plan :slightly_smiling_face:


Smashing. Can you wake me up and hand me a large flask of black coffee too, please?

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sure, just share your exact location and credit card details please

Is PTR live? Its almost 21:00 PDT and no PTR yet…

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Go to bed and come back tomorrow.

haha I just woke up its 6 am in Europe :slight_smile:

Well, you’d better be prepared to wait another 18 hours or so…

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Thank you for info :slight_smile:

Yeah, like I said, I’ll reply and update the main post when it’s live.

You just need to reply to this topic to get updates.

I also need 1 person to reply after me please. :joy:

So it’s not live yet? :laughing:

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PTR is now available

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