Individual item drop.. Separate Cha-Am Inventory... It is no longer Diablo 2

but I never had a problem with missing out on loot, having tons of thieves, these issues you guys are crying about seem to be based on how you played, how bad of traders you were, how you couldn’t get friends together for 8 man games … now with personal people have guaranteed odds, and ya not all will play that way but you don’t make a system on how you want people to play without actually accounting for how people could play. This is a major core shift, whether or not you think it or not. You guys are literally the ones crying for the change, we see no point based on how you seem to be playing the game.

The easiest change would just show who is getting the drops, if you feel they are just cramming them in, kick them… the not knowing bothered me, but loot, nah I found a good amount, just couldn’t keep up with the bots.


a game with multiplayer should not be independant on that you got 8 friends, you should be able to just join a game and have fun with others without alot of BS drama about stolen items.

I never felt there was too much BS drama, things could be handled, again this is how you played the game. This made drops I did get more rewarding, and I got all the drops I ever needed. I dunno again it’s different play styles.

just because you are fine with having items lost right infront of you forever does not mean everyone is fine.
a darn option before creating the game that wont affect anyone beside you, who enters such game should not be a problem.

i personaly have found a great amount of items with others, but its just bad game design that a person that put 5000 hours in a game is maybe still searching for something that has gotten stolen from him several times.
You should still not need friends to play with, you should not be forced to hope everyone is not an as*hole in the group because you have played 7 days straight and got left out of loot.

Again, i still play d2, im on Project diablo 2 atm, i will play D2R like its shipping but i truly hope for the longevity of the game it will sometime get a personal loot system. So much more people will play with other, there is no denying in that.

People are selfish and its shows just more and more.

I just look at it and think your fixing and non problem that was policed by players doing the runs. If you keep getting thieves I have no clue what to say, it just was not that big of a problem for me to even think about changing a core system to compensate… the bots and dupers did all the damage.

yes bots and dupers do alot of harm to the game, but the game would not be worse with a more modern loot system.
a person doing personal loot runs would not get a higher count of drops then someone else so the economy would take no damage from that.

alot of people sticks to single player just because they dont wanna stress it and play a clicking simulating arena after each elite/boss.

Or they did private runs with friends… like all these issues have fixes in the old system.

yes but you constantly misses the point, every human who plays does NOT have friends to play with.

the friends may be offline, or they simply dont have any and a game should never rely on you having friends.

Dont come up with the argument to play with friend again, try another valid reason because this one is low.

The dev team that I’ve heard so far seem like reasonable people and are doing spectacular job. I can’t see them introducing individual loot.

I didn’t like it but the stash thing was absolutely necessary since you won’t be able to make 10 accounts. Thats the limit right there.

Edit; Oh and yes, the inventory has strategy built into it so changing it would change the core gameplay. I need to be able to choose if I want to pick up more items, have identify tome, have MF charms or resist charms, carry a cube, etc; Can’t have it all. This belongs in mods, not diablo 2.



… its not a trade off… you can still pick up items. its just more annoying to.

your not “Trading between power and convenience”

your choosing powering and therefore you ARE inconvenienced, charm inventory removed that inconvenience without changing your power.

and seriously if THATS your excuse you STILL choose between your so called “power and convenience” by sticking non charm items in your charm inventory, because apparently you need “tons” of space.

and because you don’t understand enough about this game to realize that item u need to pick up are so few and far between by the time u have 8 skillers, the 3x4 space of cube which is now your current inventory is more than enough to pick up any items u need. and the one in 100 games that you need to pick up a 2nd item and both together wont fit in your cube, then you just hold it on your cursor and leave game and make a private game and drop it… the other 99% of games your only picking up 1 item anyways

all we want is to remove the inconvenience.

you think we are trading power… were not… we have the power, we have the 3x4 cube stash space… we have the power we have an inventory… we just dont want to use some BS work around to cube it because it’s 2021 and when i pick up an item when I’m at full power i shouldn’t have to have my inventory open and play cube tetris, because every time i put something in my cube it doesn’t organize it

this is LITERALLY just a qol change

its no different that just “adding more inventory space” QOL except that “new” inventory space cant be used for charms and therefore CAN’T increase your power.

aka there is ZERO change to power and ONLY a change to qol.

You dont think after 20 years in the game people haven’t ran the numbers?
its WAY more efficient to farm while just a cube.

just because you never could afford a full inventory of charms doesn’t mean people sacrificing power for convenience.

NO ONE sacrifices efficiency for convenience. EVER, not when its thier time

thats why people stay in baal runs… thats why people grush to act 5 hell and do chaos runs.

they are sacrificing “fun” for the “power”

your bs theory that people are going to choose between using 8 pcombats and having 6 p combats and a extra 2x4 space?.. your insane… no one will EVER do that.

people keep bringing up " power for convenience" as if its a trade off…

its not a trade off… you will ALWAYS pick the lesser of 2 evils
no one will choose to lower power… if they are choosing to “lose power” then their charms aren’t good enough.

each GC in your inventory is effectively an soj for that branch. if you think people value space over that… you’re insane…

Hmmm well wrong again you are. As example MrLlamaSC and BT play PD2 and they dont want changes. Listen you need a base game out before you guys want to delete runewords, delete items, greatly increase drop rates, change most skills, change crafting mechanics and every other hair brain idea that has been proposed here. What you want is for MODS not base game, And good news D2R will support MODS.

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I have suggested in another post:

When you create or join a game, there can be a checkbox which asks if you want to join a shared loot game or a personal loot game. If you want to share loot, continue do so. If you want personal loot, play with people who also want personal loot.

There is no downside other than splitting player base but these 2 groups are splited already because people who hate shared loot are doing solo now.


wrong again, just listen to when he streams and what he talks about. lots of good stuff and im not even going to care about your later part of comment

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Personnal loot will kill the game.
Charm inventory is a stupid idea. It will deny the link between “full inventory of charms to be stronger, but less room to pick items”


This is pure gold. So what is the issue here then? The fact that powerful items are rare drops, give you a pretty good excuse to fill up your inventory with useful charms and keep the cube for when that special drop comes around.

Why do you need a separate charm inventory again? I know why, it is because you just want more. Why not just make the inventory endless? less decision making for the sake of “efficiency”, right?

Efficiency is about optimizing within a set of limitations, having a dedicated charm inventory on top of regular inventory is the opposite of that and flies in the face of what D2 was always about.

Oh, and using the “you don’t know about this game as much as I do” won’t help you here. I’ve played D1 when it released on my Win98 machine back in the day in 4th grade. You have no valid argument here, you cannot win this. Take the loss and move on.

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D1 isn’t even a real Diablo game.
Your inventory isn’t clogged up with charms, which is obviously essential for a “true” Diablo experience :crazy_face:


??? do u not understand what a QOL change is???

they are things that aren’t “needed” but would make the game better.

things that wont have any effect on balance.

  1. do we have a work around already?
    yes… we can use the cube as inventory space
  2. is the work around more efficient than not using the work around?
    yes it is, but its still a pain to use
  3. will implementing this be a buff or nerf to characters?
    no, we are simply adding more inventory space, but at the same time making sure that charms will have no effect in it. this prevents this new inventory for being filled up with charms and always allows us to pick up items without needing to use our current workaround.
  4. what does this accomplish?
    it removes the need for an annoying work around.
  5. why should this be added
    because players will always do what most efficient, even if its detrimental to the play experience,
    example include:
    baal runs ( standing in 1 place doing nothing
    grushs to hell chaos and chaos runs (following someone around and not playing)
    uberleveling before it was patched ( standing in 1 place doing nothing)

the people arguing against a “charm inventory” are arguing that players should have to just through hoops to do the most basic thing in the game… pick up items. or they need to weaken their build and play in an inefficient manners.

What about a separate “volatile inventory” that drops the items if you die. You could keep your charms in your pack and your other stuff in the “volatile inventory” but you had better not die because then all that loot gets spilt.

lol i dont think anyone here in the forum has to worry about dying… thats a cool idea for sure, but it wont accomplish anything different because none of us who have been playing for 10+ years are “ganna die”, and it would probably lead to more issues with PKers and greifers taking the gear of noobs more than anything else.

its a very clever idea for sure but i don’t think it would accomplish what u want it to.

Could also give unlimited cow king and cow level too right? I’m sure you want that change made. Rather than some random killing king and ruining it for 7 others.